#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.018; use strict; use warnings; use Try::Tiny; use lib "./lib/"; use Nipe::Engine::Stop; use Nipe::Engine::Start; use Nipe::Engine::Restart; use Nipe::Utils::Status; use Nipe::Utils::Helper; use Nipe::Utils::Install; sub main { my $argument = $ARGV[0]; if ($argument) { die "Nipe must be run as root.\n" if $> != 0; my $commands = { stop => "Nipe::Engine::Stop", start => "Nipe::Engine::Start", status => "Nipe::Utils::Status", restart => "Nipe::Engine::Restart", install => "Nipe::Utils::Install", help => "Nipe::Utils::Helper" }; try { my $exec = $commands -> {$argument} -> new(); if ($exec ne "1") { print $exec; } } catch { print "\n[!] ERROR: this command could not be run\n\n"; }; return 1; } return print Nipe::Utils::Helper -> new(); } main(); exit;