# LibreWeb Browser LibreWeb is an **open-source decentralized web browser**, leveraging IPFS. What would you do different; if you could **reinvent** The Internet in 21st century? With all the knowledge and new technologies available today. I was inspired by Douglas Engelbart, Tim Berners-Lee and Ted Nelson as well as projects like IPFS, Jekyll, ARPANET and more. 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However, we have a working [alpha version available](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/browser/-/releases). ## For Users ### Download Just download the latest LibreWeb release and get started: * [Download the latest release](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/browser/-/releases) ### Documentation Visit the [dedicated documentation site](https://docs.libreweb.org) for *user* documentation. ### Screenshots ![Browser Screenshot](./misc/browser_screenshot.png) ![Browser Markdown Editor](./misc/browser_screenshot_2.png) ### Community Join our [Telegram group](https://t.me/libreweb) or [Matrix channel](https://matrix.to/#/#libreweb:melroy.org?via=melroy.org) and become part of our community! ### Ideas / Features The current success criteria: * Everyone should be able to easily **read** and **create** a site/blog/news page and publish the content online (without minimal technical knowledge); * Built-in easy-to-use **editor** (whenever you want to publish some content without programming language knowledge); * **Decentralized** (no single-point of failure or censorship), like: P2P, DHT and IPFS; * *No* client-server approach (the client is also the server and visa versa) - think **mesh network**. * **Encrypted** transfers; * Data is stored **redundantly** within the network (no single-point of failure); * **Versioning**/revisions of content and documenents (automatically solves broken 'links', that can't happy anymore); * Publisher user should be able to add additional information about the document/page, eg. title or path (similar in how Jekyll is using the `YML` format for meta data) * Human-readable source-code (eg. `Markdown` format, could be extended as well); * You are in control about the layout and styling (just like with e-books); * Content is King; * Fast and Extensible! *Note:* Since HyperText (so is HTML) is not used, you can even ditch the HTTP protocol. However TLS, for encryption, can still be used. --- The sections below are mainly relevant for software developers, who want to contribute or help the LibreWeb Browser project. --- ## For Developers Decentralized Browser is written C++ together with some [external libraries](/lib). LibreWeb is using the [cmark-gfm](https://github.com/github/cmark-gfm) library for example, which is used for CommonMark (markdown) parsing. We're using markdown as the source-code of the content/site. No HTML and JavaScript anymore, content is king after all. LibreWeb Browser is also using [Gnome GTK3](https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/) framework for the GUI. Using the C++ bindings, called [Gtkmm](https://gtkmm.org/en/). ### Development Environment Personally, I'm using VSCodium editor, with the following extensions installed: `C/C++`, `CMake`, `CMake Tools`, `PlantUML`, `Markdown All in One`, `vscode-icons` and `GitLab Workflow`. But your local development setup is completely up to you. ### Linux Build Dependencies For the **GNU/Linux build** you need at least: * GCC 9 or higher (Packages: `build-essential g++-9`) * CMake (Package: `cmake`) * Ninja build system (Package: `ninja-build`) * Libcurl (Package: `libcurl4-openssl-dev`) * GTK3/Gtkmm3 (Package: `libgtkmm-3.0-dev`) **Dependencies for testing:** * X virtual framebuffer (Package: `xvfb`) * Clang-format (Package: `clang-format`) *Note:* For cross-compiling towards Windows and building on macOS see "[Other platforms](#other-platforms)" section below. ### Linux Build Clone the source-code with SSH (do not forget `--recurse-submodules`): ```sh git clone --recurse-submodules -j5 git@gitlab.melroy.org:libreweb/browser.git ``` Start the Linux build, which is using CMake and Ninja build system, using the wrapper script: ```sh ./scripts/build-lnx.sh ``` Optionally, use the VSCode `CMake Tools` extension to start the build or build with debug targets. #### Linux Packaging *Note:* Linux packages are already [available under releases](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/browser/-/releases). To build a release target yourself including packaging under GNU/Linux, use: `./scripts/build-lnx-prod.sh` Root access is required when building Linux packages; add `/opt/mxe/usr/bin` to the secure_path using: `sudo visudo`. ### Unit testing (Linux) To execute the **unit tests** you can configure with `cmake -DUNITTEST:BOOL=TRUE` and build. Execute: `ctest` command in the `tst` target directory. Or just use script: ```sh ./scripts/build-run-tests.sh ``` ### C++ Coding Style Guidelines #### Automated Clang Format We use our [own Clang LLVM C++ Programming Style Format](.clang-format), using [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) command. To automatically comply to our style format execute following script (inplace edits are performed for you): ```sh ./scripts/fix-format.sh ``` Check only for errors, run: `./scripts/check-format.sh` #### Core Guidelines We also tend to follow the popular [C++ Core Guidelines](http://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines) as much as possible. ### Doxygen See latest [Developer Documentation](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/browser/-/jobs/artifacts/main/file/build_docs/docs/html/index.html?job=doxygen). Doxygen is build by default. You can disable the doxygen build, if you want, using: `cmake -DDOXYGEN:BOOL=FALSE ..` ### Memory check First **build** the (Linux) target including *debug symbols*. Binary should be present in the `build/src` folder. Next, check for memory leaks using `valgrind` by executing: ```sh ./scripts/valgrind.sh ``` Or to generate a memory usage plot in [massif format](https://valgrind.org/docs/manual/ms-manual.html), execute: ```sh ./scripts/valgrind_plot.sh ``` ## Other platforms ### Microsoft Windows We are [**cross-compiling**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_compiler) towards **Windows** using GNU/Linux. #### Windows Build Dependencies * [MXE Gtkmm3 / Curl Binary packages](mxe.cc) (static build using Meson build with GCC11, see below for more info) * CMake (Package: `cmake`) * Ninja (Package: `ninja-build`) * Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (Package: `nsis`) For more information and the latest pre-build GTK3 Windows download, please my other [GTK 3 bundle repo](https://gitlab.melroy.org/melroy/gtk-3-bundle-for-windows). **Note:** We're currently busy trying to upgrade the [whole GTK stack](https://github.com/danger89/mxe/tree/update_gtk). We used the following build command to get the Windows dependencies and MXE cross-compilation toolset: ```sh make gtkmm3 curl -j 16 MXE_TARGETS='x86_64-w64-mingw32.static' MXE_PLUGIN_DIRS='plugins/gcc10' ``` *NOTE:* Soon we need gcc11, but GTK3 upstream needs to create a new release that fixes the GCC11 builds. Add the following line to the end of the `~/.bashrc` file: ```bash export PATH="/opt/mxe/usr/bin:$PATH" ``` #### Windows Cross-compile Build Please, be sure you meet all the requirements above. So your MXE environment should be ready in: `/opt/mxe/usr`. To start the *cross-compile* build towards Windows 64-bit (using GNU/Linux as host) you can use the commands below. Build a Windows development release: ```sh ./scripts/build-win.sh ``` #### Windows Packaging *Note:* Windows Installer is already [available under releases](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/browser/-/releases). Build a production release + packaging with [NSIS Installer](https://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis/), execute the following: ```sh ./scripts/build-win-prod.sh ``` For more info, see also: [Windows readme file](windows.md). ### Apple MacOS / Darwin #### MacOS Build Dependencies * Xcode (`xcode-select --install`) * Brew (`/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"`) * CMake (brew: `cmake`) * Libcurl (brew: `curl`) * Gtk3/Gtkmm3 (brew: `gtkmm3`) * GTK Mac Integration (brew: `gtk-mac-integration`) * Ninja (brew: `ninja`) #### MacOS Build We're currently using [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/LibreWeb/Browser/blob/master/.github/workflows/macOS-build.yml) for the [macOS build](https://github.com/LibreWeb/Browser/actions/workflows/macOS-build.yml). You could already download the artifact if you want, but do not expect the runtime to work. *Note:* **Packaging towards MacOS is still in progress**. ## LibreWeb Research For [research document](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/research_lab/-/blob/master/research.md) plus findings including explanation (like [diagrams](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/research_lab/-/blob/master/diagrams.md)) see the: * [LibreWeb Research Lab Project](https://gitlab.melroy.org/libreweb/research_lab/-/tree/master)