mkdir mtclient cd mtclient git init touch omnistudent_notes.txt git add omnistudent_notes.txt git commit -m "first commit, adding omnistudent_notes.txt" git remote add origin git push origin master add these changes: git add omnistudent_notes.txt git commit -m "second commit, changing omnistudent_notes.txt" git push origin master download to mtclient unzip mv minetest-master/games cd minetest-master/games unzip mv minetest_game-master minetest_game rm cd .. cd .. rm // disable line checking, see git config core.autocrlf false git add . git add omnistudent_notes.txt git commit -m "FIRST REAL COMMIT, containing zipped source and game files" git push origin master // moved all files out of minetest-master and up a directory, deleted minetest-master git add . git commit -m "Second REAL commit, moved minetest-master files up one dir" git push origin master tried making /Users/security/mtc and doing git clone mtclient to it then cmake -v -G Xcode . which failed at CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:171 (install): install FILES given no DESTINATION! and CMake Error at cmake/Modules/FindOpenGLES2.cmake:44 (create_search_paths): Unknown CMake command "create_search_paths". Call Stack (most recent call first): src/CMakeLists.txt:173 (find_package) // From earlier notes, this is what I need to do: in src/cmakelists.txt some changes early in set directories, make to look like van44 if(APPLE) FIND_LIBRARY(CARBON_LIB Carbon) FIND_LIBRARY(COCOA_LIB Cocoa) FIND_LIBRARY(IOKIT_LIB IOKit) mark_as_advanced( CARBON_LIB COCOA_LIB IOKIT_LIB ) SET(CLIENT_PLATFORM_LIBS ${CLIENT_PLATFORM_LIBS} ${CARBON_LIB} ${COCOA_LIB} ${IOKIT_LIB}) endif(APPLE) to if(APPLE) FIND_LIBRARY(CARBON_LIB Carbon) FIND_LIBRARY(COCOA_LIB Cocoa) FIND_LIBRARY(IOKIT_LIB IOKit) FIND_LIBRARY(COREFOUNDATION_LIB CoreFoundation ) mark_as_advanced( CARBON_LIB COCOA_LIB IOKIT_LIB COREFOUNDATION_LIB ) SET(CLIENT_PLATFORM_LIBS ${CLIENT_PLATFORM_LIBS} ${CARBON_LIB} ${COCOA_LIB} ${IOKIT_LIB} ${COREFOUNDATION_LIB}) SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -framework Cocoa") endif(APPLE) comment out find_package(OpenGLES2) change set(PLATFORM_LIBS -lpthread -lrt ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) to set(PLATFORM_LIBS -lpthread ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) in cmakelists.txt comment out install(FILES "misc/minetest.desktop" DESTINATION "${XDG_APPS_DIR}") in porting.h after #else // Posix #include #include insert #include #include // This one makes policy thread work #include #include #define CLOCK_REALTIME 0 #define CLOCK_MONOTONIC 0 change get getTimeNs() inline u32 getTimeNs() { // struct timespec ts; //clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); // tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; // tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; return tv.tv_sec * 1000000000 + tv.tv_usec*1000; } set xcode configuration to release copied mac files from osxminecraft/misc/mac to same dir Build now works with package and release selections in xcode Found in mrscotty cmakelists.txt if(APPLE) # TODO: install Irrlicht.framework into app bundle! # it should be in Contents/Resources/Frameworks/Irrlicht.framework # Compile .xib files # should be in Contents/Resources/MainMenu.nib at the end set (MinetestMac_XIBS MainMenu ) # Make sure the 'Resources' Directory is correctly created before we build add_custom_command (TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} PRE_BUILD COMMAND mkdir -p ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/\${CONFIGURATION}/Contents/Resources) find_program(IBTOOL ibtool HINTS "/usr/bin" "${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin") if (${IBTOOL} STREQUAL "IBTOOL-NOTFOUND") message(SEND_ERROR "ibtool can not be found and is needed to compile the .xib files. It should have been installed with the Apple developer tools. The default system paths were searched in addition to ${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin") endif() # Compile the .xib files using the 'ibtool' program with the destination being the app package foreach(xib ${MinetestMac_XIBS}) add_custom_command (TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${IBTOOL} --errors --warnings --notices --output-format human-readable-text --compile ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/\${CONFIGURATION}/Contents/Resources/${xib}.nib ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/mac/${xib}.xib COMMENT "Compiling ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${xib}.xib") endforeach() endif() for gitignore minetest-0.4.8-dev-osx.dmg .DS_Store *.pbxuser *.mode1v3 minetest-mac.xcodeproj/xcuserdata/* minetest-mac.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/* build/