#Use this file to specify research requirements for items, given specific names or groups. #An item name will always take precedence over a group name. #Group names may not always apply as you'd expect, if a modder added that item to the "rnd_goal" group in their code. #Specific item names will override rnd_goal. #Give research requirements to items by first writing that item's internal name, followed by a space and a number. #For groups, write "group:" followed by the group's internal name. Then follow that with a space and a number. #The number you write is the exact amount of items needed to research in order to unlock duplication. #It's okay to write the names of items from any other mods, even mods that aren't loaded. #It's important to note that if no goal is defined at all, items default to their given stack size. #For most items, this means the research requirement is 99. For tools, however, the requirement is 1. #Some items, like slabs and stairs, have requirements based on how many you can get per block. #This is especially so for slabs, which can be made back into solid blocks easily. group:slab 198 group:stair 149 #A number of crafted items have a goal of 1 for the sake of convenience, since you only make one at a time. #Plus, if you're making these, you'll almost always have the materials researched already. beds:bed 1 beds:fancy_bed 1 boats:boat 1 carts:cart 1 default:furnace 1 doors:door_wood 1 doors:door_steel 1 doors:door_glass 1 doors:door_obsidian_glass 1 doors:trapdoor 1 doors:trapdoor_steel 1 doors:gate_wood 1 doors:gate_acacia_wood 1 doors:gate_junglewood 1 doors:gate_pine_wood 1 doors:gate_aspen_wood 1 xpanes:door_steel_bar 1 #Empty buckets are the only buckets that are allowed to stack, which I find weird. bucket:bucket_empty 1 #Some research requirements are based on how frequently you get items. #Although there are massive differences between different ore rarities, obtaining them is still the same process, #via digging through through stone or wandering caves and hoping for the best. #Therefore, these require less research than very readily available materials, with rarer materials being more difficult to research due to their power. default:stone_with_coal 27 default:coal_lump 27 default:stone_with_copper 27 default:copper_lump 27 default:copper_ingot 27 default:stone_with_tin 27 default:tin_lump 27 default:tin_ingot 27 default:bronze_ingot 27 default:stone_with_iron 27 default:iron_lump 27 default:steel_ingot 27 default:stone_with_gold 27 default:gold_lump 27 default:gold_ingot 27 default:stone_with_mese 27 default:mese_crystal 27 default:stone_with_diamond 27 default:diamond 27 #Solid ore blocks are made from 9 of that ore, and can be made back into 9 ore each. So, slab logic applies here. default:coalblock 3 default:copperblock 3 default:tinblock 3 default:bronzeblock 3 default:steelblock 3 default:goldblock 3 default:meseblock 3 default:diamondblock 3 #In the same way, 9 pieces of ore equal one usuably-sized unit of ore. default:mese_crystal_fragment 243 #More slab logic, even these crafting processes can't normally be reversed. default:paper 33 default:book 11 #TNT Sticks need 9 because that's how many you need to make a block of TNT. tnt:tnt_stick 9 tnt:tnt 1