Add more blocks that snow will land on Add more items that change with the seasons - dirt with grass - grass turns brown in the fall - jungle trees have moss during the wet season (spring) - acorns on pine trees in the fall - flowers die in the fall and re grow in the spring Add support for moretrees and plantlife. - make deciduous trees leaves change - Add support for mobs - Animals that hibernate would not spawn in the winter - More rabbits in the late spring Weather - Make better weather textures - Find a way to make weather work better/less lag - make sky change when raining/snowing - raindrops in water - lightning - better/more sounds Months/Days - make it so mods can register holidays - make an easy api for other mods to use this Farming - making farming a seasonal thing - crops only grow from april to oct - make a greenhouse mod so crops can be grown year round - make crops full maturity at the right time of year - make crops yeild more since they will take longer to grow - add support for other farming mods (farming redo, farmingplus, crops etc)