# myboardgames A modpack for Minetest that adds different mini games. mycheckers - a checker board and pieces mychess - a chess board and pieces myconnect4 - a 4 in a row game mylittle_bg - a small board game. Roll the dice and move your player mydiamondblock - a large block with a maze of tunnels in it. Race to the top mymazes - a couple small mazes mypitfall - a simple parkour myuno - a card game mypachini - board/dice game mytrouble - board/dice game mypirinola - a top that tells you what to do There is no craft for these. Use /giveme or creative to get the placer block. Place the block and right click it. The schematic places to the north east.(+x,+z) For more information please view the topic on the forum. https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=13209 This version of the mod has been modified for server use, basically you need to have the myboardgames privilege to place the boards, by default this isn't granted to singleplayer. ~Nathan.S