minetest.register_node('furniture:fence_1_a', { _doc_items_crafting = 'This is crafted in the Woodworking Station.', description = 'Fence', drawtype = 'mesh', mesh = 'furniture_fence_1_a.obj', tiles = {'furniture_fence.png'}, paramtype = 'light', paramtype2 = 'colorfacedir', palette = 'furniture_stain_palette.png', selection_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, collision_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, choppy=3, stainable=1}, }) minetest.register_node('furniture:fence_1_b', { _doc_items_crafting = 'This is crafted in the Woodworking Station.', description = 'Fence', drawtype = 'mesh', mesh = 'furniture_fence_1_b.obj', tiles = {'furniture_fence.png'}, paramtype = 'light', paramtype2 = 'colorfacedir', palette = 'furniture_stain_palette.png', selection_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, collision_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, choppy=3, stainable=1}, }) minetest.register_node('furniture:fence_1_c', { _doc_items_crafting = 'This is crafted in the Woodworking Station.', description = 'Fence', drawtype = 'mesh', mesh = 'furniture_fence_1_c.obj', tiles = {'furniture_fence.png'}, paramtype = 'light', paramtype2 = 'colorfacedir', palette = 'furniture_stain_palette.png', selection_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, collision_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, choppy=3, stainable=1}, }) minetest.register_node('furniture:fence_1_d', { _doc_items_crafting = 'This is crafted in the Woodworking Station.', description = 'Gate', drawtype = 'mesh', mesh = 'furniture_fence_1_d.obj', tiles = {'furniture_fence.png'}, paramtype = 'light', paramtype2 = 'colorfacedir', palette = 'furniture_stain_palette.png', selection_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, collision_box = { type = 'fixed', fixed = {-.375, -.5, -.375, .375, 0.5, .375}, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, choppy=3, stainable=1}, })