local get_distance = function(a, b) local x, y, z = a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z return (x * x + y * y + z * z) end mobs:register_mob('scorpion:pet', { type = 'npc', passive = false, attack_type = 'dogfight', owner_loyal = true, pathfinding = true, damage = 10, hp_min = 30, hp_max = 75, armor = 20, collisionbox = {-0.6, -0.35, -0.5, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5}, visual = 'mesh', mesh = 'scorpion.b3d', drawtype = 'front', textures = { {'scorpion_red.png^scorpion_pet.png'}, {'scorpion_green.png^scorpion_pet.png'}, {'scorpion_tan.png^scorpion_pet.png'}, }, follow = {'mobs:meat_raw', 'mobs:chicken_raw'}, blood_texture = 'mobs_blood.png', visual_size = {x=8,y=8}, makes_footstep_sound = true, sounds = { war_cry = 'scorpion_squeak', }, walk_velocity = 3, run_velocity = 6, jump = true, stepheight = 1.7, reach = 4, view_range = 15, fear_height = 2, owner = '', order = 'follow', drops = { {name = 'mobs:meat_raw', chance = 1, min = 2, max = 8}, {name = 'scorpion:shell', chance = 1, min = 5, max = 20}, }, water_damage = 1, lava_damage = 6, light_damage = 0, animation = { speed_normal = 45, speed_run = 90, stand_start = 0, stand_end = 60, walk_start = 150, walk_end = 210, run_start = 150, run_end = 210, punch_start = 220, punch_end = 260, punch2_start = 265, punch2_end = 305, punch3_start = 70, punch3_end = 140, }, on_spawn = function(self) local pos = self.object:get_pos() local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 4) for _, obj in pairs(objs) do if obj:is_player() then local owner = obj:get_player_name() self.owner = owner minetest.chat_send_player(owner, "Aww, a baby scorpion think you're its parent!") end end return true end, on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) local name = clicker:get_player_name() if mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, 10, false, true) then return end if self.owner and self.owner == name then if self.order == 'follow' then self.order = 'stand' minetest.chat_send_player(name, ('Scorpion holding ground.')) else self.order = 'follow' minetest.chat_send_player(name, ('Scorpion following you.')) end mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, 20, 0, 100, false, nil) end end, on_grown = function(self) local owner = self.owner minetest.chat_send_player(owner, ('Your pet scorpion grew up!')) end, do_custom = function(self, dtime) --Thanks to IhrFussel for many ideas used in this code block. self.dtime = (self.dtime or 0) + dtime if self.dtime < 5 then return end self.dtime = 0 local pet_pos = self.object:get_pos() local owner = minetest.get_player_by_name(self.owner) or false if owner then --and self.state == "walk local distance = get_distance(owner:getpos(), pet_pos) if distance > 1000 then --should teleport to player if self.order == 'follow' then --but only if following self.object:set_pos(owner:getpos()) end end end end, }) mobs:register_egg('scorpion:pet', 'Pet Scorpion', 'default_grass.png', 1)