local vmultiply, vadd = vector.multiply, vector.add local random = math.random local weather = { type = "none", wind = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, registered = {}, liquids = {} } local is_valid_pos = minetest.is_valid_pos if not is_valid_pos then is_valid_pos = function() return true end end -- -- Change of weather -- sscsm.register_on_com_receive("weather_lite:set", function(msg) for k, v in pairs(msg) do weather[k] = v end end) -- -- Processing players -- assert(minetest.localplayer) sscsm.every(0.09, function() local current_downfall = weather.registered[weather.type] if current_downfall == nil then return end local ppos = vector.round(minetest.localplayer:get_pos()) ppos.y = ppos.y + 1.5 -- Higher than clouds local cloud_height = weather.cloud_height cloud_height = cloud_height ~= 0 and cloud_height or 120 if not is_valid_pos(ppos) or ppos.y > cloud_height or ppos.y < -8 then return end -- Inside liquid local head_inside = minetest.get_node_or_nil(ppos) if head_inside and weather.liquids[head_inside.name] then return end -- Too dark, probably not under the sky if minetest.get_node_light then local light = minetest.get_node_light(ppos, 0.5) if light and light < 12 then return end end local wind_pos = vmultiply(weather.wind, -1) local minp = vadd(vadd(ppos, {x = -8, y = current_downfall.height, z = -8}), wind_pos) local maxp = vadd(vadd(ppos, {x = 8, y = current_downfall.height, z = 8}), wind_pos) local vel = {x = weather.wind.x, y = -current_downfall.falling_speed, z = weather.wind.z} local vert = current_downfall.vertical or false minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = current_downfall.amount, time = 0.1, minpos = minp, maxpos = maxp, minvel = vel, maxvel = vel, minsize = current_downfall.size, maxsize = current_downfall.size, collisiondetection = true, collision_removal = true, vertical = vert, texture = current_downfall.texture, glow = 1 }) end)