-- Here you can enable/disable the different plants REEDMACE_GENERATES = true SMALL_JUNCUS_GENERATES = true EXTRA_TALL_GRASS_GENERATES = true -- Amount of Reedmace near water or swamp REEDMACE_NEAR_WATER_PER_MAPBLOCK = 35 -- plants per 80x80x80 nodes (absolute maximum number) REEDMACE_NEAR_WATER_RARITY = 40 -- percent -- Amount of Reedmace in water REEDMACE_IN_WATER_PER_MAPBLOCK = 35 -- plants per 80x80x80 nodes (absolute maximum number) REEDMACE_IN_WATER_RARITY = 65 -- percent -- Amount of Reedmace for oases, tropical beaches and tropical swamps REEDMACE_FOR_OASES_PER_MAPBLOCK = 35 -- plants per 80x80x80 nodes (absolute maximum number) REEDMACE_FOR_OASES_RARITY = 90 -- percent -- growing of reedmace sapling REEDMACE_GROWING_TIME = 16800 -- seconds REEDMACE_GROWING_CHANCE = 5 -- percent -- Amount of small Juncus near water or swamp JUNCUS_NEAR_WATER_PER_MAPBLOCK = 70 -- plants per 80x80x80 nodes (absolute maximum number) JUNCUS_NEAR_WATER_RARITY = 75 -- percent -- Amount of small Juncus at dunes/beach JUNCUS_AT_BEACH_PER_MAPBLOCK = 70 -- plants per 80x80x80 nodes (absolute maximum number) JUNCUS_AT_BEACH_RARITY = 75 -- percent -- Tall Grass on dirt with grass TALL_GRASS_PER_MAPBLOCK = 4800 -- plants per 80x80x80 nodes (absolute maximum number) TALL_GRASS_RARITY = 67 -- percent -- short grass becomes dirt with grass again GRASS_REGROWING_TIME = 16800 -- seconds GRASS_REGROWING_CHANCE = 0.5 -- percent HAY_DRYING_TIME = 3600 -- seconds REED_WILL_DRY = false -- wet reed nodes will become dry reed nodes REED_DRYING_TIME = 3600 -- seconds AUTO_ROOF_CORNER = true