--CRAFTING -- Blocks minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:subwayblock', recipe = { {'', 'dye:blue', ''}, {'dye:white', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', 'dye:blue', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:sbahnblock', recipe = { {'', 'dye:green', ''}, {'dye:white', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', 'dye:green', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:station_block', recipe = { {'', 'dye:black', ''}, {'dye:white', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', 'dye:black', ''}, } }) --Swap with modern blocks minetest.register_craft({ type = 'shapeless', output = 'trainblocks:station_block_modern', recipe = {'trainblocks:station_block'} }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'shapeless', recipe = {'trainblocks:station_block_modern'}, output = 'trainblocks:station_block' }) --lineblocks from 1 to 10 local dyes1 = {"blue", "red", "violet", "green", "orange", "yellow", "grey", "magenta", "cyan", "black"} local dyes2 = {"white", "white", "white", "white", "white", "black", "white", "white", "white", "white"} for count = 1, 10, 1 do minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:line" .. count .. " 4", recipe = { {'', "dye:" .. dyes1[count] , ''}, {"dye:" .. dyes2[count], 'default:glass', ''}, {'', '', ''}, } }) end -- Platform signs 0-10 minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign0", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', ''}, {'', 'dye:white', ''}, {'', '' ,''} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign1", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', '', 'dye:white'}, {'', '' ,'dye:white'} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign2", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', ''}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white', ''}, {'', '' ,''} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign3", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', ''}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white', 'dye:white'}, {'', '' ,''} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign4", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', ''}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white', ''}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white' ,''} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign5", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', ''}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white', 'dye:white'}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white' ,''} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign6", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', ''}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white', 'dye:white'}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white' ,'dye:white'} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign7", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', '', 'dye:white'}, {'', 'dye:white' ,''} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign8", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'dye:white', '', 'dye:white'}, {'dye:white', 'dye:white' ,'dye:white'} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign9", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', 'dye:white', 'dye:white'}, {'', '' ,'dye:white'} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "trainblocks:platformsign10", recipe = { {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', ''}, {'dye:white', '', ''}, {'dye:white', '' ,'dye:white'} } }) --subway direction signs minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:subwaysignL 2', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'dye:white', 'default:glass', 'dye:blue'}, {'', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:subwaysignR 2', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'dye:blue', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', '', ''}, } }) --sbahn direction signs minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:sbahnsignL 2', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'dye:white', 'default:glass', 'dye:green'}, {'', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:sbahnsignR 2', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'dye:white', 'default:glass', 'dye:green'}, {'', '', ''}, } }) -- Station direction signs minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:stationsignL 2', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'dye:white', 'default:glass', 'dye:black'}, {'', '', ''} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'trainblocks:stationsignR 2', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'dye:black', 'default:glass', 'dye:white'}, {'', '', ''} } }) -- Switch betwen modern station direction signs and older style minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = 'trainblocks:stationsignR_modern', recipe = {'trainblocks:stationsignR'} }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = 'trainblocks:stationsignL_modern', recipe = {'trainblocks:stationsignL'} }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", recipe = {'trainblocks:stationsignR_modern'}, output = 'trainblocks:stationsignR' }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", recipe = {'trainblocks:stationsignL_modern'}, output = 'trainblocks:stationsignL' })