// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef __I_MESH_BUFFER_H_INCLUDED__ #define __I_MESH_BUFFER_H_INCLUDED__ #include "IReferenceCounted.h" #include "SMaterial.h" #include "aabbox3d.h" #include "S3DVertex.h" #include "EHardwareBufferFlags.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { //! Enumeration for all primitive types there are. enum E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE { //! All vertices are non-connected points. EPT_POINTS=0, //! All vertices form a single connected line. EPT_LINE_STRIP, //! Just as LINE_STRIP, but the last and the first vertex is also connected. EPT_LINE_LOOP, //! Every two vertices are connected creating n/2 lines. EPT_LINES, //! After the first two vertices each vertex defines a new triangle. //! Always the two last and the new one form a new triangle. EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, //! After the first two vertices each vertex defines a new triangle. //! All around the common first vertex. EPT_TRIANGLE_FAN, //! Explicitly set all vertices for each triangle. EPT_TRIANGLES, //! After the first two vertices each further tw vetices create a quad with the preceding two. EPT_QUAD_STRIP, //! Every four vertices create a quad. EPT_QUADS, //! Just as LINE_LOOP, but filled. EPT_POLYGON, //! The single vertices are expanded to quad billboards on the GPU. EPT_POINT_SPRITES }; enum E_BUFFER_TYPE { EBT_NONE=0, EBT_VERTEX, EBT_INDEX, EBT_VERTEX_AND_INDEX }; //! Struct for holding a mesh with a single material /** SMeshBuffer is a simple implementation of a MeshBuffer. */ class IMeshBuffer : public virtual IReferenceCounted { public: //! destructor virtual ~IMeshBuffer() { } //! returns the material of this meshbuffer virtual video::SMaterial& getMaterial() = 0; //! returns the material of this meshbuffer virtual const video::SMaterial& getMaterial() const = 0; //! returns which type of vertex data is stored. virtual video::E_VERTEX_TYPE getVertexType() const = 0; //! returns pointer to vertex data. The data is an array of vertices. Which vertex //! type is used can be determined with getVertexType(). virtual const void* getVertices() const = 0; //! returns pointer to vertex data. The data is an array of vertices. Which vertex //! type is used can be determined with getVertexType(). virtual void* getVertices() = 0; //! returns amount of vertices virtual u32 getVertexCount() const = 0; //! returns pointer to Indices virtual const u16* getIndices() const = 0; //! returns pointer to Indices virtual u16* getIndices() = 0; //! returns amount of indices virtual u32 getIndexCount() const = 0; //! returns an axis aligned bounding box virtual const core::aabbox3df& getBoundingBox() const = 0; //! set user axis aligned bounding box virtual void setBoundingBox( const core::aabbox3df& box) = 0; //! recalculates the bounding box. should be called if the mesh changed. virtual void recalculateBoundingBox() = 0; //! returns position of vertex i virtual const core::vector3df& getPosition(u32 i) const = 0; //! returns position of vertex i virtual core::vector3df& getPosition(u32 i) = 0; //! returns normal of vertex i virtual const core::vector3df& getNormal(u32 i) const = 0; //! returns normal of vertex i virtual core::vector3df& getNormal(u32 i) = 0; //! append the vertices and indices to the current buffer //! Only works for compatible vertex types virtual void append(const void* const vertices, u32 numVertices, const u16* const indices, u32 numIndices) = 0; //! append the meshbuffer to the current buffer //! Only works for compatible vertex types virtual void append(const IMeshBuffer* const other) = 0; //! get the current hardware mapping hint virtual const E_HARDWARE_MAPPING getHardwareMappingHint() const = 0; //! set the hardware mapping hint, for driver virtual void setHardwareMappingHint( E_HARDWARE_MAPPING NewMappingHint ) = 0; //! flags the meshbuffer as changed, reloads hardware buffers virtual void setDirty() = 0; virtual const u32 getChangedID() const = 0; u32 HardwareHint; }; } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr #endif