// Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Colin MacDonald // No rights reserved: this software is in the public domain. #include "testUtils.h" #include using namespace irr; using namespace core; core::map countReferences; struct SDummy { SDummy(int a) : x(a) { countReferences.insert(x,1); } SDummy() : x(0) { countReferences.insert(x,1); } SDummy(const SDummy& other) { x = other.x; countReferences[x] = countReferences[x] + 1; } ~SDummy() { countReferences[x] = countReferences[x] - 1; } int x; }; static bool testErase() { { core::array aaa; aaa.push_back(SDummy(0)); aaa.push_back(SDummy(1)); aaa.push_back(SDummy(2)); aaa.push_back(SDummy(3)); aaa.push_back(SDummy(4)); aaa.push_back(SDummy(5)); aaa.erase(0,2); } for ( core::map::Iterator it = countReferences.getIterator(); !it.atEnd(); it++ ) { if ( it->getValue() != 0 ) { logTestString("testErase: wrong count for %d, it's: %d\n", it->getKey(), it->getValue()); return false; } } return true; } struct VarArray { core::array < int, core::irrAllocatorFast > MyArray; }; static bool testSelfAssignment() { core::array myArray; myArray.push_back(1); myArray = myArray; return myArray.size() == 1; } // this will (did once) crash when wrong due to deallocating memory twice, so no return value static void crashTestFastAlloc() { core::array < VarArray, core::irrAllocatorFast > ArrayArray; ArrayArray.setAllocStrategy(core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_SAFE); // force more re-allocations VarArray var; var.MyArray.setAllocStrategy(core::ALLOC_STRATEGY_SAFE); // force more re-allocations var.MyArray.push_back( 0 ); for ( int i=0; i< 100; ++i ) { ArrayArray.push_back(var); ArrayArray.push_back(var); } } static bool testSwap() { bool result = true; core::array array1, array2, copy1, copy2; for ( int i=0; i<99; ++i ) { array1.push_back(i); if ( i < 10 ) // we want also different container sizes array2.push_back(99-i); } copy1 = array1; copy2 = array2; array1.swap(array2); result &= (array1 == copy2); result &= (array2 == copy1); assert_log( result ); return result; } // Test the functionality of core::array bool testIrrArray(void) { bool allExpected = true; logTestString("crashTestFastAlloc\n"); crashTestFastAlloc(); allExpected &= testSelfAssignment(); allExpected &= testSwap(); allExpected &= testErase(); if(allExpected) logTestString("\nAll tests passed\n"); else logTestString("\nFAIL!\n"); return allExpected; }