// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Thomas Alten // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h // Code contributed by skreamz #include "IrrCompileConfig.h" #ifdef __IRR_COMPILE_WITH_WAD_ARCHIVE_LOADER_ #include "CWADReader.h" #include "os.h" #include "coreutil.h" namespace irr { namespace io { //! Constructor CArchiveLoaderWAD::CArchiveLoaderWAD( io::IFileSystem* fs) : FileSystem(fs) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CArchiveLoaderWAD"); #endif } //! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class bool CArchiveLoaderWAD::isALoadableFileFormat(const io::path& filename) const { return core::hasFileExtension ( filename, "wad" ); } //! Creates an archive from the filename /** \param file File handle to check. \return Pointer to newly created archive, or 0 upon error. */ IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderWAD::createArchive(const io::path& filename, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const { IFileArchive *archive = 0; io::IReadFile* file = FileSystem->createAndOpenFile(filename); if (file) { archive = createArchive ( file, ignoreCase, ignorePaths ); file->drop (); } return archive; } //! creates/loads an archive from the file. //! \return Pointer to the created archive. Returns 0 if loading failed. IFileArchive* CArchiveLoaderWAD::createArchive(io::IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) const { IFileArchive *archive = 0; if ( file ) { file->seek ( 0 ); archive = new CWADReader(file, ignoreCase, ignorePaths); } return archive; } //! Check if the file might be loaded by this class /** Check might look into the file. \param file File handle to check. \return True if file seems to be loadable. */ bool CArchiveLoaderWAD::isALoadableFileFormat(io::IReadFile* file) const { SWADFileHeader header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); file->read( &header.tag, 4 ); return !strncmp ( header.tag, "WAD2", 4 ) || !strncmp ( header.tag, "WAD3", 4 ); } //! Check to see if the loader can create archives of this type. bool CArchiveLoaderWAD::isALoadableFileFormat(E_FILE_ARCHIVE_TYPE fileType) const { return fileType == EFAT_WAD; } void createDir ( const c8 *full ); /*! WAD Reader */ CWADReader::CWADReader(IReadFile* file, bool ignoreCase, bool ignorePaths) : CFileList((file ? file->getFileName() : io::path("")), ignoreCase, ignorePaths), File(file) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CWADReader"); #endif if (File) { File->grab(); Base = File->getFileName(); Base.replace ( '\\', '/' ); // scan local headers scanLocalHeader(); sort(); } #if 0 for ( u32 i = 0; i < FileList.size(); ++i ) { SWADFileEntry &e = FileList[i]; char buf[128]; snprintf ( buf, 128, "c:\\h2\\%s", e.wadFileName.c_str() ); createDir ( buf ); FILE * f = fopen ( buf, "wb" ); if ( 0 == f ) continue; u8 * mem = new u8 [ e.header.disksize ]; File->seek ( e.header.filepos ); File->read ( mem, e.header.disksize ); fwrite ( mem, e.header.disksize, 1, f ); delete [] mem; fclose ( f ); } #endif } CWADReader::~CWADReader() { if (File) File->drop(); } //! return the id of the file Archive const io::path& CWADReader::getArchiveName () const { return Base; } const IFileList* CWADReader::getFileList() const { return this; } //! scans for a local header, returns false if there is no more local file header. bool CWADReader::scanLocalHeader() { SWADFileEntryOriginal entry; SWADFileEntry save; memset(&Header, 0, sizeof(SWADFileHeader)); File->read(&Header, sizeof(SWADFileHeader)); if ( 0 == strncmp ( Header.tag, "WAD2", 4 ) ) WadType = WAD_FORMAT_QUAKE2; else if ( 0 == strncmp ( Header.tag, "WAD3", 4 ) ) WadType = WAD_FORMAT_HALFLIFE; else WadType = WAD_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; if ( WadType == WAD_FORMAT_UNKNOWN ) return false; #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__ header.numlumps = os::Byteswap::byteswap(header.numlumps); header.infotableofs = os::Byteswap::byteswap(header.infotableofs); #endif File->seek ( Header.infotableofs ); c8 buf[16]; for ( u32 i = 0; i < Header.numlumps; ++i ) { // read entry File->read(&entry, sizeof ( SWADFileEntryOriginal )); entry.name[ sizeof ( entry.name ) - 1 ] = 0; save.header = entry; save.wadFileName = "/"; save.wadFileName += entry.name; if ( WadType == WAD_FORMAT_HALFLIFE ) { // don't know about the types! i'm guessing switch ( entry.type ) { case WAD_TYP_MIPTEX_HALFLIFE: save.wadFileName += ".wal2"; break; default: snprintf ( buf, 16, ".%02d", entry.type ); save.wadFileName += buf; break; } } else if ( WadType == WAD_FORMAT_QUAKE2 ) { switch ( entry.type ) { case WAD_TYP_MIPTEX: save.wadFileName += ".miptex"; break; case WAD_TYP_SOUND: save.wadFileName += ".sound"; break; case WAD_TYP_PALETTE: save.wadFileName += ".palette"; break; case WAD_TYP_QTEX: save.wadFileName += ".qtex"; break; case WAD_TYP_QPIC: save.wadFileName += ".qpic"; break; case WAD_TYP_FONT: save.wadFileName += ".font"; break; default: snprintf ( buf, 16, ".%02d", entry.type ); save.wadFileName += buf; break; } } // add file to list addItem(save.wadFileName,save.header.filepos, save.header.disksize, false ); //FileInfo.push_back(save); } return true; } //! opens a file by file name IReadFile* CWADReader::createAndOpenFile(const io::path& filename) { s32 index = findFile(filename, false); if (index != -1) return createAndOpenFile(index); return 0; } //! opens a file by index IReadFile* CWADReader::createAndOpenFile(u32 index) { if (index >= Files.size() ) return 0; const SFileListEntry &entry = Files[index]; return createLimitReadFile( entry.FullName, File, entry.Offset, entry.Size ); } } // end namespace io } // end namespace irr #endif // __IRR_COMPILE_WITH_WAD_ARCHIVE_LOADER_