# version 1.0.0 # author(s): # reviewer(s): # textdomain: skywars # @n means "newline" # @ (@1, @2, ecc) is a value that the mod will pass at runtime Count has to be greater than 0!= Rarity has to be between 1 and 10!= @1 doesn't exist!= Your hand is empty!= Treasure not found!= Treasures list:= You're not looking at anything!= The minimum or maximum amount of treasures has to be greater than 0!= @1 treasures have been copied to @2!= The arenas must be different!= ID: @1, name: @2, rarity: @3, preciousness: @4, count: @5= Chest removed!= Chest not found!= Chest list:= The chest already exists!= ID: @1, position: @2, preciousness: @3-@4, treasures amount: @5-@6= Position saved!= You didn't set the treasures!= You didn't set the chests!= You didn't set the map corners!= @1 must be disabled!= @1 must be enabled!= @1 was killed by @2= @1 already exists!= @1 added to @2!= @1 removed from @2!= Kit @1 created!= Kit @1 deleted!= Kits list:= @1 items:= Kit not found!= x@1 @2 added to @3!= @1 reset!= @1 kits have been copied to @2!= Time is out, the match is over!= Nobody= Nobody must be in the editor!= Maps table reset!=