const request = require("request"); const {color} = require("./config.js"); module.exports = { searchText: function(text, term) { let results = []; const lines = text.split("\n"); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const l = lines[i]; if (l.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase())) results.push([i + 1, l]); } return results; }, pageFooter: function(message, command, page, total) { return { icon_url:, text: `Page ${page} / ${total} | ${command}` }; }, getPage: function(command, message, config, term, func) { request(`${}`, async function(err, res, body) { if (err || res.statusCode != 200) {":warning: Something went wrong."); return; } let embed = {}; const fields = []; const results = await module.exports.searchText(body, term); if (results.length > 100) { embed = { title: "Error: Result overflow!", description: `Got ${results.length} results. Search [the page](${config.url.display}) manually instead.`, color: color }; } else if (results.length == 0) { embed = { title: `Could not find any results related to "${term}".`, color: color, }; } else { for (let i = ( - 1) * config.pageSize; i < ( * config.pageSize); i++) { const res = results[i]; if (!res) break; fields.push({ name: `Line ${res[0]}:`, value: `[\`\`\`\n${res[1]}\n\`\`\`](${config.url.display}#L${res[0]})` }) } embed = { title: config.title, thumbnail: { url: config.thumbnail }, description: `Results for [\`${term}\`](${config.url.display}):`, color: color, footer: module.exports.pageFooter(message, command,, Math.ceil(results.length / config.pageSize)), fields: fields }; } func(embed, results); }) }, addControls: async function(message, turn, exit) { try { const controls = message.client.pageControls; if (turn != false) { await message.react(controls.prev); await message.react(; } if (exit != false) await message.react(controls.exit); } catch (error) { console.error(`Failed to add page controls. Error: ${error}`); } } }