#!/bin/bash ## License ## # # GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # # Version 2, June 1991 # # Copyright (C) Megaf Info. # http://megaf.info/ and http://megafs.wordpress.com/ # # Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies # of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. # # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html ## INSTALLDIR=~ CORESCOUNT=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'core id' | wc -l) # INSTALLDIR=/tmp WAIT=15 clear echo "||==============================================================================================================||" echo "|| Hi, this is a script for Linux that will download the latest Minetest source code and it's games. ||" echo "|| It will compile Minetest for you too. ||" echo "|| Minetest will be installed at $(echo ~)/Minetest. ||" echo "|| Please, run InstallDependencies.sh before running this script. Otherwise, this script will fail! ||" echo "|| Press ctrl + c at any moment to cancel this script. ||" echo "||==============================================================================================================||" echo "|| Press ctrl + c to cancel or wait $WAIT seconds to continue. ||" echo "||==============================================================================================================||" sleep $WAIT cd $INSTALLDIR echo "||========= Downloading Minetest Source Code. From https://github.com/minetest/minetest" git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest.git Minetest cd Minetest cd games echo "||========= Downloading the default Minetest game from Minetest. From https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game" git clone https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game.git # echo "||========= Downloading a PiXel Art game for Minetest. From https://github.com/Megaf/Pixel" # git clone https://github.com/Megaf/Pixel.git # echo "||========= Downloading a lightweight game for Minetest. From https://github.com/Megaf/RPi" # git clone https://github.com/Megaf/RPi.git cd .. echo "||========= Preparing Minetest to be compiled." cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 -DENABLE_FREETYPE=1 -DENABLE_LEVELDB=0 -DENABLE_REDIS=0 -DVERSION_EXTRA=Minetest4Debian # make -j $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'core id' | wc -l) echo "||========= Compiling Minetest." make -j $CORESCOUNT echo "||========= Creating Minetest basic and fast and light configuration. (minetest.conf)" touch minetest.conf echo "wanted_fps = 30" >> minetest.conf echo "fps_max = 30" >> minetest.conf echo "pause_fps_max = 35" >> minetest.conf echo "viewing_range_nodes_max = 50" >> minetest.conf echo "viewing_range_nodes_min = 50" >> minetest.conf echo "enable_fog = false" >> minetest.conf echo "enable_3d_clouds = false" >> minetest.conf echo "preload_item_visuals = false" >> minetest.conf echo "enable_shaders = false" >> minetest.conf echo "curl_timeout = 2000" >> minetest.conf echo "curl_parallel_limit = 4" >> minetest.conf echo "menu_clouds = false" >> minetest.conf echo "fall_bobbing_amount = 1.0" >> minetest.conf echo "client_unload_unused_data_timeout = 60" >> minetest.conf # make install # cd .. cd $INSTALLDIR/Minetest echo "||========= Your Minetest is installed in $(pwd)." # echo "||========= All done! Type /$INSTALLDIR/Minetest/bin/minetest and press enter to run Minetest!" # rm -rf /tmp/Minetest