##### LazyJ's Fork of a very old version of webdesigner97's "Streets" Mod This version of 'Streets' is based off of one of webdesigner97's releases sometime around 2013_04. At LinuxGaming.us, we have been using the same release of "Streets" since the spring of 2013. With a few little tweaks, this smaller, simpler version has met and exceeded all our road-making needs, then and now. Maybe there are other servers and players who would like to have basic, modern- looking roads for their worlds without a lot of extras. If so, this mod may just be the ticket. The newer versions of "Streets" are feature-rich and excellent. If you want to create super highways and have various forms of infrastructure, I encourage you to check the newer, full-featured versions of webdesigner97's latest work on "Streets": * Minetest.net http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=2984 * GitHub https://github.com/webdesigner97/streets ~ LazyJ, 2014_06_15 Minetest version: 0.4.9 Depends: default, wool Recommended Additional Mods: none License: GPL v2 Source Code: http://github.com/LazyJ/wazuland_streets Download (.zip): http://github.com/LazyJ/wazuland_streets/archive/master.zip Install: * After downloading, unzip the file. * Rename the directory "wazuland_streets-master" to "streets" * Copy the "streets" directory into either ../minetest/worlds/yourworld'sname/worldmods/ or ../minetest/mods/ * If you put "streets" in the ../minetest/mods/ directory, either enable the mod from within Minetest's "Configure" button (main menu, bottom right) or by adding this line to the world's "world.mt" file: load_mod_streets = true