--= This section deals with farming of mushrooms local function place_seed(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, plantname) local pt = pointed_thing -- check if pointing at a node if not pt then return end if pt.type ~= "node" then return end local under = minetest.get_node(pt.under) local above = minetest.get_node(pt.above) -- return if any of the nodes is not registered if not minetest.registered_nodes[under.name] then return end if not minetest.registered_nodes[above.name] then return end -- check if pointing at the top of the node if pt.above.y ~= pt.under.y+1 then return end -- check if you can replace the node above the pointed node if not minetest.registered_nodes[above.name].buildable_to then return end -- check if pointing at soil if minetest.get_item_group(under.name, "soil") <= 1 then return end minetest.add_node(pt.above, {name=plantname}) if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end -- Mushroom Spores minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:mushroom_craftingitem", { description = "Mushroom Spores", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, inventory_image = "mushroom_spores.png", on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) return place_seed(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, "ethereal:mushroom_garden_1") end, }) -- Mushroom Plant (Must be farmed to become edible) minetest.register_node("ethereal:mushroom_plant", { description = "Mushroom (edible)", drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = {"mushroom.png"}, inventory_image = "mushroom.png", selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, 0, 0.2} }, drop = 'ethereal:mushroom_craftingitem', wield_image = "mushroom.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, groups = {snappy=2,dig_immediate=3,flammable=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(), on_use = minetest.item_eat(1), }) for i=1,4 do local drop = { items = { {items = {'ethereal:mushroom_plant 3'},rarity=1}, {items = {'ethereal:mushroom_plant 6'},rarity=18-i*2}, } } minetest.register_node("ethereal:mushroom_garden_"..i, { drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = {"ethereal_mushroom_garden_"..i..".png"}, paramtype = "light", walkable = false, drop = drop, buildable_to = true, is_ground_content = true, drop = drop, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -5/16, 0.5}, }, groups = {snappy=3,flammable=2,plant=1,mushroom=i,attached_node=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(), }) end minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"group:mushroom"}, neighbors = {"group:soil"}, interval = 30, chance = 2, action = function(pos, node) -- return if already full grown if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "mushroom") == 4 then return end -- check if on wet soil pos.y = pos.y-1 local n = minetest.get_node(pos) if minetest.get_item_group(n.name, "soil") < 3 then return end pos.y = pos.y+1 -- check light if not minetest.get_node_light(pos) then return end if minetest.get_node_light(pos) < 5 then return end -- grow local height = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "mushroom") + 1 minetest.set_node(pos, {name="ethereal:mushroom_garden_"..height}) end })