var osfs = '/' var selected = []; var prev_side = 'north'; var uv_clipboard; var outliner, texturelist; var pe_list_data = [] var open_dialog = false; var open_interface = false; var tex_version = 1; var pe_list; const Pressing = { shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, } var main_uv; var Prop = { active_panel : 'preview', wireframe : false, file_path : '', file_name : '', added_models : 0, recording : null, project_saved : true, fps : 0, zoom : 100, progress : 0, session : false, connections : 0, facing : 'north' } const Project = { name : '', parent : '', geometry_name : '', description : '', _box_uv : false, get box_uv() {return Project._box_uv}, set box_uv(v) { if (Project._box_uv != v) { Project._box_uv = v; switchBoxUV(v); } }, get texture_width() {return Project._texture_width}, get texture_height() {return Project._texture_height}, set texture_width(n) { n = parseInt(n)||16 Vue.nextTick(updateProjectResolution) Project._texture_width = n; }, set texture_height(n) { n = parseInt(n)||16 Vue.nextTick(updateProjectResolution) Project._texture_height = n; }, _texture_width : 16, _texture_height : 16, ambientocclusion: true, front_gui_light: false, get optional_box_uv() { return Format.optional_box_uv; } } const mouse_pos = {x:0,y:0} const sort_collator = new Intl.Collator(undefined, {numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base'}); $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); function onVueSetup(func) { if (!onVueSetup.funcs) { onVueSetup.funcs = [] } onVueSetup.funcs.push(func) } function canvasGridSize(shift, ctrl) { if (!shift && !ctrl) { return 16 / limitNumber(settings.edit_size.value, 1, 512) } else if (ctrl && shift) { var basic = 16 / limitNumber(settings.edit_size.value, 1, 512) var control = 16 / limitNumber(settings.ctrl_size.value, 1, 4096) var shift = 16 / limitNumber(settings.shift_size.value, 1, 4096) control = basic / control return shift / control } else if (ctrl) { return 16 / limitNumber(settings.ctrl_size.value, 1, 4096) } else { return 16 / limitNumber(settings.shift_size.value, 1, 4096) } } function updateNslideValues() { if (selected.length) { BarItems.slider_pos_x.update() BarItems.slider_pos_y.update() BarItems.slider_pos_z.update() BarItems.slider_size_x.update() BarItems.slider_size_y.update() BarItems.slider_size_z.update() BarItems.slider_inflate.update() } if (selected.length || (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected)) { BarItems.slider_origin_x.update() BarItems.slider_origin_y.update() BarItems.slider_origin_z.update() BarItems.slider_rotation_x.update() BarItems.slider_rotation_y.update() BarItems.slider_rotation_z.update() if (Format.bone_rig) { BarItems.bone_reset_toggle.setIcon(Group.selected && Group.selected.reset ? 'check_box' : 'check_box_outline_blank') } else { BarItems.rescale_toggle.setIcon(selected[0].rescale ? 'check_box' : 'check_box_outline_blank') } } if (Modes.animate && Group.selected) { //BarItems.slider_ik_chain_length.update(); //BarItems.ik_enabled.setIcon(Group.selected.ik_enabled ? 'check_box' : 'check_box_outline_blank') } } function setProjectResolution(width, height, modify_uv) { if (Project.texture_width / width != Project.texture_width / height) { modify_uv = false; } Undo.initEdit({uv_mode: true, elements: Cube.all, uv_only: true}) let old_res = { x: Project.texture_width, y: Project.texture_height } Project.texture_width = width; Project.texture_height = height; if (modify_uv) { var multiplier = [ Project.texture_width/old_res.x, Project.texture_height/old_res.y ] function shiftCube(cube, axis) { if (Project.box_uv) { obj.uv_offset[axis] *= multiplier[axis]; } else { for (var face in cube.faces) { var uv = cube.faces[face]; uv[axis] *= multiplier[axis]; uv[axis+2] *= multiplier[axis]; } } } if (old_res.x != Project.texture_width && Math.areMultiples(old_res.x, Project.texture_width)) { Cube.all.forEach(cube => shiftCube(cube, 0)); } if (old_res.y != Project.texture_height && Math.areMultiples(old_res.x, Project.texture_width)) { Cube.all.forEach(cube => shiftCube(cube, 1)); } } Undo.finishEdit('Changed project resolution') Canvas.updateAllUVs() if (selected.length) { main_uv.loadData() } } function updateProjectResolution() { $('#project_resolution_status').text(`${Project.texture_width} ⨉ ${Project.texture_height}`); } //Selections function updateSelection() { elements.forEach(obj => { if (selected.includes(obj) && !obj.selected) { obj.selectLow() } else if (!selected.includes(obj) && obj.selected) { obj.unselect() } }) Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (cube.visibility) { var mesh = cube.mesh if (mesh && mesh.outline) { mesh.outline.visible = cube.selected } } }) for (var i = Cube.selected.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!selected.includes(Cube.selected[i])) { Cube.selected.splice(i, 1) } } if (Cube.selected.length) { $('.selection_only').css('visibility', 'visible') } else { if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) { $('.selection_only').css('visibility', 'hidden') $('.selection_only#element').css('visibility', 'visible') } else { $('.selection_only').css('visibility', 'hidden') if (Locator.selected.length) { $('.selection_only#element').css('visibility', 'visible') } } if (Format.single_texture && Modes.paint) { $('.selection_only#uv').css('visibility', 'visible') } } if (Cube.selected.length || (Format.single_texture && Modes.paint)) { main_uv.jquery.size.find('.uv_mapping_overlay').remove() main_uv.loadData() } if (Modes.animate) { updateKeyframeSelection(); } BarItems.cube_counter.update(); updateNslideValues(); Blockbench.globalMovement = isMovementGlobal(); updateCubeHighlights(); Canvas.updateOrigin(); Transformer.updateSelection(); Transformer.update(); previews.forEach(preview => { preview.updateAnnotations(); }) BARS.updateConditions(); delete TickUpdates.selection; Blockbench.dispatchEvent('update_selection'); } function selectAll() { if (Modes.animate) { selectAllKeyframes() } else if (Modes.edit || Modes.paint) { if (selected.length < elements.length) { elements.forEach(obj => { obj.selectLow() }) updateSelection() } else { unselectAll() } } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('select_all') } function unselectAll() { selected.forEachReverse(obj => obj.unselect()) if (Group.selected) Group.selected.unselect() Group.all.forEach(function(s) { s.selected = false }) updateSelection() } function createSelection() { if ($('#selgen_new').is(':checked')) { selected.length = 0 } if (Group.selected) { Group.selected.unselect() } var name_seg = $('#selgen_name').val().toUpperCase() var tex_seg = $('#selgen_texture').val().toLowerCase() var rdm = $('#selgen_random').val()/100 var array = elements if ($('#selgen_group').is(':checked') && Group.selected) { array = Group.selected.children } array.forEach(function(obj) { if ( === false) return; if (obj instanceof Cube && tex_seg && !Format.single_texture) { var has_tex = false; for (var key in obj.faces) { var tex = obj.faces[key].getTexture(); if (tex && { has_tex = true } } if (!has_tex) return; } if (Math.random() > rdm) return; selected.push(obj) }) updateSelection() if (selected.length) { selected[0].showInOutliner() } hideDialog() } //Modes class Mode extends KeybindItem { constructor(data) { super(data) =; = || tl('mode.'; this.selected = false this.default_tool = data.default_tool; this.center_windows = data.center_windows||['preview']; this.selectCubes = data.selectCubes !== false this.hide_toolbars = data.hide_toolbars this.condition = data.condition; this.onSelect = data.onSelect; this.onUnselect = data.onUnselect; Modes.options[] = this; } select() { var scope = this; if (Modes.selected) { delete Modes[]; Modes.previous_id =; } if (typeof Modes.selected.onUnselect === 'function') { Modes.selected.onUnselect() } if (Modes.selected.selected) { Modes.selected.selected = false } this.selected = true; = Modes.selected = this; Modes[] = true; document.body.setAttribute('mode',; $('#center > #preview').toggle(this.center_windows.includes('preview')); $('#center > #timeline').toggle(this.center_windows.includes('timeline')); $('#center > #start_screen').toggle(this.center_windows.includes('start_screen')); if (this.hide_toolbars) { $('#main_toolbar .toolbar_wrapper').css('visibility', 'hidden') } else { $('#main_toolbar .toolbar_wrapper').css('visibility', 'visible') } if (typeof this.onSelect === 'function') { this.onSelect() } updateInterface() Canvas.updateRenderSides() if (BarItems[this.default_tool]) { BarItems[this.default_tool].select() } else { } updateSelection() } trigger() { if (Condition(this.condition)) { } } } const Modes = { id: 'edit', selected: false, options: {}, }; onVueSetup(function() { Modes.vue = new Vue({ el: '#mode_selector', data: { options: Modes.options } }) }); BARS.defineActions(function() { new Mode({ id: 'start', category: 'navigate', center_windows: ['start_screen'], hide_toolbars: true, onSelect: function () { }, onUnselect: function () { } }) new Mode({ id: 'edit', default_tool: 'move_tool', category: 'navigate', condition: () => Format, keybind: new Keybind({key: 49}) }) new Mode({ id: 'paint', default_tool: 'brush_tool', category: 'navigate', condition: () => Format, keybind: new Keybind({key: 50}), onSelect: () => { if (Modes.previous_id == 'animate') { Animator.preview(); } Cube.all.forEach(cube => { Canvas.buildGridBox(cube) }) $('#main_colorpicker').spectrum('set', ColorPanel.vue._data.main_color); BarItems.slider_color_h.update(); BarItems.slider_color_s.update(); BarItems.slider_color_v.update(); }, onUnselect: () => { Cube.all.forEach(cube => { Canvas.buildGridBox(cube) }) }, }) new Mode({ id: 'display', selectCubes: false, default_tool: 'move_tool', category: 'navigate', keybind: new Keybind({key: 51}), condition: () => Format.display_mode, onSelect: () => { enterDisplaySettings() }, onUnselect: () => { exitDisplaySettings() }, }) new Mode({ id: 'animate', default_tool: 'move_tool', category: 'navigate', center_windows: ['preview', 'timeline'], keybind: new Keybind({key: 52}), condition: () => Format.animation_mode, onSelect: () => { Animator.join() }, onUnselect: () => { Animator.leave() } }) //Update to 3.2.0 if (Modes.options.animate.keybind.key == 51) { Modes.options.animate.keybind.set({key: 52}) } }) //Backup setInterval(function() { if (Outliner.root.length || textures.length) { try { var model = Codecs.project.compile(); localStorage.setItem('backup_model', model) } catch (err) { console.log('Unable to create backup. ', err) } } }, 1e3*30) //Misc const TickUpdates = { Run() { if (TickUpdates.outliner) { delete TickUpdates.outliner; loadOutlinerDraggable() } if (TickUpdates.selection) { delete TickUpdates.selection; updateSelection() } if (TickUpdates.main_uv) { delete TickUpdates.main_uv; main_uv.loadData() } if (TickUpdates.texture_list) { delete TickUpdates.texture_list; loadTextureDraggable(); } if (TickUpdates.keyframes) { delete TickUpdates.keyframes; Vue.nextTick(Timeline.update) } if (TickUpdates.keyframe_selection) { delete TickUpdates.keyframe_selection; Vue.nextTick(updateKeyframeSelection) } if (TickUpdates.keybind_conflicts) { delete TickUpdates.keybind_conflicts; updateKeybindConflicts(); } } } const FormatWizard = { start() { var dialog_1 = new Dialog({ id: 'format_wizard_1', title: 'format_wizard.title', width: 540, form: { question: {type: 'text', text: 'Which platform do you want to create a model for?'}, platform: {label: '', type: 'radio', options: { 'mcj': 'Minecraft: Java Edition', 'mcbe': 'Minecraft: Bedrock Edition', 'obj': 'Game Engine' }}, }, onConfirm: function(formResult1) { if (formResult1.platform == 'obj') { FormatWizard.result('free'); } else if (formResult1.platform == 'mcbe') { var types = { block: 'format_wizard.type.block', item: 'format_wizard.type.item', entity: 'format_wizard.type.entity', } } else { var types = { block: 'format_wizard.type.block', item: 'format_wizard.type.item', entity: 'format_wizard.type.entity', armor: 'format_wizard.type.armor', } } var dialog_2 = new Dialog({ id: 'format_wizard_2', title: 'format_wizard.title', width: 540, form: { question: {type: 'text', text: 'What type of model do you want to edit?'}, type: {label: '', type: 'radio', options: types}, }, onConfirm: function(formResult2) { if (formResult1.platform == 'mcj' && (formResult2.type == 'entity' || formResult2.type == 'armor')) { var dialog_3 = new Dialog({ id: 'format_wizard_3', title: 'format_wizard.title', width: 540, form: { question: {type: 'text', text: 'What do you want to create the model for?'}, product: {label: '', type: 'radio', options: { vanilla: '', optifine: '', modded: '', }}, }, onConfirm: function(formResult3) { switch (formResult3.product) { case 'vanilla': FormatWizard.result(''); break; case 'optifine': FormatWizard.result(formResult2.type == 'armor' ? 'java_armor' : 'optifine_entity'); break; case 'modded': default: FormatWizard.result('modded_entity'); break; } } }).show(); } else if (formResult1.platform == 'mcj') { FormatWizard.result('java_block'); } else { switch (formResult2.type) { case 'block': FormatWizard.result('not_supported_yet'); break; case 'item': FormatWizard.result('not_supported_yet'); break; default: FormatWizard.result('bedrock'); break; } } } }).show(); } }).show(); }, result(result) { } } const entityMode = { hardcodes: {"geometry.chicken":{"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.llama":{"chest1":{"rotation":[0,90,0]},"chest2":{"rotation":[0,90,0]},"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.cow":{"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.sheep.sheared":{"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.sheep":{"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.phantom":{"body":{"rotation":[0,0,0]},"wing0":{"rotation":[0,0,5.7]},"wingtip0":{"rotation":[0,0,5.7]},"wing1":{"rotation":[0,0,-5.7]},"wingtip1":{"rotation":[0,0,-5.7]},"head":{"rotation":[11.5,0,0]},"tail":{"rotation":[0,0,0]},"tailtip":{"rotation":[0,0,0]}},"geometry.pig":{"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.ocelot":{"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]},"tail1":{"rotation":[90,0,0]},"tail2":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"":{"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]},"tail1":{"rotation":[90,0,0]},"tail2":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.turtle":{"eggbelly":{"rotation":[90,0,0]},"body":{"rotation":[90,0,0]}},"geometry.villager.witch":{"hat2":{"rotation":[-3,0,1.5]},"hat3":{"rotation":[-6,0,3]},"hat4":{"rotation":[-12,0,6]}},"geometry.pufferfish.mid":{"spines_top_front":{"rotation":[45,0,0]},"spines_top_back":{"rotation":[-45,0,0]},"spines_bottom_front":{"rotation":[-45,0,0]},"spines_bottom_back":{"rotation":[45,0,0]},"spines_left_front":{"rotation":[0,45,0]},"spines_left_back":{"rotation":[0,-45,0]},"spines_right_front":{"rotation":[0,-45,0]},"spines_right_back":{"rotation":[0,45,0]}},"geometry.pufferfish.large":{"spines_top_front":{"rotation":[45,0,0]},"spines_top_back":{"rotation":[-45,0,0]},"spines_bottom_front":{"rotation":[-45,0,0]},"spines_bottom_back":{"rotation":[45,0,0]},"spines_left_front":{"rotation":[0,45,0]},"spines_left_back":{"rotation":[0,-45,0]},"spines_right_front":{"rotation":[0,-45,0]},"spines_right_back":{"rotation":[0,45,0]}},"geometry.tropicalfish_a":{"leftFin":{"rotation":[0,-35,0]},"rightFin":{"rotation":[0,35,0]}},"geometry.tropicalfish_b":{"leftFin":{"rotation":[0,-35,0]},"rightFin":{"rotation":[0,35,0]}}}, }