minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() minetest.show_formspec(name,"Presentation", "size[10,10]".. "textarea[0.5,1;9.5,4;;;First i dont speak English,Hello,thanks for test Survivethedays,this is a little game still in WIP version(Work in progress),in this game you must survive during a determinated time,simple,theres some monsters in the " .. "world who will trie to kill the player,for the creation of this game i used Blender and Makehuman.]".. "label[1,5;Select the difficulty of the game]".. "label[3.5,6;The game will be easy.]".. "label[3.5,7;For casual players]".. "label[3.5,8;For tose wo want a challenge]".. "label[3.5,9;For tose .. i better don t say this]".. "button_exit[0.5,6;3,1;Easy;Easy]".. "button_exit[0.5,7;3,1;Mediun;Mediun]".. "button_exit[0.5,8;3,1;Hard;Hard]".. "button_exit[0.5,9;3,1;Nigthmare;Nightmare]") end) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local name = player:get_player_name() if formname ~= "Presentation" then return end if fields.Easy then minetest.kick_player(name, 'The player has win the game in easy difficulty,that was easy right?') end minetest.after(1,function(player) minetest.show_formspec(name,"Personaje", "size[20,10]".. "model[0,0;10,10;'test';character2.obj;character2.png]") end) end)