$Name. */ public $Uses = array('Form', 'ActionModel'); /** * If you use a constructor, always call parent. * Delete this if you don't need it. * * @access public */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * This is a good place to include JS, CSS, and modules used by all methods of this controller. * * Always called by dispatcher before controller's requested method. * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ public function Initialize() { parent::Initialize(); Gdn_Theme::Section('Dashboard'); if($this->Menu) { $this->Menu->HighlightRoute('/actions'); } $this->AddJsFile('actions.js'); $this->AddCssFile('actions.css'); } public function Settings($Page = '') { $this->Permission('Yaga.Reactions.Manage'); $this->AddSideMenu('actions/settings'); $this->Title('Manage Reactions'); // Get list of actions from the model and pass to the view $this->SetData('Actions', $this->ActionModel->GetActions()); $this->Render(); } public function Edit($ActionID = NULL) { $this->Permission('Yaga.Reactions.Manage'); $this->AddSideMenu('actions/settings'); $this->Form->SetModel($this->ActionModel); if($ActionID) { $this->Action = $this->ActionModel->GetAction($ActionID); $this->Form->AddHidden('ActionID', $ActionID); } if($this->Form->IsPostBack() == FALSE) { $this->Form->SetData($this->Action); } else { if($this->Form->Save()) { $Action = $this->ActionModel->GetAction($this->Form->GetValue('ActionID')); $NewActionRow = ''; $NewActionRow .= "$Action->Name"; $NewActionRow .= "$Action->Description"; $NewActionRow .= "$Action->Tooltip"; $NewActionRow .= "$Action->AwardValue"; $NewActionRow .= '' . Anchor(T('Edit'), 'yaga/actions/edit/' . $Action->ActionID, array('class' => 'Popup SmallButton')) . Anchor(T('Delete'), 'yaga/actions/delete/' . $Action->ActionID, array('class' => 'Hijack SmallButton')) . ''; $NewActionRow .= ''; $this->JsonTarget('#ActionID_' . $this->Action->ActionID, $NewActionRow, 'ReplaceWith'); $this->InformMessage('Action updated successfully!'); } } $this->Render('add'); } public function Add() { $this->Edit(); } public function Delete($ActionID) { if(!$this->Request->IsPostBack()) { throw PermissionException('Javascript'); } $this->Permission('Yaga.Reactions.Manage'); $this->AddSideMenu('actions/settings'); $this->ActionModel->DeleteAction($ActionID); $this->JsonTarget('#ActionID_' . $ActionID, null, 'SlideUp'); $this->Render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard'); } }