SQL ->Select() ->From('Action') ->OrderBy('Sort') ->Get() ->Result(); //decho('Filling the action cache.'); } return self::$_Actions; } /** * Returns data for a specific action * * @param int $ActionID * @return dataset */ public function GetByID($ActionID) { $Action = $this->SQL ->Select() ->From('Action') ->Where('ActionID', $ActionID) ->Get() ->FirstRow(); return $Action; } /** * Gets the last inserted Action * * @return DataSet */ public function GetNewestAction() { $Action = $this->SQL ->Select() ->From('Action') ->OrderBy('ActionID', 'desc') ->Get() ->FirstRow(); return $Action; } /** * Determine if a specified action exists * * @param int $ActionID * @return bool */ public function Exists($ActionID) { $temp = $this->GetByID($ActionID); return !empty($temp); } /** * Remove an action from the db * * @param int $ActionID * @param int $ReplacementID what action ID existing reactions should report * to. Null will delete the associated reactions. */ public function Delete($ActionID, $ReplacementID = NULL) { if($this->Exists($ActionID)) { $this->SQL->Delete('Action', array('ActionID' => $ActionID)); // replace the reaction table to move reactions to a new action if($ReplacementID && $this->Exists($ReplacementID)) { $this->SQL->Update('Reaction') ->Set('ActionID', $ReplacementID) ->Where('ActionID', $ActionID); } else { $this->SQL->Delete('Reaction', array('ActionID' => $ActionID)); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } public function SaveSort($SortArray) { foreach($SortArray as $Index => $Action) { // remove the 'Action_' prefix $ActionID = substr($Action, 7); $this->SetField($ActionID, 'Sort', $Index); } return TRUE; } }