/* Copyright 2013 Zachary Doll */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#Actions').sortable({ axis: 'y', containment: 'parent', cursor: 'move', cursorAt: {left: '10px'}, forcePlaceholderSize: true, items: 'li', placeholder: 'Placeholder', opacity: .6, tolerance: 'pointer', update: function() { $.post( gdn.url('/yaga/action/sort.json'), { 'SortArray': $('ol.Sortable').sortable('toArray'), 'TransientKey': gdn.definition('TransientKey') }, function(response) { if (!response || !response.Result) { alert("Oops - Didn't save order properly"); } } ); } }); // Wait to hide things after a popup reveal has happened $('body').on('popupReveal', function() { // Hide the advanced settings $('#AdvancedActionSettings').children('div').hide(); $('#AdvancedActionSettings span').click(function(){ $(this).siblings().slideToggle(); }); // If someone types in the class manually, deselect icons and select if needed $("input[name='CssClass']").on('input', function() { $('#ActionIcons img.Selected').removeClass('Selected'); var FindCssClass = $(this).val(); if(FindCssClass.length) { $("#ActionIcons img[data-class='" + CurrentCssClass + "']").addClass('Selected'); } }); $('#ActionIcons img').click(function() { var newCssClass = 'React' + $(this).attr('title'); $("input[name='CssClass']").val(newCssClass); $('#ActionIcons img.Selected').removeClass('Selected'); $(this).addClass('Selected'); }); }); // If the form is already existing, trigger the event manually if($('#AdvancedActionSettings').length) { $('body').trigger('popupReveal'); } });