### This repository contains the technic chests This is mod is designed/modified for the [illuna-minetest.tk](//illuna-minetest.tk) Minetestserver. Please use it with care or take a look at the [original mod](https://github.com/minetest-technic/technic). **** ##### Code license: GNU LGPLv2+. ##### Texture Licenses: **VanessaE: (WTFPL)** * technic_pencil_icon.png * technic_checkmark_icon.png * technic_chest_overlay_*.png * technic_*_chest_lock_overlay.png **sdzen (Elise Staudter) modified by VanessaE (CC BY-SA 3.0):** * copper, iron, silver, gold, mithril chest textures 16x16 **RealBadAngel: (WTFPL)** * Everything else.