## Simple Arcs [pkarcs] by PEAK ### modified for The World of Illuna by tchncs this awesome mod has it's origin here: * https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14541 however this fork provides a sort-of API just like Moreblocks does. You can easily register your mods nodes following this syntax: `register_arc("mycoolmod", "nodename", "description", "imagename", "sound", "group(s)")` this would look like this: `register_arc("default", "stone", "Stone", "default_stone", default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), {cracky=3, stone=1})` Please be aware of new nodeid's this fork provides for avoiding nodeconflicts, like The World of Illuna uses a duplicate stonebrick node. There will follow aliases for the default nodes quite soon but if you extended your copy of the original mod already and plan to replace it, the nodenames change like: `pkarcs:stonebrick` to `pkarcs:default_stonebrick` ![](https://git.tchncs.de/Illuna-Minetest/pkarcs/raw/master/screenshot_1.png)