loud_walking = {} loud_walking.version = "1.0" loud_walking.time_factor = 10 -- affects growth abms loud_walking.light_max = 8 -- light intensity for mushroom growth loud_walking.path = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) loud_walking.world = minetest.get_worldpath() loud_walking.pod_size_x = minetest.setting_get('loud_walking_pod_size_x') if loud_walking.pod_size_x == nil then loud_walking.pod_size_x = 100 end loud_walking.pod_size_y = minetest.setting_get('loud_walking_pod_size_y') if loud_walking.pod_size_y == nil then loud_walking.pod_size_y = 100 end loud_walking.pod_size_z = minetest.setting_get('loud_walking_pod_size_z') if loud_walking.pod_size_z == nil then loud_walking.pod_size_z = 100 end loud_walking.bridge_size = minetest.setting_get('loud_walking_bridge_size') if loud_walking.bridge_size == nil then loud_walking.bridge_size = 50 end loud_walking.vertical_sep = minetest.setting_get('loud_walking_vertical_sep') if loud_walking.vertical_sep == nil then loud_walking.vertical_sep = 300 end loud_walking.breakable_wood = minetest.setting_getbool('loud_walking_breakable_wood') if loud_walking.breakable_wood == nil then loud_walking.breakable_wood = false end local armor_mod = minetest.get_modpath("3d_armor") and armor and armor.set_player_armor loud_walking.elixir_armor = minetest.setting_getbool('loud_walking_use_armor_elixirs') if loud_walking.elixir_armor == nil then loud_walking.elixir_armor = true end loud_walking.expire_elixir_on_death = minetest.setting_getbool('loud_walking_expire_elixir_on_death') if loud_walking.expire_elixir_on_death == nil then loud_walking.expire_elixir_on_death = true end loud_walking.breakable_wood = minetest.setting_getbool('loud_walking_breakable_wood') if loud_walking.breakable_wood == nil then loud_walking.breakable_wood = false end loud_walking.starting_equipment = minetest.setting_getbool('loud_walking_starting_equipment') if loud_walking.starting_equipment == nil then loud_walking.starting_equipment = false end loud_walking.quick_leaf_decay = minetest.setting_getbool('loud_walking_quick_leaf_decay') if loud_walking.quick_leaf_decay == nil then loud_walking.quick_leaf_decay = false end loud_walking.DEBUG = false -- for maintenance only local inp = io.open(loud_walking.world..'/loud_walking_data.txt','r') if inp then local d = inp:read('*a') loud_walking.db = minetest.deserialize(d) inp:close() end if not loud_walking.db then loud_walking.db = {} end for _, i in pairs({'teleport_data', 'hunger', 'status', 'translocators'}) do if not loud_walking.db[i] then loud_walking.db[i] = {} end end if not minetest.set_mapgen_setting then return end minetest.register_on_mapgen_init(function(mgparams) minetest.set_mapgen_params({mgname="singlenode", water_level=-31000, flags="nolight"}) end) -- Modify a node to add a group function minetest.add_group(node, groups) local def = minetest.registered_items[node] if not (node and def and groups and type(groups) == 'table') then return false end local def_groups = def.groups or {} for group, value in pairs(groups) do if value ~= 0 then def_groups[group] = value else def_groups[group] = nil end end minetest.override_item(node, {groups = def_groups}) return true end function loud_walking.clone_node(name) if not (name and type(name) == 'string') then return end local node = minetest.registered_nodes[name] local node2 = table.copy(node) return node2 end loud_walking.registered_status = {} function loud_walking.register_status(def) if not (def and loud_walking.registered_status and type(def) == 'table') then return end loud_walking.registered_status[def.name] = { remove = def.remove, start = def.start, during = def.during, terminate = def.terminate, } end function loud_walking.set_status(player_name, status, time, param) if not (player_name and type(player_name) == 'string' and status and type(status) == 'string') and loud_walking.db and loud_walking.db.status and loud_walking.db.status[player_name] then return end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name) local def = loud_walking.registered_status[status] if not (def and player) then return end if not param then param = {} end if time then param.remove = (minetest.get_gametime() or 0) + time end loud_walking.db.status[player_name][status] = param if def.start then def.start(player) end end function loud_walking.remove_status(player_name, status) if not (player_name and type(player_name) == 'string' and status and type(status) == 'string') and loud_walking.db and loud_walking.db.status and loud_walking.db.status[player_name] then return end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name) local def = loud_walking.registered_status[status] if player and def then if def.terminate then loud_walking.db.status[player_name][status] = def.terminate(player) else loud_walking.db.status[player_name][status] = nil end end end --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/recipe_list.lua") dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/chat.lua") dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/nodes.lua") dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/deco.lua") dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/deco_caves.lua") --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/schematics.lua") --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/wallhammer.lua") dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/mapgen.lua") --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/wooden_buckets.lua") --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/tools.lua") --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/molotov.lua") --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/elixir.lua") --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/chat.lua") if minetest.get_modpath("mobs") and mobs and mobs.mod == "redo" then --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/mobs.lua") end --dofile(loud_walking.path .. "/abms.lua") --loud_walking.print_recipes() -- Attempt to save data at shutdown (as well as periodically). minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() local out = io.open(loud_walking.world..'/loud_walking_data.txt','w') if out then print('Squaresville: Saving database at shutdown') out:write(minetest.serialize(loud_walking.db)) out:close() end end) local hunger_mod = minetest.get_modpath("hunger") loud_walking.hunger_id = {} function loud_walking.hunger_change(player, change) if not (player and change and type(change) == 'number') then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() if hunger_mod then if change < 0 and hunger and hunger.update_hunger and hunger.players then hunger.update_hunger(player, hunger.players[player_name].lvl + change * 4) end return end if not (loud_walking.db.hunger and loud_walking.hunger_id) then return end local hp = player:get_hp() if not (hp and type(hp) == 'number') then return end if change < 0 or hp >= 16 then loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name] = math.min(20, math.max(0, loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name] + change)) player:hud_change(loud_walking.hunger_id[player_name], 'number', loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name]) if loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name] == 0 then player:set_hp(hp - 1) end end end local hunger_hud if not hunger_mod then hunger_hud = function(player) if not (player and loud_walking.db.hunger and loud_walking.hunger_id) then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() if not loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name] then loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name] = 20 end local hunger_bar = { hud_elem_type = 'statbar', position = {x=0.52, y=1}, offset = {x = 0, y = -90}, name = "hunger", text = "farming_bread.png", number = loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name], direction = 0, size = { x=24, y=24 }, } loud_walking.hunger_id[player_name] = player:hud_add(hunger_bar) end minetest.register_on_item_eat(function(hp_change, replace_with_item, itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if not (hp_change and type(hp_change) == 'number') then return end if hp_change > 0 then loud_walking.hunger_change(user, hp_change) end end) end minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) if loud_walking.db.status and not player then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() if not (player_name and type(player_name) == 'string' and player_name ~= '') then return end if loud_walking.db.status[player_name] then for status in pairs(loud_walking.db.status[player_name]) do local def = loud_walking.registered_status[status] if not def.remain_after_death then loud_walking.remove_status(player_name, status) end end end if loud_walking.db.hunger and loud_walking.hunger_id and not hunger_mod then loud_walking.db.hunger[player_name] = 20 player:hud_change(loud_walking.hunger_id[player_name], 'number', 20) end end) loud_walking.armor_id = {} local armor_hud if not armor_mod then armor_hud = function(player) if not (player and loud_walking.armor_id) then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() if not player_name then return end local armor_icon = { hud_elem_type = 'image', name = "armor_icon", text = 'loud_walking_shield.png', scale = {x=1,y=1}, position = {x=0.8, y=1}, offset = {x = -30, y = -80}, } local armor_text = { hud_elem_type = 'text', name = "armor_text", text = '0%', number = 0xFFFFFF, position = {x=0.8, y=1}, offset = {x = 0, y = -80}, } loud_walking.armor_id[player_name] = {} loud_walking.armor_id[player_name].icon = player:hud_add(armor_icon) loud_walking.armor_id[player_name].text = player:hud_add(armor_text) end loud_walking.display_armor = function(player) if not (player and loud_walking.armor_id) then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() local armor = player:get_armor_groups() if not (player_name and armor and armor.fleshy) then return end player:hud_change(loud_walking.armor_id[player_name].text, 'text', (100 - armor.fleshy)..'%') end end if loud_walking.starting_equipment then minetest.register_on_newplayer(function(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() inv:add_item("main", 'default:sword_wood') inv:add_item("main", 'default:axe_wood') inv:add_item("main", 'default:pick_wood') inv:add_item("main", 'default:apple 10') inv:add_item("main", 'default:torch 10') if minetest.registered_items['unified_inventory:bag_small'] then inv:add_item("main", 'unified_inventory:bag_small') end end) end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) if not (player and loud_walking.db.status) then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() if not (player_name and type(player_name) == 'string' and player_name ~= '') then return end if not loud_walking.db.status[player_name] then loud_walking.db.status[player_name] = {} end if armor_hud then armor_hud(player) end if hunger_hud then hunger_hud(player) end -- If there's an armor mod, we wait for it to load armor. if loud_walking.load_armor_elixir and not armor_mod then loud_walking.load_armor_elixir(player) end end) -- support for 3d_armor -- This may or may not work with all versions. if armor_mod then local old_set_player_armor = armor.set_player_armor armor.set_player_armor = function(self, player) old_set_player_armor(self, player) if loud_walking.load_armor_elixir then loud_walking.load_armor_elixir(player) end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if loud_walking.quick_leaf_decay then for name, node in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if node.groups.leafdecay then node.groups.leafdecay = 0 node.groups.qfc_leafdecay = 0 end end end local breakable = {} breakable['loud_walking:wood_rotten'] = true breakable['loud_walking:glowing_fungal_wood'] = true if not loud_walking.breakable_wood then print('* Fun Caves: Wood is NOT breakable by hand.') for _, item in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if (item.groups.tree or item.groups.wood) and not breakable[item.name] then local groups = table.copy(item.groups) groups.oddly_breakable_by_hand = nil minetest.override_item(item.name, {groups=groups}) end end end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) player:set_sky("#4070FF", "plain", {}) end)