-- This tables looks up nodes that aren't already stored. local node = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) if not (t and k and type(t) == 'table') then return end t[k] = minetest.get_content_id(k) return t[k] end }) loud_walking.node = node local math_abs = math.abs local math_floor = math.floor local cloud_i = 0.5 local glass = {"loud_walking:sky_scrith", "loud_walking:cloud_scrith", "loud_walking:transparent_scrith"} local data = {} local p2data = {} -- vm rotation data buffer local lightmap = {} local vm, emin, emax, a, csize, heightmap, biomemap local div_sz_x, div_sz_z, minp, maxp, terrain, cave local cloud local terrain_noise = {offset = 0, scale = 20, seed = 8829, spread = {x = 40, y = 40, z = 40}, octaves = 6, persist = 0.4, lacunarity = 2} local cave_noise = {offset = 0, scale = 1, seed = -3977, spread = {x = 30, y = 30, z = 30}, octaves = 3, persist = 0.8, lacunarity = 2} local cloud_noise = {offset = 0, scale = 1, seed = -7874, spread = {x = 30, y = 30, z = 30}, octaves = 3, persist = 0.8, lacunarity = 2} loud_walking.biomes = {} local biomes = loud_walking.biomes local biome_names = {} biome_names["common"] = {} biome_names["uncommon"] = {} do local biome_terrain_scale = {} biome_terrain_scale["coniferous_forest"] = 0.75 biome_terrain_scale["rainforest"] = 0.33 biome_terrain_scale["underground"] = 1.5 local tree_biomes = {} tree_biomes["deciduous_forest"] = {"deciduous_trees"} tree_biomes["coniferous_forest"] = {"conifer_trees"} tree_biomes["taiga"] = {"conifer_trees"} tree_biomes["rainforest"] = {"jungle_trees"} tree_biomes["rainforest_swamp"] = {"jungle_trees"} tree_biomes["coniferous_forest"] = {"conifer_trees"} tree_biomes["savanna"] = {"acacia_trees"} for i, obiome in pairs(minetest.registered_biomes) do local biome = table.copy(obiome) biome.special_tree_prob = 2 if biome.name == "savanna" then biome.special_tree_prob = 30 end local rarity = "common" biome.terrain_scale = biome_terrain_scale[biome] or 0.5 if string.find(biome.name, "ocean") then biome.terrain_scale = 1 rarity = "uncommon" end if string.find(biome.name, "swamp") then biome.terrain_scale = 0.25 rarity = "uncommon" end if string.find(biome.name, "beach") then biome.terrain_scale = 0.25 rarity = "uncommon" end if string.find(biome.name, "^underground$") then biome.node_top = "default:stone" rarity = "uncommon" end biome.special_trees = tree_biomes[biome.name] biomes[biome.name] = biome biome_names[rarity][#biome_names[rarity]+1] = biome.name end end biomes["control"] = {} local cave_stones = { "loud_walking:stone_with_moss", "loud_walking:stone_with_lichen", "loud_walking:stone_with_algae", "loud_walking:stone_with_salt", } local mushroom_stones = {} mushroom_stones[node["default:stone"]] = true mushroom_stones[node["loud_walking:stone_with_algae"]] = true mushroom_stones[node["loud_walking:stone_with_lichen"]] = true local function connection(x, y, z) local min_x = math_floor((x + 32) / csize.x) local min_y = math_floor((y + 32) / csize.y) local min_z = math_floor((z + 32) / csize.z) --local seed_noise = minetest.get_perlin({offset = 0, scale = 32768, --seed = 5202, spread = {x = 80, y = 80, z = 80}, octaves = 2, --persist = 0.4, lacunarity = 2}) --math.randomseed(seed_noise:get2d({x=minp.x, y=minp.z})) local ct = min_x % 2 + min_y % 2 + min_z % 2 local r = min_x % 2 + 2 * (min_y % 2) + 4 * (min_z % 2) if ct == 1 then return r end return nil end local function get_decoration(biome) if not loud_walking.decorations then return end for i, deco in pairs(loud_walking.decorations) do if not deco.biomes or deco.biomes[biome] then local range = 1000 if deco.deco_type == "simple" then if deco.fill_ratio and math.random(range) - 1 < deco.fill_ratio * 1000 then return deco.decoration end else -- nop end end end end local pod_size = {x=300, y=100, z=200} local half_pod = {x=math_floor(pod_size.x / 2), y=math_floor(pod_size.y / 2), z=math_floor(pod_size.z / 2)} local bridge_size = 50 local fcsize = {x=pod_size.x + bridge_size, y=pod_size.y + bridge_size, z=pod_size.z + bridge_size} local bevel = half_pod.y local room_size = 20 local control_off = math_floor(room_size / 4) local biome_look = {} local cave_look = {} local function place_schematic(pos, schem, center) local rot = math.random(4) - 1 local yslice = {} if schem.yslice_prob then for _, ys in pairs(schem.yslice_prob) do yslice[ys.ypos] = ys.prob end end if center then pos.x = pos.x - math_floor(schem.size.x / 2) pos.z = pos.z - math_floor(schem.size.z / 2) end for z1 = 0, schem.size.z - 1 do for x1 = 0, schem.size.x - 1 do local x, z if rot == 0 then x, z = x1, z1 elseif rot == 1 then x, z = schem.size.z - z1 - 1, x1 elseif rot == 2 then x, z = schem.size.x - x1 - 1, schem.size.z - z1 - 1 elseif rot == 3 then x, z = z1, schem.size.x - x1 - 1 end local fdz = (pos.z + z) % fcsize.z local fdx = (pos.x + x) % fcsize.x if fdz < pod_size.z - 1 and fdz > 0 and fdx < pod_size.x - 1 and fdx > 0 then local ivm = a:index(pos.x + x, pos.y, pos.z + z) local isch = z1 * schem.size.y * schem.size.x + x1 + 1 for y = 0, schem.size.y - 1 do local fdy = (pos.y + y) % fcsize.y if math.min(fdx, pod_size.x - fdx) + math.min(fdy, pod_size.y - fdy) + math.min(fdz, pod_size.z - fdz) > bevel then if yslice[y] or 255 >= math.random(255) then local prob = schem.data[isch].prob or schem.data[isch].param1 or 255 if prob >= math.random(255) and schem.data[isch].name ~= "air" then data[ivm] = node[schem.data[isch].name] end local param2 = schem.data[isch].param2 or 0 p2data[ivm] = param2 end end ivm = ivm + a.ystride isch = isch + schem.size.x end end end end end local function get_biome(x, y, z) local px = math_floor(x / fcsize.x) local py = math_floor(y / fcsize.y) local pz = math_floor(z / fcsize.z) if px % 10 == 6 and pz % 10 == 6 then return "control" else local hash = px * 1000000 + py * 1000 + pz if not biome_look[hash] then -- use the same seed (based on perlin noise). local seed_noise = minetest.get_perlin({offset = 0, scale = 32768, seed = 5202, spread = {x = 80, y = 80, z = 80}, octaves = 2, persist = 0.4, lacunarity = 2}) math.randomseed(seed_noise:get3d({x=px, y=py, z=pz})) local rarity = "common" if math.random(5) > 4 then rarity = "uncommon" end biome_look[hash] = biome_names[rarity][math.random(#biome_names[rarity])] local cave_lining if math.random(3) ~= 1 then cave_lining = cave_stones[math.random(#cave_stones)] end cave_look[hash] = cave_lining end return 'rainforest', cave_look[hash] --return biome_look[hash], cave_look[hash] end end local function get_height(fdx, fdz, y, index, heights, terrain_scale, ocean) local py = math_floor(y / fcsize.y) if not terrain_scale then return end if not heights[py] then print('new height') heights[py] = minetest.get_perlin_map(terrain_noise, csize):get2dMap_flat({x=minp.x, y=minp.z}) end local terr = math_floor(heights[py][index] * terrain_scale + 0.5) local d = - math_abs(math_abs(fdx - (half_pod.x - 0.5)) - math_abs(fdz - (half_pod.z - 0.5))) if math_abs(fdx - half_pod.x) > math_abs(fdz - half_pod.z) then d = d + half_pod.x - 2 else d = d + half_pod.z - 2 end if math_abs(terr) > d then if terr > 0 then terr = math_floor(d + 0.5) elseif not ocean then terr = math_floor(0.5 - d) end end return terr end local function generate(p_minp, p_maxp, seed) --local ta0, ta1, ta2 = 0, 0, 0 local t0 = os.clock() minp, maxp = p_minp, p_maxp vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") vm:get_data(data) --p2data = vm:get_param2_data() a = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}) csize = vector.add(vector.subtract(maxp, minp), 1) vm:set_lighting({day = 15, night = 0}, minp, maxp) lightmap = vm:get_light_data() local ground = half_pod.y local heights = {} cloud = minetest.get_perlin_map(cloud_noise, csize):get2dMap_flat(minp) cave = minetest.get_perlin_map(cave_noise, csize):get3dMap_flat(minp) local t1 = os.clock() local index = 0 local index3d = 0 local last_biome, last_px, last_py, last_pz, node_top, node_filler, node_water_top, node_water, depth_top, depth_water_top, depth_filler, node_stone, ocean, swamp, beach, dunes, height local biome, cave_lining for z = minp.z, maxp.z do local dz = z - minp.z local fdz = z % fcsize.z local pz = math_floor(z / fcsize.z) for x = minp.x, maxp.x do index = index + 1 local dx = x - minp.x local fdx = x % fcsize.x local px = math_floor(x / fcsize.x) local in_cave = false index3d = dz * csize.y * csize.x + dx + 1 local ivm = a:index(x, minp.y, z) local cave_height = 0 last_py = nil for y = minp.y, maxp.y do local dy = y - minp.y local fdy = y % fcsize.y local py = math_floor(y / fcsize.y) if py ~= last_py or px ~= last_px or pz ~= last_pz then biome, cave_lining = get_biome(x, y, z) end if biome ~= last_biome then node_top = biomes[biome].node_top or "default:dirt_with_grass" node_filler = biomes[biome].node_filler or "default:dirt" node_water_top = biomes[biome].node_water_top or "default:water_source" node_water = biomes[biome].node_water or "default:water_source" depth_top = biomes[biome].depth_top or 1 depth_water_top = biomes[biome].node_water_top or 1 depth_filler = biomes[biome].depth_filler or 1 node_stone = biomes[biome].node_stone or "default:stone" ocean = string.find(biome, "ocean") and true or false swamp = string.find(biome, "swamp") and true or false beach = string.find(biome, "beach") and true or false dunes = string.find(biome, "dunes") and true or false end if py ~= last_py then height = half_pod.y - 5 if not (biome == "underground" or biome == 'control') then height = get_height(fdx, fdz, y, index, heights, biomes[biome].terrain_scale, ocean) end end if not (data[ivm] == node['air'] or data[ivm] == node['ignore']) then -- nop elseif biome == "control" and math_abs(fdx - half_pod.x) < 3 and math_abs(fdz - half_pod.z) < 3 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:air_ladder"] elseif fdz >= pod_size.z or fdx >= pod_size.x or fdy >= pod_size.y then if (fdy == half_pod.y and fdx == half_pod.x) or (fdy == half_pod.y and fdz == half_pod.z) then data[ivm] = node['loud_walking:scrith'] else data[ivm] = node['air'] end elseif math.min(fdx, pod_size.x - fdx) + math.min(fdy, pod_size.y - fdy) + math.min(fdz, pod_size.z - fdz) < bevel then data[ivm] = node['air'] lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false elseif (fdx == 0 or fdx == pod_size.x - 1) or (fdz == 0 or fdz == pod_size.z - 1) or (fdy == 0 or fdy == pod_size.y - 1) or math.min(fdx, pod_size.x - fdx) + math.min(fdy, pod_size.y - fdy) + math.min(fdz, pod_size.z - fdz) < bevel + 1 then if math_abs(fdy - half_pod.y - 2) < 2 and (fdz == half_pod.z or fdx == half_pod.x) then data[ivm] = node["air"] else if biome == "control" then data[ivm] = node[glass[3]] elseif fdy < half_pod.y then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:scrith"] lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif biome == "underground" then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:scrith"] lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif fdy == pod_size.y - 1 then data[ivm] = node[glass[cloud[index] < cloud_i and 1 or 2]] else data[ivm] = node[glass[1]] end end elseif fdz == 0 and fdz == pod_size.z - 1 or fdx == 0 and fdx == pod_size.x - 1 or fdy == 0 and fdy == pod_size.y - 1 then data[ivm] = node['loud_walking:scrith'] elseif biome == "control" and fdy % 5 == 0 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor"] elseif biome == "control" and (math_abs(fdx - half_pod.x) < 3 or math_abs(fdz - half_pod.z) < 3) then data[ivm] = node["air"] elseif biome == "control" and ((math_abs(fdx - half_pod.x) % room_size == 3 and (math_abs(fdz - half_pod.z) - 12) % room_size > 3) or (math_abs(fdz - half_pod.z) % room_size == 3 and (math_abs(fdx - half_pod.x) - 12) % room_size > 3)) then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_wall"] elseif biome == "control" then -- elseif (((fdx == (half_pod.x - control_off) or fdx == (half_pod.x + control_off)) and fdz >= (half_pod.z - control_off) and fdz <= (half_pod.z + control_off)) or ((fdz == (half_pod.z - control_off) or fdz == (half_pod.z + control_off)) and fdx >= (half_pod.x - control_off) and fdx <= (half_pod.x + control_off))) and fdx ~= half_pod.x and fdz ~= half_pod.z and fdy == pod_size.y - 2 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:controls"] elseif (((fdx == (half_pod.x - control_off) or fdx == (half_pod.x + control_off)) and fdz >= (half_pod.z - control_off) and fdz <= (half_pod.z + control_off)) or ((fdz == (half_pod.z - control_off) or fdz == (half_pod.z + control_off)) and fdx >= (half_pod.x - control_off) and fdx <= (half_pod.x + control_off))) and fdx ~= half_pod.x and fdz ~= half_pod.z and fdy > pod_size.y - control_off then data[ivm] = node[glass[3]] elseif fdz >= (half_pod.z - control_off) and fdz <= (half_pod.z + control_off) and fdx >= (half_pod.x - control_off) and fdx <= (half_pod.x + control_off) and fdy == pod_size.y - control_off then data[ivm] = node[glass[3]] elseif not in_cave and (ocean or swamp or beach) and fdy > height + ground and fdy <= half_pod.y and fdy == height + ground + 1 then -- ** water decorations ** --local deco = get_decoration(biome) --if deco then -- data[ivm] = node[deco] --end elseif not in_cave and fdy == height + ground + 1 then local deco = get_decoration(biome) if deco then data[ivm] = node[deco] end elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and fdy > height + ground and fdy <= half_pod.y and fdy >= half_pod.y - depth_water_top then data[ivm] = node[node_water_top] in_cave = false elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and fdy > height + ground and fdy <= half_pod.y then data[ivm] = node[node_water] in_cave = false elseif fdy > height + ground then data[ivm] = node["air"] in_cave = false elseif cave[index3d] ^ 2 > (biome == "underground" and 0.5 or 1.3 - math.sin(fdy / (half_pod.y * 0.2))) then cave_height = cave_height + 1 if height + ground >= fdy and not in_cave and fdy > height + ground - 10 then data[ivm] = node[node_top] elseif fdy == 1 then if not cave_lining and not ocean and not swamp and not beach and biome ~= "glacier" and math.random(6) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["default:lava_source"] elseif ocean or swamp or beach then data[ivm] = node[node_filler] end elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and not in_cave and node_stone == "default:stone" and fdy < half_pod.y and math.random(20) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:glowing_fungal_stone"] elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and fdy < half_pod.y then data[ivm] = node[node_water] elseif cave_height == 3 and node_filler == "default:dirt" and mushroom_stones[data[ivm - 3 * a.ystride]] and math.random(40) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_cap"] data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_stem"] data[ivm - 2 * a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_stem"] data[ivm - 3 * a.ystride] = node[node_filler] elseif cave_height == 2 and node_filler == "default:dirt" and mushroom_stones[data[ivm - 2 * a.ystride]] and math.random(20) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:huge_mushroom_cap"] data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_stem"] data[ivm - 2 * a.ystride] = node[node_filler] elseif not in_cave and node_stone == "default:stone" and not cave_lining and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:stalagmite"] elseif not in_cave and node_stone == "default:ice" and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:icicle_up"] else data[ivm] = node["air"] end in_cave = true --lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif cave_lining and cave[index3d] ^ 2 > (biome == "underground" and 0.4 or 1.2 - math.sin(fdy / (half_pod.y * 0.2))) then data[ivm] = node[cave_lining] lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif fdy > height + ground - depth_top then data[ivm] = node[node_top] lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false elseif fdy > height + ground - depth_filler - depth_top then data[ivm] = node[node_filler] lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false else data[ivm] = node[node_stone] if in_cave and node_stone == "default:stone" and math.random(20) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:glowing_fungal_stone"] elseif in_cave and not (ocean or swamp or beach) and node_stone == "default:stone" and not cave_lining and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:stalactite"] elseif in_cave and not (ocean or swamp or beach) and node_stone == "default:ice" and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:icicle_down"] end lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false end if not in_cave then cave_height = 0 end last_biome = biome last_py = py ivm = ivm + a.ystride index3d = index3d + csize.x end last_px = px end last_pz = pz end local t2 = os.clock() local index = 0 for z = minp.z, maxp.z do local fdz = z % fcsize.z local pz = math_floor(z / fcsize.z) for x = minp.x, maxp.x do local fdx = x % fcsize.x local px = math_floor(x / fcsize.x) index = index + 1 last_py = nil for y = minp.y, maxp.y do local fdy = y % fcsize.y local py = math_floor(y / fcsize.y) if fdz % 5 == 0 and fdx % 5 == 0 then local fdy = y % fcsize.y local pod = fdz < pod_size.z and fdx < pod_size.x and fdy < pod_size.y if py ~= last_py or px ~= last_px or pz ~= last_pz then biome, cave_lining = get_biome(x, y, z) end local ocean = string.find(biome, "ocean") and true or false if py ~= last_py then height = get_height(fdx, fdz, y, index, heights, biomes[biome].terrain_scale, ocean) end if biome ~= 'control' and pod and fdy == height + ground and biomes[biome].special_tree_prob and math.random(biomes[biome].special_tree_prob) == 1 then local rx = x + math.random(5) - 1 local rz = z + math.random(5) - 1 local swamp = string.find(biome, "swamp") and true or false local node_top = biomes[biome].node_top or "default:dirt_with_grass" local ivm = a:index(rx, y, rz) if (swamp or data[ivm + a.ystride] ~= node["default:water_source"]) and (data[ivm] == node[node_top]) then if biomes[biome].special_trees then local tree_type = biomes[biome].special_trees[math.random(#biomes[biome].special_trees)] if tree_type and loud_walking.schematics then local schem = loud_walking.schematics[tree_type][math.random(#loud_walking.schematics[tree_type])] local pos = {x=rx, y=y, z=rz} -- The minetest schematic functions don't seem very accurate. place_schematic(pos, schem, true) end else -- regular schematics? end end end end end end end local t3 = os.clock() if false and pod and biome == "control" then for dy = 0, 15 do for dz = 0, 1 do for dx = 0, 1 do local x1 = minp.x + dx * 26 + 17 local z1 = minp.z + dz * 26 + 17 local y1 = minp.y + dy * 5 local sr = math.random(6) for z = 0, 20 do local ivm = a:index(x1, y1, z1 + z) for x = 0, 20 do if sr == 1 then if dy > 0 then if data[ivm] == node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_down"] then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_both"] else data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_up"] end end if dy < 15 then data[ivm + a.ystride * 5] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_down"] end elseif sr == 2 then if x > 1 and x < 19 and z > 1 and z < 19 and (z - 2) % 4 ~= 0 and (x - 2) % 4 ~= 0 then for y = 1, 4 do data[ivm + y * a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:air_ladder"] end end elseif sr == 3 then if dy > 0 and data[ivm] ~= node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_down"] and x > 0 and z > 0 and x < 20 and z < 20 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_growth"] local sr2 = math.random(20) if sr2 == 1 then data[ivm + a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:control_plant_1"] elseif sr2 == 2 then data[ivm + a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:control_plant_2"] end end elseif sr == 4 then if dy < 15 and (x > 0 and x < 20 and z > 0 and z < 20) and (((x == 1 or x == 19) and math_abs(z - 10) > 3) or ((z == 1 or z == 19) and math_abs(x - 10) > 3)) then data[ivm + 3 * a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:controls"] end end ivm = ivm + 1 end end end end end end local t4 = os.clock() vm:set_data(data) minetest.generate_ores(vm, minp, maxp) --vm:set_param2_data(p2data) vm:set_light_data(lightmap) vm:update_liquids() vm:calc_lighting(minp, maxp, false) vm:write_to_map() local t5 = os.clock() print(' times: '..(t1 - t0)..', '..(t2 - t1)..', '..(t3 - t2)..', '..(t5 - t4)..' = '..(t5 - t0)) --print(' also: '..ta1..', '..ta2) end local function generate_old(p_minp, p_maxp, seed) minp, maxp = p_minp, p_maxp vm, emin, emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object("voxelmanip") vm:get_data(data) --p2data = vm:get_param2_data() a = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax}) csize = vector.add(vector.subtract(maxp, minp), 1) -- Deal with memory issues. This, of course, is supposed to be automatic. local mem = math_floor(collectgarbage("count")/1024) if mem > 300 then print("Loud Walking: Manually collecting garbage...") collectgarbage("collect") end -- use the same seed (based on perlin noise). local seed_noise = minetest.get_perlin({offset = 0, scale = 32768, seed = 5202, spread = {x = 80, y = 80, z = 80}, octaves = 2, persist = 0.4, lacunarity = 2}) math.randomseed(seed_noise:get2d({x=minp.x, y=minp.z})) -- Keep this first after seeding! local px = math_floor((minp.x + 32) / csize.x) local pz = math_floor((minp.z + 32) / csize.z) local biome = get_biome(px, pz) local cave_lining = cave_stones[math.random(#cave_stones)] if math.random(3) == 1 then cave_lining = nil end vm:set_lighting({day = 15, night = (biome == "control" and 15 or 0)}, minp, maxp) lightmap = vm:get_light_data() local node_top = biomes[biome].node_top or "default:dirt_with_grass" local node_filler = biomes[biome].node_filler or "default:dirt" local node_water_top = biomes[biome].node_water_top or "default:water_source" local node_water = biomes[biome].node_water or "default:water_source" local depth_top = biomes[biome].depth_top or 1 local depth_water_top = biomes[biome].node_water_top or 1 local depth_filler = biomes[biome].depth_filler or 1 local node_stone = biomes[biome].node_stone or "default:stone" local ocean = string.find(biome, "ocean") and true or false local swamp = string.find(biome, "swamp") and true or false local beach = string.find(biome, "beach") and true or false local dunes = string.find(biome, "dunes") and true or false local half = {x=math_floor(csize.x / 2 + 0.5), y=math_floor(csize.y / 2 + 0.5), z=math_floor(csize.z / 2 + 0.5)} local ground = half.y beach = beach or dunes if ocean then ground = ground - 15 elseif swamp or beach then ground = ground - 3 end terrain = minetest.get_perlin_map(terrain_noise, csize):get2dMap_flat(minp) cave = minetest.get_perlin_map(cave_noise, csize):get3dMap_flat(minp) cloud = minetest.get_perlin_map(cloud_noise, csize):get2dMap_flat(minp) local pod = is_pod(minp.x, minp.y, minp.z) local connection = connection(minp.x, minp.y, minp.z) local index = 0 local index3d = 0 for z = minp.z, maxp.z do local dz = z - minp.z for x = minp.x, maxp.x do index = index + 1 local dx = x - minp.x index3d = dz * csize.y * csize.x + dx + 1 local ivm = a:index(x, minp.y, z) local terr = get_height(dx, dz, biomes[biome].terrain_scale, ocean, index) local in_cave = false if biome == "underground" then terr = half.y - 5 end local cave_height = 0 for y = minp.y, maxp.y do local dy = y - minp.y if pod then if biome == "control" and math_abs(dx - half.x) < 3 and math_abs(dz - half.z) < 3 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:air_ladder"] elseif math.min(dx, csize.x - dx) + math.min(dy, csize.y - dy) + math.min(dz, csize.z - dz) < bevel then data[ivm] = node["air"] lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false elseif (dx == 0 or dx == csize.x - 1) or (dz == 0 or dz == csize.z - 1) or (dy == 0 or dy == csize.y - 1) or math.min(dx, csize.x - dx) + math.min(dy, csize.y - dy) + math.min(dz, csize.z - dz) < bevel + 1 then if math_abs(dy - half.y - 2) < 2 and (dz == half.z or dx == half.x) then data[ivm] = node["air"] else if biome == "control" then data[ivm] = node[glass[3]] elseif dy < half.y then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:scrith"] lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif biome == "underground" then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:scrith"] lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif dy == csize.y - 1 then data[ivm] = node[glass[cloud[index] < cloud_i and 1 or 2]] else data[ivm] = node[glass[1]] end end in_cave = false elseif biome == "control" and dy % 5 == 0 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor"] elseif biome == "control" and (math_abs(dx - half.x) < 3 or math_abs(dz - half.z) < 3) then data[ivm] = node["air"] elseif biome == "control" and ((math_abs(dx - half.x) % 20 == 3 and (math_abs(dz - half.z) - 12) % 20 > 3) or (math_abs(dz - half.z) % 20 == 3 and (math_abs(dx - half.x) - 12) % 20 > 3)) then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_wall"] elseif biome == "control" then -- elseif (((dx == 35 or dx == 45) and dz >= 35 and dz <= 45) or ((dz == 35 or dz == 45) and dx >= 35 and dx <= 45)) and dx ~= 40 and dz ~= 40 and dy == csize.y - 2 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:controls"] elseif (((dx == 35 or dx == 45) and dz >= 35 and dz <= 45) or ((dz == 35 or dz == 45) and dx >= 35 and dx <= 45)) and dx ~= 40 and dz ~= 40 and dy > csize.y - 5 then data[ivm] = node[glass[3]] elseif dz >= 35 and dz <= 45 and dx >= 35 and dx <= 45 and dy == csize.y - 5 then data[ivm] = node[glass[3]] elseif not in_cave and (ocean or swamp or beach) and dy > terr + ground and dy <= half.y and dy == terr + ground + 1 then -- ** water decorations ** --local deco = get_decoration(biome) --if deco then -- data[ivm] = node[deco] --end elseif not in_cave and dy == terr + ground + 1 then local deco = get_decoration(biome) if deco then data[ivm] = node[deco] end elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and dy > terr + ground and dy <= half.y and dy >= half.y - depth_water_top then data[ivm] = node[node_water_top] in_cave = false elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and dy > terr + ground and dy <= half.y then data[ivm] = node[node_water] in_cave = false elseif dy > terr + ground then data[ivm] = node["air"] in_cave = false elseif cave[index3d] ^ 2 > (biome == "underground" and 0.5 or 1.3 - math.sin(dy / (half.y * 0.2))) then cave_height = cave_height + 1 if terr + ground >= dy and not in_cave and dy > terr + ground - 10 then data[ivm] = node[node_top] elseif dy == 1 then if not cave_lining and not ocean and not swamp and not beach and biome ~= "glacier" and math.random(6) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["default:lava_source"] elseif ocean or swamp or beach then data[ivm] = node[node_filler] end elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and not in_cave and node_stone == "default:stone" and dy < half.y and math.random(20) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:glowing_fungal_stone"] elseif (ocean or swamp or beach) and dy < half.y then data[ivm] = node[node_water] elseif cave_height == 3 and node_filler == "default:dirt" and mushroom_stones[data[ivm - 3 * a.ystride]] and math.random(40) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_cap"] data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_stem"] data[ivm - 2 * a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_stem"] data[ivm - 3 * a.ystride] = node[node_filler] elseif cave_height == 2 and node_filler == "default:dirt" and mushroom_stones[data[ivm - 2 * a.ystride]] and math.random(20) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:huge_mushroom_cap"] data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:giant_mushroom_stem"] data[ivm - 2 * a.ystride] = node[node_filler] elseif not in_cave and node_stone == "default:stone" and not cave_lining and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:stalagmite"] elseif not in_cave and node_stone == "default:ice" and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:icicle_up"] else data[ivm] = node["air"] end in_cave = true lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif cave_lining and cave[index3d] ^ 2 > (biome == "underground" and 0.4 or 1.2 - math.sin(dy / (half.y * 0.2))) then data[ivm] = node[cave_lining] lightmap[ivm] = 0 elseif dy > terr + ground - depth_top then data[ivm] = node[node_top] lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false elseif dy > terr + ground - depth_filler - depth_top then data[ivm] = node[node_filler] lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false else data[ivm] = node[node_stone] if in_cave and node_stone == "default:stone" and math.random(20) == 1 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:glowing_fungal_stone"] elseif in_cave and not (ocean or swamp or beach) and node_stone == "default:stone" and not cave_lining and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:stalactite"] elseif in_cave and not (ocean or swamp or beach) and node_stone == "default:ice" and math.random(10) == 1 then data[ivm - a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:icicle_down"] end lightmap[ivm] = 0 in_cave = false end elseif biome == "control" and math_abs(dx - half.x) < 3 and math_abs(dz - half.z) < 3 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:air_ladder"] elseif connection and dy == half.y and ((dx == half.x and connection % 4 == 0) or (dz == half.z and connection % 2 == 1)) then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:scrith"] lightmap[ivm] = 0 end if not in_cave then cave_height = 0 end ivm = ivm + a.ystride index3d = index3d + csize.x end end end if pod then for dz = 0, 75, 5 do for dx = 0, 75, 5 do if biomes[biome].special_tree_prob and math.random(biomes[biome].special_tree_prob) == 1 then local x = minp.x + dx + math.random(5) - 1 local z = minp.z + dz + math.random(5) - 1 local y = minp.y + get_height(x - minp.x, z - minp.z, biomes[biome].terrain_scale, ocean) + ground local ivm = a:index(x, y, z) if y >= minp.y and y <= maxp.y and (swamp or data[ivm + a.ystride] ~= node["default:water_source"]) and (data[ivm] == node[node_top]) then if biomes[biome].special_trees then local tree_type = biomes[biome].special_trees[math.random(#biomes[biome].special_trees)] if tree_type and loud_walking.schematics then local schem = loud_walking.schematics[tree_type][math.random(#loud_walking.schematics[tree_type])] local pos = {x=x, y=y, z=z} -- The minetest schematic functions don't seem very accurate. place_schematic(pos, schem, true) end else -- regular schematics? end end end end end end if pod and biome == "control" then for dy = 0, 15 do for dz = 0, 1 do for dx = 0, 1 do local x1 = minp.x + dx * 26 + 17 local z1 = minp.z + dz * 26 + 17 local y1 = minp.y + dy * 5 local sr = math.random(6) for z = 0, 20 do local ivm = a:index(x1, y1, z1 + z) for x = 0, 20 do if sr == 1 then if dy > 0 then if data[ivm] == node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_down"] then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_both"] else data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_up"] end end if dy < 15 then data[ivm + a.ystride * 5] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_down"] end elseif sr == 2 then if x > 1 and x < 19 and z > 1 and z < 19 and (z - 2) % 4 ~= 0 and (x - 2) % 4 ~= 0 then for y = 1, 4 do data[ivm + y * a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:air_ladder"] end end elseif sr == 3 then if dy > 0 and data[ivm] ~= node["loud_walking:control_floor_alert_down"] and x > 0 and z > 0 and x < 20 and z < 20 then data[ivm] = node["loud_walking:control_floor_growth"] local sr2 = math.random(20) if sr2 == 1 then data[ivm + a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:control_plant_1"] elseif sr2 == 2 then data[ivm + a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:control_plant_2"] end end elseif sr == 4 then if dy < 15 and (x > 0 and x < 20 and z > 0 and z < 20) and (((x == 1 or x == 19) and math_abs(z - 10) > 3) or ((z == 1 or z == 19) and math_abs(x - 10) > 3)) then data[ivm + 3 * a.ystride] = node["loud_walking:controls"] end end ivm = ivm + 1 end end end end end end vm:set_data(data) minetest.generate_ores(vm, minp, maxp) --minetest.generate_decorations(vm, minp, maxp) --vm:set_param2_data(p2data) --vm:set_lighting({day = 15, night = 0}) if pod then vm:set_light_data(lightmap) end vm:update_liquids() vm:calc_lighting(minp, maxp, false) vm:write_to_map() vm, a, heightmap, biomemap = nil, nil, nil, nil end local function pgenerate(...) --local status, err = pcall(generate, ...) local status, err = true generate(...) if not status then print('Squaresville: Could not generate terrain:') print(dump(err)) collectgarbage("collect") end end -- Inserting helps to ensure that squaresville operates first. table.insert(minetest.registered_on_generateds, 1, pgenerate) function loud_walking.respawn(player) while true do local px = math.random(-10, 10) * 2 - 1 local pz = math.random(-10, 10) * 2 local x = pod_size.x * px local z = pod_size.z * pz local y = half_pod.y + 1 local pos = {x=x,y=y,z=z} local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if node.name ~= "air" then player:setpos(pos) return true end end end minetest.register_on_newplayer(loud_walking.respawn) minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(loud_walking.respawn)