ctf.gui = { tabs = {} } ctf.register_on_init(function() ctf._set("gui", true) ctf._set("gui.team", true) ctf._set("gui.team.initial", "news") for name, tab in pairs(ctf.gui.tabs) do ctf._set("gui.tab." .. name, true) end end) function ctf.gui.register_tab(name, title, func) ctf.gui.tabs[name] = { name = name, title = title, func = func } if ctf._defsettings and ctf._defsettings["gui.tab." .. name] == nil then ctf._set("gui.tab." .. name, true) end end function ctf.gui.show(name, tab, tname) if not tab then tab = ctf.setting("gui.team.initial") or "news" end if not tab or not ctf.gui.tabs[tab] or not name or name == "" then ctf.log("gui", "Invalid tab or name given to ctf.gui.show") return end if not ctf.setting("gui.team") or not ctf.setting("gui") then return end if not ctf.team(tname) then tname = ctf.player(name).team end if ctf.team(tname) then ctf.action("gui", name .. " views " .. tname .. "'s " .. tab .. " page") ctf.gui.tabs[tab].func(name, tname) else ctf.log("gui", "Invalid team given to ctf.gui.show") end end -- Get tab buttons function ctf.gui.get_tabs(name, tname) local result = "" local id = 1 local function addtab(name,text) result = result .. "button[" .. (id*2-1) .. ",0;2,1;" .. name .. ";" .. text .. "]" id = id + 1 end for name, tab in pairs(ctf.gui.tabs) do if ctf.setting("gui.tab." .. name) then addtab(name, tab.title) end end return result end -- Team interface ctf.gui.register_tab("news", "News", function(name, tname) local result = "" local team = ctf.team(tname).log if not team then team = {} end local amount = 0 for i = 1, #team do if team[i].type == "request" then if ctf.can_mod(name, tname) then amount = amount + 2 local height = (amount*0.5) + 0.5 amount = amount + 1 if team[i].mode == "diplo" then result = result .. "background[0.5," .. height .. ";8.3,1;diplo_" .. team[i].msg .. ".png]" if team[i].msg == "alliance" then result = result .. "label[1," .. height .. ";" .. team[i].team .. " offers an " .. minetest.formspec_escape(team[i].msg) .. " treaty]" else result = result .. "label[1," .. height .. ";" .. team[i].team .. " offers a " .. minetest.formspec_escape(team[i].msg) .. " treaty]" end result = result .. "button[6," .. height .. ";1,1;btn_y" .. i .. ";Yes]" result = result .. "button[7," .. height .. ";1,1;btn_n" .. i .. ";No]" else result = result .. "label[0.5," .. height .. ";RANDOM REQUEST TYPE]" end end else amount = amount + 1 local height = (amount*0.5) + 0.5 if height > 5 then break end result = result .. "label[0.5," .. height .. ";" .. minetest.formspec_escape(team[i].msg) .. "]" end end if ctf.can_mod(name, tname) then result = result .. "button[4,6;2,1;clear;Clear all]" end if amount == 0 then result = "label[0.5,1;Welcome to the news panel]" .. "label[0.5,1.5;News such as attacks will appear here]" end minetest.show_formspec(name, "ctf:news", "size[10,7]" .. ctf.gui.get_tabs(name, tname) .. result) end) -- Team interface ctf.gui.register_tab("diplo", "Diplomacy", function(name, tname) local result = "" local data = {} local amount = 0 for key, value in pairs(ctf.teams) do if key ~= tname then table.insert(data,{ team = key, state = ctf.diplo.get(tname, key), to = ctf.diplo.check_requests(tname, key), from = ctf.diplo.check_requests(key, tname) }) end end result = result .. "label[1,1;Diplomacy from the perspective of " .. tname .. "]" for i = 1, #data do amount = i local height = (i*1)+0.5 if height > 5 then break end result = result .. "background[1," .. height .. ";8.2,1;diplo_" .. data[i].state .. ".png]" result = result .. "button[1.25," .. height .. ";2,1;team_" .. data[i].team .. ";" .. data[i].team .. "]" result = result .. "label[3.75," .. height .. ";" .. data[i].state .. "]" if ctf.can_mod(name, tname) and ctf.player(name).team == tname then if not data[i].from and not data[i].to then if data[i].state == "war" then result = result .. "button[7.5," .. height .. ";1.5,1;peace_" .. data[i].team .. ";Peace]" elseif data[i].state == "peace" then result = result .. "button[6," .. height .. ";1.5,1;war_" .. data[i].team .. ";War]" result = result .. "button[7.5," .. height .. ";1.5,1;alli_" .. data[i].team .. ";Alliance]" elseif data[i].state == "alliance" then result = result .. "button[6," .. height .. ";1.5,1;peace_" .. data[i].team .. ";Peace]" end elseif data[i].from ~= nil then result = result .. "label[6," .. height .. ";request recieved]" elseif data[i].to ~= nil then result = result .. "label[5.5," .. height .. ";request sent]" result = result .. "button[7.5," .. height .. ";1.5,1;cancel_" .. data[i].team .. ";Cancel]" end end end minetest.show_formspec(name, "ctf:diplo", "size[10,7]" .. ctf.gui.get_tabs(name, tname) .. result ) end) local function formspec_is_ctf_tab(fsname) for name, tab in pairs(ctf.gui.tabs) do if fsname == "ctf:" .. name then return true end end return false end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if not formspec_is_ctf_tab(formname) then return false end local name = player:get_player_name() local tplayer = ctf.player(name) local tname = tplayer.team local team = ctf.team(tname) if not team then return false end -- Do navigation for tabname, tab in pairs(ctf.gui.tabs) do if fields[tabname] then ctf.gui.show(name, tabname) return true end end -- Todo: move callbacks -- News page if fields.clear then team.log = {} ctf.needs_save = true ctf.gui.show(name, "news") return true end end) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local name = player:get_player_name() local tplayer = ctf.player(name) local tname = tplayer.team local team = ctf.team(tname) if not team then return false end if formname == "ctf:news" then for key, field in pairs(fields) do local ok, id = string.match(key, "btn_([yn])([0123456789]+)") if ok and id then if ok == "y" then ctf.diplo.set(tname, team.log[tonumber(id)].team, team.log[tonumber(id)].msg) -- Post to acceptor's log ctf.post(tname, { msg = "You have accepted the " .. team.log[tonumber(id)].msg .. " request from " .. team.log[tonumber(id)].team }) -- Post to request's log ctf.post(team.log[tonumber(id)].team, { msg = tname .. " has accepted your " .. team.log[tonumber(id)].msg .. " request" }) id = id + 1 end table.remove(team.log, id) ctf.needs_save = true ctf.gui.show(name, "news") return true end end end end) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local name = player:get_player_name() local tplayer = ctf.player(name) local tname = tplayer.team local team = ctf.team(tname) if not team or formname ~= "ctf:diplo" then return false end for key, field in pairs(fields) do local tname2 = string.match(key, "team_(.+)") if tname2 and ctf.team(tname2) then ctf.gui.show(name, "diplo", tname2) return true end if ctf.can_mod(name, tname) then tname2 = string.match(key, "peace_(.+)") if tname2 then if ctf.diplo.get(tname, tname2) == "war" then ctf.post(tname2, { type = "request", msg = "peace", team = tname, mode = "diplo" }) else ctf.diplo.set(tname, tname2, "peace") ctf.post(tname, { msg = "You have cancelled the alliance treaty with " .. tname2 }) ctf.post(tname2, { msg = tname .. " has cancelled the alliance treaty" }) end ctf.gui.show(name, "diplo") return true end tname2 = string.match(key, "war_(.+)") if tname2 then ctf.diplo.set(tname, tname2, "war") ctf.post(tname, { msg = "You have declared war on " .. tname2 }) ctf.post(tname2, { msg = tname .. " has declared war on you" }) ctf.gui.show(name, "diplo") return true end tname2 = string.match(key, "alli_(.+)") if tname2 then ctf.post(tname2, { type = "request", msg = "alliance", team = tname, mode = "diplo" }) ctf.gui.show(name, "diplo") return true end tname2 = string.match(key, "cancel_(.+)") if tname2 then ctf.diplo.cancel_requests(tname, tname2) ctf.gui.show(name, "diplo") return true end end -- end if can mod end -- end for each field end)