-- rnd 2017 if not s then s=0 player0 =""; reward = "default:gold_ingot 6" price = "default:gold_ingot"; self.spam(1) end if s==0 then local player = find_player(5); if player then player=player[1] if player~=player0 then self.label("Hello " .. player .. ". Please insert one gold ingot in chest to play.\nYou need to roll 6 on dice to win 6 gold.") player0 = player end else self.label(colorize("red","Come and win 6 gold!")) end if check_inventory.forward(price) then take.forward("default:gold_ingot"); self.label("Thank you for your gold. rolling the dice!") s=1 end elseif s==1 then roll = math.random(6); if roll == 6 then self.label("#YOU WIN!") say("#WE HAVE A WINNER! get 6 gold in chest!") insert.forward(reward) s=2 else self.label(":( you rolled " .. roll.. ". Put gold in to try again.") s=0 end elseif s==2 then if not check_inventory.forward(reward) then s=0 self.label("Please insert one gold to continue playing") end end