-- COPY PASTE ROBOT by rnd: c1 c2 r = markers, c = copy p = paste if not paste then _G.minetest.forceload_block(self.pos(),true) paste = {}; round = function(x) if x>0 then return math.floor(x+0.5) else return -math.floor(-x+0.5) end end data = {}; self.listen(1) self.label("COPY-PASTE MASTER v1.2 gold edition. commands: c1 c2 r c p") end speaker, msg = self.listen_msg() if speaker == "rnd" then local player = _G.minetest.get_player_by_name(speaker); local p = player:getpos(); p.x = round(p.x); p.y=round(p.y); p.z = round(p.z); if msg == "c1" then paste.src1 = {x=p.x,y=p.y,z=p.z};say("marker 1 set at " .. p.x .. " " .. p.y .. " " .. p.z) elseif msg == "c2" then paste.src2 = {x=p.x,y=p.y,z=p.z};say("marker 2 set at " .. p.x .. " " .. p.y .. " " .. p.z) elseif msg == "r" then paste.ref = {x=p.x,y=p.y,z=p.z};say("reference set at " .. p.x .. " " .. p.y .. " " .. p.z) elseif msg == "c" then -- copy local x1 = math.min(paste.src1.x,paste.src2.x);local y1 = math.min(paste.src1.y,paste.src2.y);local z1 = math.min(paste.src1.z,paste.src2.z); local x2 = math.max(paste.src1.x,paste.src2.x);local y2 = math.max(paste.src1.y,paste.src2.y);local z2 = math.max(paste.src1.z,paste.src2.z); local count = 0; data = {}; for i = x1,x2 do for j = y1,y2 do for k = z1,z2 do local node = _G.minetest.get_node({x=i,y=j,z=k}); if node.name ~= "air" then if not data[i] then data[i]= {} end if not data[i][j] then data[i][j]= {} end data[i][j][k] = {node, _G.minetest.get_meta({x=i,y=j,z=k}):to_table()} count = count +1; end end end end say(count .. " nodes copied "); elseif msg == "p" then -- paste local x1 = math.min(paste.src1.x,paste.src2.x);local y1 = math.min(paste.src1.y,paste.src2.y);local z1 = math.min(paste.src1.z,paste.src2.z); local x2 = math.max(paste.src1.x,paste.src2.x);local y2 = math.max(paste.src1.y,paste.src2.y);local z2 = math.max(paste.src1.z,paste.src2.z); local count = 0; p.x = p.x-paste.ref.x; p.y = p.y-paste.ref.y; p.z = p.z-paste.ref.z; for i = x1,x2 do for j = y1,y2 do for k = z1,z2 do local pdata; if data[i] and data[i][j] and data[i][j][k] then pdata = data[i][j][k] end if pdata then count = count + 1 _G.minetest.set_node({x=i+p.x,y=j+p.y,z=k+p.z}, pdata[1]); _G.minetest.get_meta({x=i+p.x,y=j+p.y,z=k+p.z}):from_table(pdata[2]) end end end end say(count .. " nodes pasted "); end end