-- simple ctf robot, rnd --instructions: build game arena and place blue/red buttons as flags. edit flag positions below --you must register 'keyboard' events by placing robot with same 'id' as robot running this code at 'event register' positions - default (32*i,64*j+1, 32*k) if not ctf then _G.minetest.forceload_block(self.pos(),true) ctf = { [1] = {state = 1, flagnode = "basic_robot:button8080FF", pos = {x=-18,y=501,z=17}, name = "blue", owner = "", score = 0}, -- team[1] [2] = {state = 1, flagnode = "basic_robot:buttonFF8080", pos = {x=-79,y=501,z=46}, name = "red", owner = "", score = 0}, -- team[2] } teams = {} -- example : {["rnd"] = {1,0, player, health points at start}}; -- team, ownership of flag maxscore = 3; t = 0 teamid = 1; -- team selector when joining gamestate = 0; self.listen(1) self.spam(1) get_id = function(pos) local range = 1000; return pos.x + range*pos.y+range^2*pos.z end flag_id = {}; for i = 1,#ctf do flag_id[get_id(ctf[i].pos)] = i end render_flags = function() for i = 1,#ctf do minetest.set_node(ctf[i].pos, {name = ctf[i].flagnode}) end end end if gamestate == 0 then -- welcome say(colorize("red","#CAPTURE THE FLAG GAME. say '\\join' to join game. to start game one of joined players says '\\start'")) gamestate = 1 elseif gamestate == 1 then speaker,msg = self.listen_msg() if msg == "join" then local pl = minetest.get_player_by_name(speaker); teams[speaker] = {teamid, 0, pl,20};pl:set_hp(20) local msg1 = ""; local msg2 = "" for k,v in pairs(teams) do if v[1] == 1 then msg1 = msg1 .. k .. " " elseif v[1] == 2 then msg2 = msg2 .. k .. " " end end say(colorize("yellow","#CTF : " .. speaker .. " joined team " .. ctf[teamid].name .. ". TEAM " .. ctf[1].name .. ": " .. msg1 .. ", TEAM " .. ctf[2].name .. ": " .. msg2)) teamid = 3-teamid; -- 1,2 elseif msg == "start" then -- game start if teams[speaker] then gamestate = 2 keyboard.get() -- clear keyboard buffer say(colorize("red","#CTF GAME STARTED. GET ENEMY FLAG AND BRING IT BACK TO YOUR FLAG. DONT LET YOUR HEALTH GO BELOW 5 HEARTS OR YOU ARE OUT.")) for k,_ in pairs(teams) do -- teleport players local data = teams[k];data[3]:setpos( ctf[data[1]].pos ) end render_flags() end end elseif gamestate == 2 then -- check player health for k,v in pairs(teams) do local hp = teams[k][3]:get_hp(); if not hp or hp<10 then -- teams[k][4] local cflag = teams[k][2]; if cflag>0 then -- drop flag ctf[cflag].state = 1 ctf[cflag].owner = "" minetest.set_node(ctf[cflag].pos, {name = ctf[cflag].flagnode}) say(colorize("red", "#CTF " .. k .. " dropped " .. ctf[cflag].name .. " flag!")) end if not hp then -- player left say(colorize("yellow", "#CTF " .. k .. " left the game!")) teams[k] = nil else -- reset player say(colorize("yellow", "#CTF " .. k .. " resetted!")) v[2] = 0 -- player has no flag v[3]:set_hp(20) v[3]:setpos( ctf[v[1]].pos ) end end end event = keyboard.get() if event and teams[event.puncher] then --say(serialize(event)) local punch_id = get_id({x=event.x,y=event.y,z=event.z}); local flag = flag_id[punch_id]; if flag then local state = ctf[flag].state local puncher = event.puncher; if state == 1 then -- flag is here, ready to be taken or capture of enemy flag if teams[puncher][1] ~= flag then -- take say(colorize("red","#CTF " .. puncher .. " has taken " .. ctf[flag].name .. " flag !")) ctf[flag].state = 2; ctf[flag].owner = puncher; teams[puncher][2] = flag; minetest.set_node(ctf[flag].pos, {name = "basic_robot:buttonFFFF80"}) else -- capture? if teams[puncher][2] > 0 then local cflag = teams[puncher][2] -- puncher has this flag local data = ctf[cflag]; local team = teams[puncher][1]; ctf[team].score = ctf[team].score + 1 ctf[team].owner = "" ctf[cflag].state = 1; -- reset captured flag state minetest.set_node(ctf[cflag].pos, {name = ctf[cflag].flagnode}) teams[puncher][2] = 0 say(colorize("orange","#CTF " .. puncher .. " has captured " .. data.name .. " flag! Team " .. ctf[team].name .. " has score " .. ctf[team].score )) if ctf[team].score == maxscore then say(colorize("yellow","#CTF: TEAM " .. ctf[team].name .. " WINS! ")) gamestate = 3;t=5; -- intermission, duration 5 --reset teams = {} for i=1,#ctf do ctf[i].state = 1 ctf[i].score = 0 ctf[i].owner = "" end end end end end end --say(serialize(event)) end elseif gamestate == 3 then -- intermission if t>0 then t=t-1 else gamestate = 0 end end