## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in # $Id$ INCLUDES = \ -DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \ -DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale"\" \ -I../scintilla/include \ -I../tagmanager/include \ @PACKAGE_CFLAGS@ EXTRA_DIST = images.c gb.c win32.c win32.h bin_PROGRAMS = geany geany_SOURCES = \ main.c geany.h \ search.c search.h \ notebook.c notebook.h \ keybindings.c keybindings.h \ templates.c templates.h \ treeviews.c treeviews.h \ about.c about.h \ encodings.c encodings.h \ keyfile.c keyfile.h \ prefs.c prefs.h \ dialogs.c dialogs.h \ msgwindow.c msgwindow.h \ build.c build.h \ filetypes.c filetypes.h \ highlighting.c highlighting.h \ sci_cb.c sci_cb.h \ sciwrappers.c sciwrappers.h \ document.c document.h \ utils.c utils.h \ vte.c vte.h \ support.c support.h \ interface.c interface.h \ callbacks.c callbacks.h #AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -pipe #AM_CFLAGS = -DGEANY_DEBUG -Wall -pipe AM_CFLAGS = -DGEANY_DEBUG -g -Wall -pipe geany_LDADD = @PACKAGE_LIBS@ -lstdc++ ../scintilla/libscintilla.a ../tagmanager/libtagmanager.a $(INTLLIBS)