Commandline options

Table 3.1. Commandline Options

Short optionLong optionFunction
-n--no-ctagsDon't load auto completion and call tip data. Use this option, if you don't want to use them. For more information see the section called “General”.
-c directory_name--config=directory_nameUse an alternate configuration directory. Default configuration directory is ~/.geany/ and there resides geany.conf and some template files.
-d--debugRuns Geany in debug mode, which means being verbose and printing lots of information.
-?--helpShow help information and exit.
-v--versionShow version information and exit.
 [files ...]Opens all given files at startup. This option causes Geany to ignore loading stored files from the last session (if enabled).

Geany supports all generic GTK options, a list is available on the help screen.