
For all listed actions you can define your own keybindings. Open the preferences dialog, select the desired action and click on change. In the opening dialog you can press any key combination you want and it will be saved when you press OK. You can define only one key combination for one action.

Some of the default key combinations cannot be changed, e.g. menu_new or menu_open. These are set by GTK and should be kept, but you can still add other key combinations for these actions. For example to execute menu_open by default Ctrl-O is set, but you can also define Alt-O, so that the file open dialog is shown by pressing either Ctrl-O or Alt-O.

The following table lists all available actions for keyboard shortcuts.

Table 3.4. Keybindings action table

Menu items
menu_newCreates a new file.
menu_openOpens a file.
menu_saveSaves the current file.
menu_saveallSaves all open files.
menu_closeallCloses all open files.
menu_reloadfileReloads the current file. All unsaved changes will be lost.
menu_undoUndoes the last action.
menu_redoRedoes the last action.
menu_preferencesOpens preferences dialog.
menu_findnextFinds next result.
menu_findpreviousFinds previous result.
menu_replaceOpens the replace dialog.
menu_gotolineOpens the Go To Line dialog.
menu_opencolorchooserOpens the colour chooser dialog.
menu_fullscreenSwitches to fullscreen mode.
menu_messagewindowToggles the message window (status and compiler messages) on and off.
menu_zoominZooms in the text
menu_zoomoutZooms out the text
menu_replacetabsReplaces all tabs with the right amount of spaces.
menu_foldallFolds all contractible code blocks.
menu_unfoldallUnfolds all contracted code blocks.
Build options
build_compileCompiles the current file.
build_linkBuilds (compiles if necessary and links) the current file.
build_makeBuilds the current file with the Make tool.
build_makeowntargetBuilds the current file with the Make tool and a given target.
build_runExecutes the current file in a terminal emulation.
build_run2Executes the current file in a terminal emulation.
build_optionsOpens the build options dialog.
reloadtaglistReloads the tag/symbol list.
switch_editorSwitches to editor widget.
switch_scribbleSwitches to scribble widget.
switch_vteSwitches to VTE widget.
switch_tableftSwitches to the previous open document.
switch_tabrightSwitches to the next open document.
toggle_sidebarShows or hides the sidebar.
Editing operations
edit_duplicatelineDuplicates the current line.
edit_commentlineComments current line or selection.
edit_autocompleteShows auto completion list.
edit_calltipShows call tips for the current function or method.
edit_macrolistShows a list of available macros and variables in the workspace.
edit_suppresscompletionIf you type something like if or for and press this key, it will not be auto completed.