// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LexPascal.cxx ** Lexer for Pascal. ** Written by Laurent le Tynevez ** Updated by Simon Steele September 2002 ** Updated by Mathias Rauen May 2003 (Delphi adjustments) **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Platform.h" #include "PropSet.h" #include "Accessor.h" #include "KeyWords.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #include "StyleContext.h" static void getRange(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, Accessor &styler, char *s, unsigned int len) { unsigned int i = 0; while ((i < end - start + 1) && (i < len-1)) { s[i] = static_cast(tolower(styler[start + i])); i++; } s[i] = '\0'; } static bool IsStreamCommentStyle(int style) { return style == SCE_C_COMMENT || style == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC || style == SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORD || style == SCE_C_COMMENTDOCKEYWORDERROR; } static void ColourTo(Accessor &styler, unsigned int end, unsigned int attr, bool bInAsm) { if ((bInAsm) && (attr == SCE_C_OPERATOR || attr == SCE_C_NUMBER || attr == SCE_C_DEFAULT || attr == SCE_C_WORD || attr == SCE_C_IDENTIFIER)) { styler.ColourTo(end, SCE_C_REGEX); } else styler.ColourTo(end, attr); } // returns 1 if the item starts a class definition, and -1 if the word is "end", and 2 if the word is "asm" static int classifyWordPascal(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, /*WordList &keywords*/WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler, bool bInClass, bool bInAsm) { int ret = 0; WordList& keywords = *keywordlists[0]; WordList& classwords = *keywordlists[1]; char s[100]; getRange(start, end, styler, s, sizeof(s)); char chAttr = SCE_C_IDENTIFIER; if (isdigit(s[0]) || (s[0] == '.') ||(s[0] == '$')) { chAttr = SCE_C_NUMBER; } else { if (s[0] == '#') { chAttr = SCE_C_CHARACTER; } else { if (keywords.InList(s)) { chAttr = SCE_C_WORD; if(strcmp(s, "class") == 0) { ret = 1; } else if (strcmp(s, "asm") == 0) { ret = 2; } else if (strcmp(s, "end") == 0) { ret = -1; } } else if (bInClass) { if (classwords.InList(s)) { chAttr = SCE_C_WORD; } } } } ColourTo(styler, end, chAttr, (bInAsm && ret != -1)); return ret; } static int classifyFoldPointPascal(const char* s) { int lev = 0; if (!(isdigit(s[0]) || (s[0] == '.'))) { if (strcmp(s, "begin") == 0 || strcmp(s, "object") == 0 || strcmp(s, "case") == 0 || strcmp(s, "class") == 0 || strcmp(s, "record") == 0 || strcmp(s, "try") == 0) { lev=1; } else if (strcmp(s, "end") == 0) { lev=-1; } } return lev; } static void ColourisePascalDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *keywordlists[], Accessor &styler) { styler.StartAt(startPos); int state = initStyle; if (state == SCE_C_CHARACTER) // Does not leak onto next line state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; char chPrev = ' '; char chNext = styler[startPos]; unsigned int lengthDoc = startPos + length; bool bInClassDefinition; int currentLine = styler.GetLine(startPos); if (currentLine > 0) { styler.SetLineState(currentLine, styler.GetLineState(currentLine-1)); bInClassDefinition = (styler.GetLineState(currentLine) == 1); } else { styler.SetLineState(currentLine, 0); bInClassDefinition = false; } bool bInAsm = (state == SCE_C_REGEX); if (bInAsm) state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; styler.StartSegment(startPos); for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < lengthDoc; i++) { char ch = chNext; chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); if ((ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n')) { // Trigger on CR only (Mac style) or either on LF from CR+LF (Dos/Win) or on LF alone (Unix) // Avoid triggering two times on Dos/Win // End of line if (state == SCE_C_CHARACTER) { ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } currentLine++; styler.SetLineState(currentLine, (bInClassDefinition ? 1 : 0)); } if (styler.IsLeadByte(ch)) { chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2); chPrev = ' '; i += 1; continue; } if (state == SCE_C_DEFAULT) { if (iswordstart(ch) || ch == '#' || ch == '$' || (ch == '@' && bInAsm)) { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_IDENTIFIER; } else if (ch == '{' && chNext != '$' && chNext != '&') { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_COMMENT; } else if (ch == '(' && chNext == '*' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2) != '$' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2) != '&') { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_COMMENTDOC; } else if (ch == '/' && chNext == '/') { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_COMMENTLINE; } else if (ch == '\'') { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_CHARACTER; } else if (ch == '{' && (chNext == '$' || chNext=='&')) { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR; } else if (isoperator(ch)) { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); ColourTo(styler, i, SCE_C_OPERATOR, bInAsm); } } else if (state == SCE_C_IDENTIFIER) { bool bDoublePoint = ((ch == '.') && (chPrev == '.')); bool bSinglePoint = (ch == '.'); if ((!iswordchar(ch) && ch != '$' && ch != '#' && (ch != '@' || !bInAsm)) || bDoublePoint || bSinglePoint) { if (bDoublePoint) i--; int lStateChange = classifyWordPascal(styler.GetStartSegment(), i - 1, keywordlists, styler, bInClassDefinition, bInAsm); if(lStateChange == 1) { styler.SetLineState(currentLine, 1); bInClassDefinition = true; } else if(lStateChange == 2) { bInAsm = true; } else if(lStateChange == -1) { styler.SetLineState(currentLine, 0); bInClassDefinition = false; bInAsm = false; } if (bDoublePoint) { i++; ColourTo(styler, i-1, SCE_C_DEFAULT, bInAsm); } state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); if (ch == '{' && chNext != '$' && chNext != '&') { state = SCE_C_COMMENT; } else if (ch == '(' && chNext == '*' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2) != '$' && styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2) != '&') { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_COMMENTDOC; } else if (ch == '/' && chNext == '/') { state = SCE_C_COMMENTLINE; } else if (ch == '\'') { state = SCE_C_CHARACTER; } else if (isoperator(ch)) { ColourTo(styler, i, SCE_C_OPERATOR, bInAsm); } } } else { if (state == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR) { if (ch=='}'){ ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } else { if ((ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') && !(chPrev == '\\' || chPrev == '\r')) { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } } } else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENT) { if (ch == '}' ) { ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } } else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) { if (ch == ')' && chPrev == '*') { if (((i > styler.GetStartSegment() + 2) || ( (initStyle == SCE_C_COMMENTDOC) && (styler.GetStartSegment() == static_cast(startPos))))) { ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } } } else if (state == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE) { if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { ColourTo(styler, i-1, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } } else if (state == SCE_C_CHARACTER) { if (ch == '\'') { ColourTo(styler, i, state, bInAsm); state = SCE_C_DEFAULT; } } } chPrev = ch; } ColourTo(styler, lengthDoc - 1, state, bInAsm); } static void FoldPascalDoc(unsigned int startPos, int length, int initStyle, WordList *[], Accessor &styler) { bool foldComment = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.comment") != 0; bool foldPreprocessor = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.preprocessor") != 0; bool foldCompact = styler.GetPropertyInt("fold.compact", 1) != 0; unsigned int endPos = startPos + length; int visibleChars = 0; int lineCurrent = styler.GetLine(startPos); int levelPrev = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent) & SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; int levelCurrent = levelPrev; char chNext = styler[startPos]; int styleNext = styler.StyleAt(startPos); int style = initStyle; int lastStart = 0; for (unsigned int i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) { char ch = chNext; chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); int stylePrev = style; style = styleNext; styleNext = styler.StyleAt(i + 1); bool atEOL = (ch == '\r' && chNext != '\n') || (ch == '\n'); if (stylePrev == SCE_C_DEFAULT && style == SCE_C_WORD) { // Store last word start point. lastStart = i; } if (stylePrev == SCE_C_WORD) { if(iswordchar(ch) && !iswordchar(chNext)) { char s[100]; getRange(lastStart, i, styler, s, sizeof(s)); levelCurrent += classifyFoldPointPascal(s); } } if (foldComment && (style == SCE_C_COMMENTLINE)) { if ((ch == '/') && (chNext == '/')) { char chNext2 = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 2); if (chNext2 == '{') { levelCurrent++; } else if (chNext2 == '}') { levelCurrent--; } } } if (foldPreprocessor && (style == SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR)) { if (ch == '{' && chNext == '$') { unsigned int j=i+2; // skip {$ while ((j levelPrev) && (visibleChars > 0)) lev |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; if (lev != styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent)) { styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, lev); } lineCurrent++; levelPrev = levelCurrent; visibleChars = 0; } if (!isspacechar(ch)) visibleChars++; } // Fill in the real level of the next line, keeping the current flags as they will be filled in later int flagsNext = styler.LevelAt(lineCurrent) & ~SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK; styler.SetLevel(lineCurrent, levelPrev | flagsNext); } static const char * const pascalWordListDesc[] = { "Keywords", "Classwords", 0 }; LexerModule lmPascal(SCLEX_PASCAL, ColourisePascalDoc, "pascal", FoldPascalDoc, pascalWordListDesc);