/* * document.c - this file is part of Geany, a fast and lightweight IDE * * Copyright 2006 Enrico Troeger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ #include "geany.h" #ifdef TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MMAP # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include #endif #include "document.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "support.h" #include "sciwrappers.h" #include "sci_cb.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "msgwindow.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "templates.h" #include "treeviews.h" #include "utils.h" /* returns the index of the notebook page which has the given filename */ gint document_find_by_filename(const gchar *filename) { guint i; if (! filename) return -1; for(i = 0; i < GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { #ifdef GEANY_WIN32 // ignore the case of filenames and paths under WIN32, causes errors if not if (doc_list[i].file_name && ! strcasecmp(doc_list[i].file_name, filename)) return i; #else if (doc_list[i].file_name && utils_strcmp(doc_list[i].file_name, filename)) return i; #endif } return -1; } /* returns the index of the notebook page which has sci */ gint document_find_by_sci(ScintillaObject *sci) { guint i; if (! sci) return -1; for(i = 0; i < GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (doc_list[i].is_valid && doc_list[i].sci == sci) return i; } return -1; } /* returns the index of the given notebook page in the document list */ gint document_get_n_idx(guint page_num) { if (page_num < 0 || page_num >= GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES) return -1; ScintillaObject *sci = (ScintillaObject*)gtk_notebook_get_nth_page( GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), page_num); return document_find_by_sci(sci); } /* returns the index of the current notebook page in the document list */ gint document_get_cur_idx(void) { gint cur_page = gtk_notebook_get_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook)); ScintillaObject *sci = (ScintillaObject*)gtk_notebook_get_nth_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), cur_page); if (cur_page == -1) return -1; else return document_find_by_sci(sci); } /* returns the next free place(i.e. index) in the document list * If there is for any reason no free place, -1 is returned */ gint document_get_new_idx(void) { guint i; for(i = 0; i < GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (doc_list[i].sci == NULL) { return (gint) i; } } return -1; } /* changes the color of the tab text according to the status */ void document_change_tab_color(gint index) { if (index >= 0 && doc_list[index].sci) { GdkColor colorred = {0, 65535, 0, 0}; GdkColor colorblack = {0, 0, 0, 0}; gtk_widget_modify_fg(doc_list[index].tab_label, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, (doc_list[index].changed) ? &colorred : &colorblack); gtk_widget_modify_fg(doc_list[index].tab_label, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, (doc_list[index].changed) ? &colorred : &colorblack); gtk_widget_modify_fg(doc_list[index].tabmenu_label, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, (doc_list[index].changed) ? &colorred : &colorblack); gtk_widget_modify_fg(doc_list[index].tabmenu_label, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, (doc_list[index].changed) ? &colorred : &colorblack); } } void document_set_text_changed(gint index) { document_change_tab_color(index); utils_save_buttons_toggle(doc_list[index].changed); utils_set_window_title(index); } /* sets in all document structs the flag is_valid to FALSE and initializes some members to NULL, * to mark it uninitialized. The flag is_valid is set to TRUE in document_create_new_sci(). */ void document_init_doclist(void) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { doc_list[i].is_valid = FALSE; doc_list[i].has_tags = FALSE; doc_list[i].use_auto_indention = TRUE; doc_list[i].line_breaking = TRUE; doc_list[i].readonly = FALSE; doc_list[i].tag_store = NULL; doc_list[i].tag_tree = NULL; doc_list[i].file_name = NULL; doc_list[i].file_type = NULL; doc_list[i].tm_file = NULL; doc_list[i].encoding = NULL; doc_list[i].sci = NULL; } } /* creates a new tab in the notebook and does all related stuff * finally it returns the index of the created document */ gint document_create_new_sci(const gchar *filename) { ScintillaObject *sci; GtkWidget *hbox, *but; PangoFontDescription *pfd; gchar *title, *fname; document this; GtkTreeIter iter; gint new_idx = document_get_new_idx(); title = (filename) ? g_path_get_basename(filename) : g_strdup(GEANY_STRING_UNTITLED); this.tab_label = gtk_label_new(title); //gtk_widget_show(this.tab_label); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); but = gtk_button_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(but), utils_new_image_from_inline(GEANY_IMAGE_SMALL_CROSS, FALSE)); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(but), 0); gtk_widget_set_size_request(but, 17, 15); gtk_button_set_relief(GTK_BUTTON(but), GTK_RELIEF_NONE); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), this.tab_label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), but, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all(hbox); /* SCI - Code */ sci = SCINTILLA(scintilla_new()); scintilla_set_id(sci, new_idx); #ifdef GEANY_WIN32 sci_set_codepage(sci, 0); #else sci_set_codepage(sci, SC_CP_UTF8); #endif //SSM(sci, SCI_SETWRAPSTARTINDENT, 4, 0); // disable scintilla provided popup menu sci_use_popup(sci, FALSE); sci_assign_cmdkey(sci, SCK_HOME, SCI_VCHOMEWRAP); sci_assign_cmdkey(sci, SCK_END, SCI_LINEENDWRAP); sci_set_mark_long_lines(sci, app->long_line_column, app->long_line_color); sci_set_symbol_margin(sci, app->show_markers_margin); sci_set_folding_margin_visible(sci, app->pref_editor_folding); sci_set_line_numbers(sci, app->show_linenumber_margin, 0); sci_set_lines_wrapped(sci, app->pref_editor_line_breaking); sci_set_indentionguides(sci, app->pref_editor_show_indent_guide); sci_set_visible_white_spaces(sci, app->pref_editor_show_white_space); sci_set_visible_eols(sci, app->pref_editor_show_line_endings); pfd = pango_font_description_from_string(app->editor_font); fname = g_strdup_printf("!%s", pango_font_description_get_family(pfd)); document_set_font(sci, fname, pango_font_description_get_size(pfd) / PANGO_SCALE); pango_font_description_free(pfd); g_free(fname); gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(sci)); this.tabmenu_label = gtk_label_new(title); gtk_notebook_insert_page_menu(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), GTK_WIDGET(sci), hbox, this.tabmenu_label, 0); gtk_notebook_set_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), 0); iter = treeviews_openfiles_add(new_idx, title); g_free(title); this.tag_store = NULL; this.tag_tree = NULL; // "the" SCI signal g_signal_connect((GtkWidget*) sci, "sci-notify", G_CALLBACK(on_editor_notification), GINT_TO_POINTER(new_idx)); // signal for insert-key(works without too, but to update the right status bar) g_signal_connect((GtkWidget*) sci, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_editor_key_press_event), GINT_TO_POINTER(new_idx)); // signal for the popup menu g_signal_connect((GtkWidget*) sci, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_editor_button_press_event), GINT_TO_POINTER(new_idx)); // signal for clicking the tab-close button g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(but), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_tab_close_clicked), sci); utils_close_buttons_toggle(); // store important pointers in the tab list this.file_name = (filename) ? g_strdup(filename) : NULL; this.sci = sci; this.encoding = NULL; this.tm_file = NULL; this.iter = iter; this.file_type = NULL; this.mtime = 0; this.changed = FALSE; this.last_check = time(NULL); this.do_overwrite = FALSE; this.readonly = FALSE; this.line_breaking = TRUE; this.use_auto_indention = TRUE; this.has_tags = FALSE; this.is_valid = TRUE; doc_list[new_idx] = this; return new_idx; } /* removes the given notebook tab and clears the related entry in the document list */ gboolean document_remove(guint page_num) { gint idx = document_get_n_idx(page_num); if (idx >= 0 && idx <= GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES) { if (doc_list[idx].changed && ! dialogs_show_unsaved_file(idx)) { return FALSE; } gtk_notebook_remove_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), page_num); treeviews_openfiles_remove(doc_list[idx].iter); if (GTK_IS_WIDGET(doc_list[idx].tag_tree)) { //g_object_unref(doc_list[idx].tag_tree); // no need to unref when destroying? gtk_widget_destroy(doc_list[idx].tag_tree); } msgwin_status_add(_("File %s closed."), (doc_list[idx].file_name) ? doc_list[idx].file_name : GEANY_STRING_UNTITLED); g_free(doc_list[idx].encoding); g_free(doc_list[idx].file_name); tm_workspace_remove_object(doc_list[idx].tm_file, TRUE); doc_list[idx].is_valid = FALSE; doc_list[idx].sci = NULL; doc_list[idx].file_name = NULL; doc_list[idx].file_type = NULL; doc_list[idx].tm_file = NULL; if (gtk_notebook_get_n_pages(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook)) == 0) { utils_update_tag_list(-1, FALSE); //on_notebook1_switch_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), NULL, 0, NULL); utils_set_window_title(-1); utils_save_buttons_toggle(FALSE); utils_close_buttons_toggle(); } } else geany_debug("Error: idx: %d page_num: %d", idx, page_num); return TRUE; } /* This creates a new document, by clearing the text widget and setting the current filename to NULL. */ void document_new_file(filetype *ft) { if (gtk_notebook_get_n_pages(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook)) < GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES) { gint idx = document_create_new_sci(NULL); gchar *template = document_prepare_template(ft); sci_clear_all(doc_list[idx].sci); sci_set_text(doc_list[idx].sci, template); g_free(template); document_set_filetype(idx, (ft) ? ft : filetypes[GEANY_FILETYPES_ALL]); utils_set_window_title(idx); utils_build_show_hide(idx); utils_update_tag_list(idx, FALSE); doc_list[idx].mtime = time(NULL); doc_list[idx].changed = FALSE; document_set_text_changed(idx); sci_set_eol_mode(doc_list[idx].sci, SC_EOL_LF); sci_set_line_numbers(doc_list[idx].sci, app->show_linenumber_margin, 0); sci_empty_undo_buffer(doc_list[idx].sci); sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, 0, TRUE); msgwin_status_add(_("New file opened.")); } else { dialogs_show_file_open_error(); } } /* If idx is set to -1, it creates a new tab, opens the file from filename and * set the cursor to pos. * If idx is greater than -1, it reloads the file in the tab corresponding to * idx and set the cursor to position 0. In this case, filename should be NULL */ void document_open_file(gint idx, const gchar *filename, gint pos, gboolean readonly, filetype *ft) { gint editor_mode, size; gboolean reload = (idx == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE; struct stat st; gchar *enc = NULL; gchar *utf8_filename = NULL; gchar *locale_filename = NULL; GError *err = NULL; #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(HAVE_MUNMAP) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) gint fd; void *map; #else gchar *map; #endif //struct timeval tv, tv1; //struct timezone tz; //gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); if (reload) { utf8_filename = g_strdup(doc_list[idx].file_name); locale_filename = g_locale_from_utf8(utf8_filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { // try to get the UTF-8 equivalent for the filename, fallback to filename if error locale_filename = g_strdup(filename); utf8_filename = g_locale_to_utf8(locale_filename, -1, NULL, NULL, &err); if (utf8_filename == NULL) { msgwin_status_add("Invalid filename (%s)", err->message); utf8_filename = g_strdup(locale_filename); err = NULL; // set to NULL for further usage } // if file is already open, switch to it and go idx = document_find_by_filename(utf8_filename); if (idx >= 0) { gtk_notebook_set_current_page(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), gtk_notebook_page_num(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook), (GtkWidget*) doc_list[idx].sci)); g_free(utf8_filename); g_free(locale_filename); return; } } if (stat(locale_filename, &st) != 0) { msgwin_status_add(_("Could not stat file")); g_free(utf8_filename); g_free(locale_filename); return; } #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(HAVE_MUNMAP) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) if ((fd = open(locale_filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { msgwin_status_add(_("Could not open file %s (%s)"), utf8_filename, g_strerror(errno)); g_free(utf8_filename); g_free(locale_filename); return; } if ((map = mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED) { msgwin_status_add(_("Could not open file %s (%s)"), utf8_filename, g_strerror(errno)); g_free(utf8_filename); g_free(locale_filename); return; } size = (gint)st.st_size; #else // use GLib function to load file on Win32 systems and those w/o mmap() if (! g_file_get_contents(utf8_filename, &map, NULL, &err)) { msgwin_status_add(_("Could not open file %s (%s)"), utf8_filename, err->message); g_free(utf8_filename); g_free(locale_filename); return; } size = (gint)strlen(map); #endif /* Determine character encoding and convert to utf-8*/ if (size > 0) { if (g_utf8_validate(map, size, NULL)) { enc = g_strdup("UTF-8"); } else { gchar *converted_text = utils_convert_to_utf8(map, size, &enc); if (converted_text == NULL) { msgwin_status_add(_("The file does not look like a text file or the file encoding is not supported.")); utils_beep(); #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(HAVE_MUNMAP) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) close(fd); munmap(map, st.st_size); #else g_free(map); #endif g_free(utf8_filename); g_free(locale_filename); return; } else { map = converted_text; size = strlen(converted_text); } } } if (! reload) idx = document_create_new_sci(utf8_filename); // sets editor mode and add the text to the ScintillaObject sci_add_text_buffer(doc_list[idx].sci, map, size); editor_mode = utils_get_line_endings(map, size); sci_set_eol_mode(doc_list[idx].sci, editor_mode); sci_set_line_numbers(doc_list[idx].sci, app->show_linenumber_margin, 0); sci_set_savepoint(doc_list[idx].sci); sci_empty_undo_buffer(doc_list[idx].sci); doc_list[idx].mtime = time(NULL); doc_list[idx].changed = FALSE; doc_list[idx].file_name = g_strdup(utf8_filename); doc_list[idx].encoding = enc; if (reload) { sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, 0, FALSE); msgwin_status_add(_("File %s reloaded."), utf8_filename); } else { filetype *use_ft = (ft != NULL) ? ft : filetypes_get_from_filename(utf8_filename); sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, pos, TRUE); //if (app->main_window_realized) // avoids warnings, but doesn't scroll, so accept warning sci_scroll_to_line(doc_list[idx].sci, sci_get_line_from_position(doc_list[idx].sci, pos) - 10); doc_list[idx].readonly = readonly; sci_set_readonly(doc_list[idx].sci, readonly); document_set_filetype(idx, use_ft); utils_build_show_hide(idx); msgwin_status_add(_("File %s opened(%d%s)."), utf8_filename, gtk_notebook_get_n_pages(GTK_NOTEBOOK(app->notebook)), (readonly) ? _(", read-only") : ""); } utils_update_tag_list(idx, TRUE); document_set_text_changed(idx); #if defined(HAVE_MMAP) && defined(HAVE_MUNMAP) && defined(HAVE_FCNTL_H) close(fd); munmap(map, st.st_size); #else g_free(map); #endif // finally add current file to recent files menu, but not the files from the last session if (! app->opening_session_files && g_queue_find_custom(app->recent_queue, utf8_filename, (GCompareFunc) strcmp) == NULL) { g_queue_push_head(app->recent_queue, g_strdup(utf8_filename)); if (g_queue_get_length(app->recent_queue) > app->mru_length) { g_free(g_queue_pop_tail(app->recent_queue)); } utils_update_recent_menu(); } g_free(utf8_filename); g_free(locale_filename); //gettimeofday(&tv1, &tz); //geany_debug("%s: %d", filename, (gint)(tv1.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec)); } /* This saves the file */ void document_save_file(gint idx) { gchar *data; FILE *fp; gint bytes_written, len; gchar *locale_filename = NULL; if (idx == -1) return; if (doc_list[idx].file_name == NULL) { msgwin_status_add(_("Error saving file.")); utils_beep(); return; } // strip trailing spaces if (app->pref_editor_trail_space) utils_strip_trailing_spaces(idx); // ensure the file has a newline at the end if (app->pref_editor_new_line) utils_ensure_final_newline(idx); // ensure there a really the same EOL chars sci_convert_eols(doc_list[idx].sci, sci_get_eol_mode(doc_list[idx].sci)); len = sci_get_length(doc_list[idx].sci) + 1; data = (gchar*) g_malloc(len); sci_get_text(doc_list[idx].sci, len, data); locale_filename = g_locale_from_utf8(doc_list[idx].file_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); fp = fopen(locale_filename, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { msgwin_status_add(_("Error saving file (%s)."), strerror(errno)); utils_beep(); g_free(data); return; } #ifdef GEANY_WIN32 // ugly hack: on windows '\n' (LF) is taken as CRLF so we must convert it prior to save the doc if (sci_get_eol_mode(doc_list[idx].sci) == SC_EOL_CRLF) sci_convert_eols(doc_list[idx].sci, SC_EOL_CRLF); #endif len = strlen(data); bytes_written = fwrite(data, sizeof (gchar), len, fp); fclose (fp); g_free(data); if (len != bytes_written) { msgwin_status_add(_("Error saving file.")); utils_beep(); return; } // ignore the following things if we are quitting if (! app->quitting) { gchar *basename = g_path_get_basename(doc_list[idx].file_name); // set line numbers again, to reset the margin width, if // there are more lines than before sci_set_line_numbers(doc_list[idx].sci, app->show_linenumber_margin, 0); sci_set_savepoint(doc_list[idx].sci); doc_list[idx].mtime = time(NULL); if (doc_list[idx].file_type == NULL || doc_list[idx].file_type->id == GEANY_FILETYPES_ALL) doc_list[idx].file_type = filetypes_get_from_filename(doc_list[idx].file_name); document_set_filetype(idx, doc_list[idx].file_type); tm_workspace_update(TM_WORK_OBJECT(app->tm_workspace), TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(doc_list[idx].tab_label), basename); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(doc_list[idx].tabmenu_label), basename); treeviews_openfiles_update(doc_list[idx].iter, doc_list[idx].file_name); msgwin_status_add(_("File %s saved."), doc_list[idx].file_name); utils_update_statusbar(idx); treeviews_openfiles_update(doc_list[idx].iter, basename); g_free(basename); } } /* special search function, used from the find entry in the toolbar */ void document_find_next(gint idx, const gchar *text, gint flags, gboolean find_button, gboolean inc) { gint selection_end, search_pos; if (idx == -1 || ! strlen(text)) return; selection_end = sci_get_selection_end(doc_list[idx].sci); if (!inc && sci_can_copy(doc_list[idx].sci)) { // there's a selection so go to the end sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_end + 1, TRUE); } sci_set_search_anchor(doc_list[idx].sci); search_pos = sci_search_next(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, text); if (search_pos != -1) { sci_scroll_caret(doc_list[idx].sci); } else { if (find_button) { if (dialogs_show_not_found(text)) { sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, 0, FALSE); document_find_next(idx, text, flags, TRUE, inc); } } else { utils_beep(); sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, 0, FALSE); } } } /* general search function, used from the find dialog */ void document_find_text(gint idx, const gchar *text, gint flags, gboolean search_backwards) { gint selection_end, selection_start, search_pos; if (idx == -1 || ! strlen(text)) return; selection_start = sci_get_selection_start(doc_list[idx].sci); selection_end = sci_get_selection_end(doc_list[idx].sci); if ((selection_end - selection_start) > 0) { // there's a selection so go to the end if (search_backwards) sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_start - 1, TRUE); else sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_end + 1, TRUE); } sci_set_search_anchor(doc_list[idx].sci); if (search_backwards) search_pos = sci_search_prev(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, text); else search_pos = sci_search_next(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, text); if (search_pos != -1) { sci_scroll_caret(doc_list[idx].sci); } else { if (dialogs_show_not_found(text)) { sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, (search_backwards) ? sci_get_length(doc_list[idx].sci) : 0, TRUE); document_find_text(idx, text, flags, search_backwards); } } } void document_replace_text(gint idx, const gchar *find_text, const gchar *replace_text, gint flags, gboolean search_backwards) { gint selection_end, selection_start, search_pos; gint find_text_len = strlen(find_text); if (idx == -1 || ! find_text_len) return; selection_start = sci_get_selection_start(doc_list[idx].sci); selection_end = sci_get_selection_end(doc_list[idx].sci); if ((selection_end - selection_start) > 0) { // there's a selection so go to the end if (search_backwards) sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_start - 1, TRUE); else sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_end + 1, TRUE); } sci_set_search_anchor(doc_list[idx].sci); if (search_backwards) search_pos = sci_search_prev(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, find_text); else search_pos = sci_search_next(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, find_text); if (search_pos != -1) { sci_target_start(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos); sci_target_end(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos + find_text_len); sci_target_replace(doc_list[idx].sci, replace_text); sci_scroll_caret(doc_list[idx].sci); sci_set_selection_start(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos); sci_set_selection_end(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos + strlen(replace_text)); } else { utils_beep(); } } void document_replace_sel(gint idx, const gchar *find_text, const gchar *replace_text, gint flags, gboolean search_backwards) { gint selection_end, selection_start, search_pos; gint find_text_len = strlen(find_text); if (idx == -1 || ! find_text_len) return; selection_start = sci_get_selection_start(doc_list[idx].sci); selection_end = sci_get_selection_end(doc_list[idx].sci); if ((selection_end - selection_start) == 0) { utils_beep(); return; } if (search_backwards) sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_end, TRUE); else sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_start, TRUE); sci_set_search_anchor(doc_list[idx].sci); if (search_backwards) search_pos = sci_search_prev(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, find_text); else search_pos = sci_search_next(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, find_text); if (search_pos != -1) { sci_target_start(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos); sci_target_end(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos + find_text_len); sci_target_replace(doc_list[idx].sci, replace_text); sci_scroll_caret(doc_list[idx].sci); } else { utils_beep(); } // set selection again, because it got lost just before sci_set_selection_start(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_start); sci_set_selection_end(doc_list[idx].sci, selection_end); } void document_replace_all(gint idx, const gchar *find_text, const gchar *replace_text, gint flags) { gint search_pos; gint find_text_len = strlen(find_text); if (idx == -1 || ! find_text_len) return; sci_goto_pos(doc_list[idx].sci, 0, FALSE); sci_set_search_anchor(doc_list[idx].sci); search_pos = sci_search_next(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, find_text); while (search_pos != -1) { sci_target_start(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos); sci_target_end(doc_list[idx].sci, search_pos + find_text_len); sci_target_replace(doc_list[idx].sci, replace_text); sci_scroll_caret(doc_list[idx].sci); search_pos = sci_search_next(doc_list[idx].sci, flags, find_text); } gtk_widget_hide(app->replace_dialog); } void document_set_font(ScintillaObject *sci, const gchar *font_name, gint size) { gint style; for (style = 0; style <= 127; style++) sci_set_font(sci, style, font_name, size); // line number and braces sci_set_font(sci, STYLE_LINENUMBER, font_name, size); sci_set_font(sci, STYLE_BRACELIGHT, font_name, size); sci_set_font(sci, STYLE_BRACEBAD, font_name, size); // zoom to 100% to prevent confusion sci_zoom_off(sci); //sci_colourise(sci, 0, sci_get_length(sci)); } void document_update_tag_list(gint idx) { // if the filetype doesn't has a tag parser or it is a new file, leave if (idx == -1 || ! doc_list[idx].file_type->has_tags || ! doc_list[idx].file_name) return; if (doc_list[idx].tm_file == NULL) { gchar *locale_filename = g_locale_from_utf8(doc_list[idx].file_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); doc_list[idx].tm_file = tm_source_file_new(locale_filename, FALSE); g_free(locale_filename); if (! doc_list[idx].tm_file) return; tm_workspace_add_object(doc_list[idx].tm_file); // parse the file after setting the filetype TM_SOURCE_FILE(doc_list[idx].tm_file)->lang = getNamedLanguage((doc_list[idx].file_type)->name); tm_source_file_update(doc_list[idx].tm_file, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); utils_update_tag_list(idx, TRUE); } else { if (tm_source_file_update(doc_list[idx].tm_file, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) { utils_update_tag_list(idx, TRUE); } else { geany_debug(_("tag list updating failed")); } } } /* sets the filetype of the the document (sets syntax highlighting and tagging) */ void document_set_filetype(gint idx, filetype *type) { gint i; if (! type || idx < 0) return; for(i = 0; i < GEANY_MAX_FILE_TYPES; i++) { if (filetypes[i] && type == filetypes[i]) { doc_list[idx].file_type = filetypes[i]; document_update_tag_list(idx); filetypes[i]->style_func_ptr(doc_list[idx].sci); /* For C/C++/Java files, get list of typedefs for colorizing */ if (sci_get_lexer(doc_list[idx].sci) == SCLEX_CPP) { guint j, n; /* assign project keywords */ if ((app->tm_workspace) && (app->tm_workspace->work_object.tags_array)) { GPtrArray *typedefs = tm_tags_extract(app->tm_workspace->work_object.tags_array, tm_tag_typedef_t | tm_tag_struct_t | tm_tag_class_t); if ((typedefs) && (typedefs->len > 0)) { GString *s = g_string_sized_new(typedefs->len * 10); for (j = 0; j < typedefs->len; ++j) { if (!(TM_TAG(typedefs->pdata[j])->atts.entry.scope)) { if (TM_TAG(typedefs->pdata[j])->name) { g_string_append(s, TM_TAG(typedefs->pdata[j])->name); g_string_append_c(s, ' '); } } } for (n = 0; n < GEANY_MAX_OPEN_FILES; n++) { if (doc_list[n].sci) { sci_set_keywords(doc_list[n].sci, 3, s->str); sci_colourise(doc_list[n].sci, 0, -1); } } //SSM(doc_list[idx].sci, SCI_SETKEYWORDS, 3, (sptr_t) s->str); g_string_free(s, TRUE); } g_ptr_array_free(typedefs, TRUE); } } sci_colourise(doc_list[idx].sci, 0, -1); utils_build_show_hide(idx); geany_debug("%s : %s (%s)", (doc_list[idx].file_name) ? doc_list[idx].file_name : "(null)", filetypes[i]->name, doc_list[idx].encoding); break; } } } gchar *document_get_eol_mode(gint idx) { if (idx == -1) return '\0'; switch (sci_get_eol_mode(doc_list[idx].sci)) { case SC_EOL_CRLF: return _("Win (CRLF)"); break; case SC_EOL_CR: return _("Max (CR)"); break; case SC_EOL_LF: default: return _("Unix (LF)"); break; } } gchar *document_prepare_template(filetype *ft) { gchar *gpl_notice = NULL; gchar *template; gchar *ft_template; if (ft != NULL) { switch (ft->id) { case GEANY_FILETYPES_PHP: { // PHP: include the comment in - tags gchar *tmp = templates_get_template_fileheader( GEANY_TEMPLATE_FILEHEADER, ft->extension, -1); gpl_notice = g_strconcat("\n\n", NULL); g_free(tmp); break; } case GEANY_FILETYPES_PASCAL: { // Pascal: comments are in { } brackets gpl_notice = templates_get_template_fileheader( GEANY_TEMPLATE_FILEHEADER_PASCAL, ft->extension, -1); break; } default: { // -> C, C++, Java, ... gpl_notice = templates_get_template_fileheader( GEANY_TEMPLATE_FILEHEADER, ft->extension, -1); } } ft_template = filetypes_get_template(ft); template = g_strconcat(gpl_notice, ft_template, NULL); g_free(ft_template); g_free(gpl_notice); return template; } else { // new file w/o template return templates_get_template_fileheader(GEANY_TEMPLATE_FILETYPE_NONE, NULL, -1); } } void document_unfold_all(gint idx) { gint lines, pos, i; if (idx == -1 || ! doc_list[idx].is_valid) return; lines = sci_get_line_count(doc_list[idx].sci); pos = sci_get_current_position(doc_list[idx].sci); for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { sci_ensure_line_is_visible(doc_list[idx].sci, i); } } void document_fold_all(gint idx) { gint lines, pos, i; if (idx == -1 || ! doc_list[idx].is_valid) return; lines = sci_get_line_count(doc_list[idx].sci); pos = sci_get_current_position(doc_list[idx].sci); for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { gint level = sci_get_fold_level(doc_list[idx].sci, i); if (level & SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG) { if (sci_get_fold_expanded(doc_list[idx].sci, i)) sci_toggle_fold(doc_list[idx].sci, i); } } }