// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file PositionCache.cxx ** Classes for caching layout information. **/ // Copyright 1998-2007 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include #include #include #include #include "Platform.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "ContractionState.h" #include "SVector.h" #include "SplitVector.h" #include "Partitioning.h" #include "CellBuffer.h" #include "KeyMap.h" #include "RunStyles.h" #include "Indicator.h" #include "XPM.h" #include "LineMarker.h" #include "Style.h" #include "ViewStyle.h" #include "CharClassify.h" #include "Decoration.h" #include "Document.h" #include "PositionCache.h" #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE using namespace Scintilla; #endif static inline bool IsControlCharacter(int ch) { // iscntrl returns true for lots of chars > 127 which are displayable return ch >= 0 && ch < ' '; } LineLayout::LineLayout(int maxLineLength_) : lineStarts(0), lenLineStarts(0), lineNumber(-1), inCache(false), maxLineLength(-1), numCharsInLine(0), validity(llInvalid), xHighlightGuide(0), highlightColumn(0), selStart(0), selEnd(0), containsCaret(false), edgeColumn(0), chars(0), styles(0), styleBitsSet(0), indicators(0), positions(0), hsStart(0), hsEnd(0), widthLine(wrapWidthInfinite), lines(1) { Resize(maxLineLength_); } LineLayout::~LineLayout() { Free(); } void LineLayout::Resize(int maxLineLength_) { if (maxLineLength_ > maxLineLength) { Free(); chars = new char[maxLineLength_ + 1]; styles = new unsigned char[maxLineLength_ + 1]; indicators = new char[maxLineLength_ + 1]; // Extra position allocated as sometimes the Windows // GetTextExtentExPoint API writes an extra element. positions = new int[maxLineLength_ + 1 + 1]; maxLineLength = maxLineLength_; } } void LineLayout::Free() { delete []chars; chars = 0; delete []styles; styles = 0; delete []indicators; indicators = 0; delete []positions; positions = 0; delete []lineStarts; lineStarts = 0; } void LineLayout::Invalidate(validLevel validity_) { if (validity > validity_) validity = validity_; } int LineLayout::LineStart(int line) const { if (line <= 0) { return 0; } else if ((line >= lines) || !lineStarts) { return numCharsInLine; } else { return lineStarts[line]; } } int LineLayout::LineLastVisible(int line) const { if (line < 0) { return 0; } else if ((line >= lines-1) || !lineStarts) { int startLine = LineStart(line); int endLine = numCharsInLine; while ((endLine > startLine) && IsEOLChar(chars[endLine-1])) { endLine--; } return endLine; } else { return lineStarts[line+1]; } } void LineLayout::SetLineStart(int line, int start) { if ((line >= lenLineStarts) && (line != 0)) { int newMaxLines = line + 20; int *newLineStarts = new int[newMaxLines]; if (!newLineStarts) return; for (int i = 0; i < newMaxLines; i++) { if (i < lenLineStarts) newLineStarts[i] = lineStarts[i]; else newLineStarts[i] = 0; } delete []lineStarts; lineStarts = newLineStarts; lenLineStarts = newMaxLines; } lineStarts[line] = start; } void LineLayout::SetBracesHighlight(Range rangeLine, Position braces[], char bracesMatchStyle, int xHighlight) { if (rangeLine.ContainsCharacter(braces[0])) { int braceOffset = braces[0] - rangeLine.start; if (braceOffset < numCharsInLine) { bracePreviousStyles[0] = styles[braceOffset]; styles[braceOffset] = bracesMatchStyle; } } if (rangeLine.ContainsCharacter(braces[1])) { int braceOffset = braces[1] - rangeLine.start; if (braceOffset < numCharsInLine) { bracePreviousStyles[1] = styles[braceOffset]; styles[braceOffset] = bracesMatchStyle; } } if ((braces[0] >= rangeLine.start && braces[1] <= rangeLine.end) || (braces[1] >= rangeLine.start && braces[0] <= rangeLine.end)) { xHighlightGuide = xHighlight; } } void LineLayout::RestoreBracesHighlight(Range rangeLine, Position braces[]) { if (rangeLine.ContainsCharacter(braces[0])) { int braceOffset = braces[0] - rangeLine.start; if (braceOffset < numCharsInLine) { styles[braceOffset] = bracePreviousStyles[0]; } } if (rangeLine.ContainsCharacter(braces[1])) { int braceOffset = braces[1] - rangeLine.start; if (braceOffset < numCharsInLine) { styles[braceOffset] = bracePreviousStyles[1]; } } xHighlightGuide = 0; } int LineLayout::FindBefore(int x, int lower, int upper) const { do { int middle = (upper + lower + 1) / 2; // Round high int posMiddle = positions[middle]; if (x < posMiddle) { upper = middle - 1; } else { lower = middle; } } while (lower < upper); return lower; } LineLayoutCache::LineLayoutCache() : level(0), length(0), size(0), cache(0), allInvalidated(false), styleClock(-1), useCount(0) { Allocate(0); } LineLayoutCache::~LineLayoutCache() { Deallocate(); } void LineLayoutCache::Allocate(int length_) { PLATFORM_ASSERT(cache == NULL); allInvalidated = false; length = length_; size = length; if (size > 1) { size = (size / 16 + 1) * 16; } if (size > 0) { cache = new LineLayout * [size]; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) cache[i] = 0; } void LineLayoutCache::AllocateForLevel(int linesOnScreen, int linesInDoc) { PLATFORM_ASSERT(useCount == 0); int lengthForLevel = 0; if (level == llcCaret) { lengthForLevel = 1; } else if (level == llcPage) { lengthForLevel = linesOnScreen + 1; } else if (level == llcDocument) { lengthForLevel = linesInDoc; } if (lengthForLevel > size) { Deallocate(); Allocate(lengthForLevel); } else { if (lengthForLevel < length) { for (int i = lengthForLevel; i < length; i++) { delete cache[i]; cache[i] = 0; } } length = lengthForLevel; } PLATFORM_ASSERT(length == lengthForLevel); PLATFORM_ASSERT(cache != NULL || length == 0); } void LineLayoutCache::Deallocate() { PLATFORM_ASSERT(useCount == 0); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) delete cache[i]; delete []cache; cache = 0; length = 0; size = 0; } void LineLayoutCache::Invalidate(LineLayout::validLevel validity_) { if (cache && !allInvalidated) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (cache[i]) { cache[i]->Invalidate(validity_); } } if (validity_ == LineLayout::llInvalid) { allInvalidated = true; } } } void LineLayoutCache::SetLevel(int level_) { allInvalidated = false; if ((level_ != -1) && (level != level_)) { level = level_; Deallocate(); } } LineLayout *LineLayoutCache::Retrieve(int lineNumber, int lineCaret, int maxChars, int styleClock_, int linesOnScreen, int linesInDoc) { AllocateForLevel(linesOnScreen, linesInDoc); if (styleClock != styleClock_) { Invalidate(LineLayout::llCheckTextAndStyle); styleClock = styleClock_; } allInvalidated = false; int pos = -1; LineLayout *ret = 0; if (level == llcCaret) { pos = 0; } else if (level == llcPage) { if (lineNumber == lineCaret) { pos = 0; } else if (length > 1) { pos = 1 + (lineNumber % (length - 1)); } } else if (level == llcDocument) { pos = lineNumber; } if (pos >= 0) { PLATFORM_ASSERT(useCount == 0); if (cache && (pos < length)) { if (cache[pos]) { if ((cache[pos]->lineNumber != lineNumber) || (cache[pos]->maxLineLength < maxChars)) { delete cache[pos]; cache[pos] = 0; } } if (!cache[pos]) { cache[pos] = new LineLayout(maxChars); } if (cache[pos]) { cache[pos]->lineNumber = lineNumber; cache[pos]->inCache = true; ret = cache[pos]; useCount++; } } } if (!ret) { ret = new LineLayout(maxChars); ret->lineNumber = lineNumber; } return ret; } void LineLayoutCache::Dispose(LineLayout *ll) { allInvalidated = false; if (ll) { if (!ll->inCache) { delete ll; } else { useCount--; } } } void BreakFinder::Insert(int val) { if (val > nextBreak) { for (unsigned int j = 0; jk; k--) { selAndEdge[k] = selAndEdge[k-1]; } saeLen++; selAndEdge[j] = val; return; } } // Not less than any so append selAndEdge[saeLen++] = val; } } BreakFinder::BreakFinder(LineLayout *ll_, int lineStart_, int lineEnd_, int posLineStart_, int xStart) : ll(ll_), lineStart(lineStart_), lineEnd(lineEnd_), posLineStart(posLineStart_), nextBreak(lineStart_), saeLen(0), saeCurrentPos(0), saeNext(0), subBreak(-1) { for (unsigned int j=0; j < sizeof(selAndEdge) / sizeof(selAndEdge[0]); j++) { selAndEdge[j] = 0; } // Search for first visible break // First find the first visible character nextBreak = ll->FindBefore(xStart, lineStart, lineEnd); // Now back to a style break while ((nextBreak > lineStart) && (ll->styles[nextBreak] == ll->styles[nextBreak - 1])) { nextBreak--; } if (ll->selStart != ll->selEnd) { Insert(ll->selStart - posLineStart - 1); Insert(ll->selEnd - posLineStart - 1); } Insert(ll->edgeColumn - 1); Insert(lineEnd - 1); saeNext = (saeLen > 0) ? selAndEdge[0] : -1; } int BreakFinder::First() { return nextBreak; } int BreakFinder::Next() { if (subBreak == -1) { int prev = nextBreak; while (nextBreak < lineEnd) { if ((ll->styles[nextBreak] != ll->styles[nextBreak + 1]) || (nextBreak == saeNext) || IsControlCharacter(ll->chars[nextBreak]) || IsControlCharacter(ll->chars[nextBreak + 1])) { if (nextBreak == saeNext) { saeCurrentPos++; saeNext = (saeLen > saeCurrentPos) ? selAndEdge[saeCurrentPos] : -1; } nextBreak++; if ((nextBreak - prev) < lengthStartSubdivision) { return nextBreak; } break; } nextBreak++; } if ((nextBreak - prev) < lengthStartSubdivision) { return nextBreak; } subBreak = prev; } // Splitting up a long run from prev to nextBreak in lots of approximately lengthEachSubdivision. // For very long runs add extra breaks after spaces or if no spaces before low punctuation. if ((nextBreak - subBreak) <= lengthEachSubdivision) { subBreak = -1; return nextBreak; } else { int lastGoodBreak = -1; int lastOKBreak = -1; int j; for (j = subBreak + 1; j <= nextBreak; j++) { if (IsSpaceOrTab(ll->chars[j - 1]) && !IsSpaceOrTab(ll->chars[j])) { lastGoodBreak = j; } if (ll->chars[j] < 'A') { lastOKBreak = j; } if (((j - subBreak) >= lengthEachSubdivision) && ((lastGoodBreak >= 0) || (lastOKBreak >= 0))) { break; } } if (lastGoodBreak >= 0) { subBreak = lastGoodBreak; } else if (lastOKBreak >= 0) { subBreak = lastOKBreak; } else { subBreak = nextBreak; } if (subBreak >= nextBreak) { subBreak = -1; return nextBreak; } else { return subBreak; } } } PositionCacheEntry::PositionCacheEntry() : styleNumber(0), len(0), clock(0), positions(0) { } void PositionCacheEntry::Set(unsigned int styleNumber_, const char *s_, unsigned int len_, int *positions_, unsigned int clock_) { Clear(); styleNumber = styleNumber_; len = len_; clock = clock_; if (s_ && positions_) { positions = new short[len + (len + 1) / 2]; for (unsigned int i=0;i(positions_[i]); } memcpy(reinterpret_cast(positions + len), s_, len); } } PositionCacheEntry::~PositionCacheEntry() { Clear(); } void PositionCacheEntry::Clear() { delete []positions; positions = 0; styleNumber = 0; len = 0; clock = 0; } bool PositionCacheEntry::Retrieve(unsigned int styleNumber_, const char *s_, unsigned int len_, int *positions_) const { if ((styleNumber == styleNumber_) && (len == len_) && (memcmp(reinterpret_cast(positions + len), s_, len)== 0)) { for (unsigned int i=0;i other.clock; } void PositionCacheEntry::ResetClock() { if (clock > 0) { clock = 1; } } PositionCache::PositionCache() { size = 0x400; clock = 1; pces = new PositionCacheEntry[size]; allClear = true; } PositionCache::~PositionCache() { Clear(); delete []pces; } void PositionCache::Clear() { if (!allClear) { for (size_t i=0;i 0) && (len < 30)) { // Only store short strings in the cache so it doesn't churn with // long comments with only a single comment. // Two way associative: try two probe positions. int hashValue = PositionCacheEntry::Hash(styleNumber, s, len); probe = hashValue % size; if (pces[probe].Retrieve(styleNumber, s, len, positions)) { return; } int probe2 = (hashValue * 37) % size; if (pces[probe2].Retrieve(styleNumber, s, len, positions)) { return; } // Not found. Choose the oldest of the two slots to replace if (pces[probe].NewerThan(pces[probe2])) { probe = probe2; } } surface->MeasureWidths(vstyle.styles[styleNumber].font, s, len, positions); if (probe >= 0) { clock++; if (clock > 60000) { // Since there are only 16 bits for the clock, wrap it round and // reset all cache entries so none get stuck with a high clock. for (size_t i=0;i