/* * * Copyright (c) 1996-2001, Darren Hiebert * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. * * This module contains functions for creating tag entries. */ /* * INCLUDE FILES */ #include "general.h" /* must always come first */ #include #include /* to define isspace () */ #include #include #if defined (HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) # include /* to declare off_t on some hosts */ #endif #if defined (HAVE_TYPES_H) # include /* to declare off_t on some hosts */ #endif #if defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H) # include /* to declare close (), ftruncate (), truncate () */ #endif /* These header files provide for the functions necessary to do file * truncation. */ #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_IO_H # include #endif #include "ctags.h" #include "entry.h" #include "main.h" #include "options.h" #include "read.h" #include "sort.h" #include "strlist.h" /* * MACROS */ #define PSEUDO_TAG_PREFIX "!_" #define includeExtensionFlags() (Option.tagFileFormat > 1) /* * Portability defines */ #if !defined(HAVE_TRUNCATE) && !defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE) && !defined(HAVE_CHSIZE) # define USE_REPLACEMENT_TRUNCATE #endif /* Hack for rediculous practice of Microsoft Visual C++. */ #if defined (WIN32) && defined (_MSC_VER) # define chsize _chsize # define open _open # define close _close # define O_RDWR _O_RDWR #endif /* * DATA DEFINITIONS */ tagFile TagFile = { NULL, /* tag file name */ NULL, /* tag file directory (absolute) */ NULL, /* file pointer */ { 0, 0 }, /* numTags */ { 0, 0, 0 }, /* max */ { NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* etags */ NULL /* vLine */ }; static boolean TagsToStdout = FALSE; /* * FUNCTION PROTOTYPES */ #ifdef NEED_PROTO_TRUNCATE extern int truncate (const char *path, off_t length); #endif #ifdef NEED_PROTO_FTRUNCATE extern int ftruncate (int fd, off_t length); #endif /* * FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ extern void freeTagFileResources (void) { eFree (TagFile.directory); vStringDelete (TagFile.vLine); } extern const char *tagFileName (void) { return TagFile.name; } /* * Pseudo tag support */ static void rememberMaxLengths (const size_t nameLength, const size_t lineLength) { if (nameLength > TagFile.max.tag) TagFile.max.tag = nameLength; if (lineLength > TagFile.max.line) TagFile.max.line = lineLength; } static void writePseudoTag (const char *const tagName, const char *const fileName, const char *const pattern) { const int length = fprintf (TagFile.fp, "%s%s\t%s\t/%s/\n", PSEUDO_TAG_PREFIX, tagName, fileName, pattern); ++TagFile.numTags.added; rememberMaxLengths (strlen (tagName), (size_t) length); } static void addPseudoTags (void) { if (! Option.xref) { char format [11]; const char *formatComment = "unknown format"; sprintf (format, "%u", Option.tagFileFormat); if (Option.tagFileFormat == 1) formatComment = "original ctags format"; else if (Option.tagFileFormat == 2) formatComment = "extended format; --format=1 will not append ;\" to lines"; writePseudoTag ("TAG_FILE_FORMAT", format, formatComment); writePseudoTag ("TAG_FILE_SORTED", Option.sorted ? "1":"0", "0=unsorted, 1=sorted"); writePseudoTag ("TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR", AUTHOR_NAME, AUTHOR_EMAIL); writePseudoTag ("TAG_PROGRAM_NAME", PROGRAM_NAME, ""); writePseudoTag ("TAG_PROGRAM_URL", PROGRAM_URL, "official site"); writePseudoTag ("TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION", PROGRAM_VERSION, ""); } } static void updateSortedFlag (const char *const line, FILE *const fp, fpos_t startOfLine) { const char *const tab = strchr (line, '\t'); if (tab != NULL) { const long boolOffset = tab - line + 1; /* where it should be */ if (line [boolOffset] == '0' || line [boolOffset] == '1') { fpos_t nextLine; if (fgetpos (fp, &nextLine) == -1 || fsetpos (fp, &startOfLine) == -1) error (WARNING, "Failed to update 'sorted' pseudo-tag"); else { fpos_t flagLocation; int c, d; do c = fgetc (fp); while (c != '\t' && c != '\n'); fgetpos (fp, &flagLocation); d = fgetc (fp); if (c == '\t' && (d == '0' || d == '1') && d != (int) Option.sorted) { fsetpos (fp, &flagLocation); fputc (Option.sorted ? '1' : '0', fp); } fsetpos (fp, &nextLine); } } } } /* Look through all line beginning with "!_TAG_FILE", and update those which * require it. */ static long unsigned int updatePseudoTags (FILE *const fp) { enum { maxClassLength = 20 }; char class [maxClassLength + 1]; unsigned long linesRead = 0; fpos_t startOfLine; size_t classLength; const char *line; sprintf (class, "%sTAG_FILE", PSEUDO_TAG_PREFIX); classLength = strlen (class); Assert (classLength < maxClassLength); fgetpos (fp, &startOfLine); line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, fp); while (line != NULL && line [0] == class [0]) { ++linesRead; if (strncmp (line, class, classLength) == 0) { char tab, classType [16]; if (sscanf (line + classLength, "%15s%c", classType, &tab) == 2 && tab == '\t') { if (strcmp (classType, "_SORTED") == 0) updateSortedFlag (line, fp, startOfLine); } fgetpos (fp, &startOfLine); } line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, fp); } while (line != NULL) /* skip to end of file */ { ++linesRead; line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, fp); } return linesRead; } /* * Tag file management */ static boolean isValidTagAddress (const char *const excmd) { boolean isValid = FALSE; if (strchr ("/?", excmd [0]) != NULL) isValid = TRUE; else { char *address = xMalloc (strlen (excmd) + 1, char); if (sscanf (excmd, "%[^;\n]", address) == 1 && strspn (address,"0123456789") == strlen (address)) isValid = TRUE; eFree (address); } return isValid; } static boolean isCtagsLine (const char *const line) { enum fieldList { TAG, TAB1, SRC_FILE, TAB2, EXCMD, NUM_FIELDS }; boolean ok = FALSE; /* we assume not unless confirmed */ const size_t fieldLength = strlen (line) + 1; char *const fields = xMalloc (NUM_FIELDS * fieldLength, char); if (fields == NULL) error (FATAL, "Cannot analyze tag file"); else { #define field(x) (fields + ((size_t) (x) * fieldLength)) const int numFields = sscanf (line, "%[^\t]%[\t]%[^\t]%[\t]%[^\r\n]", field (TAG), field (TAB1), field (SRC_FILE), field (TAB2), field (EXCMD)); /* There must be exactly five fields: two tab fields containing * exactly one tab each, the tag must not begin with "#", and the * file name should not end with ";", and the excmd must be * accceptable. * * These conditions will reject tag-looking lines like: * int a; * #define LABEL */ if (numFields == NUM_FIELDS && strlen (field (TAB1)) == 1 && strlen (field (TAB2)) == 1 && field (TAG) [0] != '#' && field (SRC_FILE) [strlen (field (SRC_FILE)) - 1] != ';' && isValidTagAddress (field (EXCMD))) ok = TRUE; eFree (fields); } return ok; } static boolean isEtagsLine (const char *const line) { boolean result = FALSE; if (line [0] == '\f') result = (boolean) (line [1] == '\n' || line [1] == '\r'); return result; } static boolean isTagFile (const char *const filename) { boolean ok = FALSE; /* we assume not unless confirmed */ FILE *const fp = fopen (filename, "rb"); if (fp == NULL && errno == ENOENT) ok = TRUE; else if (fp != NULL) { const char *line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, fp); if (line == NULL) ok = TRUE; else ok = (boolean) (isCtagsLine (line) || isEtagsLine (line)); fclose (fp); } return ok; } extern void copyBytes (FILE* const fromFp, FILE* const toFp, const long size) { enum { BufferSize = 1000 }; long toRead, numRead; char* buffer = xMalloc (BufferSize, char); long remaining = size; do { toRead = (0 < remaining && remaining < BufferSize) ? remaining : BufferSize; numRead = fread (buffer, (size_t) 1, (size_t) toRead, fromFp); if (fwrite (buffer, (size_t)1, (size_t)numRead, toFp) < (size_t)numRead) error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot complete write"); if (remaining > 0) remaining -= numRead; } while (numRead == toRead && remaining != 0); eFree (buffer); } extern void copyFile (const char *const from, const char *const to, const long size) { FILE* const fromFp = fopen (from, "rb"); if (fromFp == NULL) error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open file to copy"); else { FILE* const toFp = fopen (to, "wb"); if (toFp == NULL) error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open copy destination"); else { copyBytes (fromFp, toFp, size); fclose (toFp); } fclose (fromFp); } } extern void openTagFile (void) { setDefaultTagFileName (); TagsToStdout = isDestinationStdout (); if (TagFile.vLine == NULL) TagFile.vLine = vStringNew (); /* Open the tags file. */ if (TagsToStdout) TagFile.fp = tempFile ("w", &TagFile.name); else { boolean fileExists; setDefaultTagFileName (); TagFile.name = eStrdup (Option.tagFileName); fileExists = doesFileExist (TagFile.name); if (fileExists && ! isTagFile (TagFile.name)) error (FATAL, "\"%s\" doesn't look like a tag file; I refuse to overwrite it.", TagFile.name); if (Option.etags) { if (Option.append && fileExists) TagFile.fp = fopen (TagFile.name, "a+b"); else TagFile.fp = fopen (TagFile.name, "w+b"); } else { if (Option.append && fileExists) { TagFile.fp = fopen (TagFile.name, "r+"); if (TagFile.fp != NULL) { TagFile.numTags.prev = updatePseudoTags (TagFile.fp); fclose (TagFile.fp); TagFile.fp = fopen (TagFile.name, "a+"); } } else { TagFile.fp = fopen (TagFile.name, "w"); if (TagFile.fp != NULL) addPseudoTags (); } } if (TagFile.fp == NULL) { error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open tag file"); exit (1); } } if (TagsToStdout) TagFile.directory = eStrdup (CurrentDirectory); else TagFile.directory = absoluteDirname (TagFile.name); } #ifdef USE_REPLACEMENT_TRUNCATE /* Replacement for missing library function. */ static int replacementTruncate (const char *const name, const long size) { char *tempName = NULL; FILE *fp = tempFile ("w", &tempName); fclose (fp); copyFile (name, tempName, size); copyFile (tempName, name, WHOLE_FILE); remove (tempName); eFree (tempName); return 0; } #endif static void sortTagFile (void) { if (TagFile.numTags.added > 0L) { if (Option.sorted) { verbose ("sorting tag file\n"); #ifdef EXTERNAL_SORT externalSortTags (TagsToStdout); #else internalSortTags (TagsToStdout); #endif } else if (TagsToStdout) catFile (tagFileName ()); } if (TagsToStdout) remove (tagFileName ()); /* remove temporary file */ } static void resizeTagFile (const long newSize) { int result; #ifdef USE_REPLACEMENT_TRUNCATE result = replacementTruncate (TagFile.name, newSize); #else # ifdef HAVE_TRUNCATE result = truncate (TagFile.name, (off_t) newSize); # else const int fd = open (TagFile.name, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) result = -1; else { # ifdef HAVE_FTRUNCATE result = ftruncate (fd, (off_t) newSize); # else # ifdef HAVE_CHSIZE result = chsize (fd, newSize); # endif # endif close (fd); } # endif #endif if (result == -1) fprintf (errout, "Cannot shorten tag file: errno = %d\n", errno); } static void writeEtagsIncludes (FILE *const fp) { if (Option.etagsInclude) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0 ; i < stringListCount (Option.etagsInclude) ; ++i) { vString *item = stringListItem (Option.etagsInclude, i); fprintf (fp, "\f\n%s,include\n", vStringValue (item)); } } } extern void closeTagFile (const boolean resize) { long desiredSize, size; if (Option.etags) writeEtagsIncludes (TagFile.fp); desiredSize = ftell (TagFile.fp); fseek (TagFile.fp, 0L, SEEK_END); size = ftell (TagFile.fp); fclose (TagFile.fp); if (resize && desiredSize < size) { DebugStatement ( debugPrintf (DEBUG_STATUS, "shrinking %s from %ld to %ld bytes\n", TagFile.name, size, desiredSize); ) resizeTagFile (desiredSize); } sortTagFile (); eFree (TagFile.name); TagFile.name = NULL; } extern void beginEtagsFile (void) { TagFile.etags.fp = tempFile ("w+b", &TagFile.etags.name); TagFile.etags.byteCount = 0; } extern void endEtagsFile (const char *const name) { const char *line; fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\f\n%s,%ld\n", name, (long) TagFile.etags.byteCount); if (TagFile.etags.fp != NULL) { rewind (TagFile.etags.fp); while ((line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, TagFile.etags.fp)) != NULL) fputs (line, TagFile.fp); fclose (TagFile.etags.fp); remove (TagFile.etags.name); eFree (TagFile.etags.name); TagFile.etags.fp = NULL; TagFile.etags.name = NULL; } } /* * Tag entry management */ /* This function copies the current line out to a specified file. It has no * effect on the fileGetc () function. During copying, any '\' characters * are doubled and a leading '^' or trailing '$' is also quoted. End of line * characters (line feed or carriage return) are dropped. */ static size_t writeSourceLine (FILE *const fp, const char *const line) { size_t length = 0; const char *p; /* Write everything up to, but not including, a line end character. */ for (p = line ; *p != '\0' ; ++p) { const int next = *(p + 1); const int c = *p; if (c == CRETURN || c == NEWLINE) break; /* If character is '\', or a terminal '$', then quote it. */ if (c == BACKSLASH || c == (Option.backward ? '?' : '/') || (c == '$' && (next == NEWLINE || next == CRETURN))) { putc (BACKSLASH, fp); ++length; } putc (c, fp); ++length; } return length; } /* Writes "line", stripping leading and duplicate white space. */ static size_t writeCompactSourceLine (FILE *const fp, const char *const line) { boolean lineStarted = FALSE; size_t length = 0; const char *p; int c; /* Write everything up to, but not including, the newline. */ for (p = line, c = *p ; c != NEWLINE && c != '\0' ; c = *++p) { if (lineStarted || ! isspace (c)) /* ignore leading spaces */ { lineStarted = TRUE; if (isspace (c)) { int next; /* Consume repeating white space. */ while (next = *(p+1) , isspace (next) && next != NEWLINE) ++p; c = ' '; /* force space character for any white space */ } if (c != CRETURN || *(p + 1) != NEWLINE) { putc (c, fp); ++length; } } } return length; } static int writeXrefEntry (const tagEntryInfo *const tag) { const char *const line = readSourceLine (TagFile.vLine, tag->filePosition, NULL); int length = fprintf (TagFile.fp, "%-20s %-10s %4lu %-14s ", tag->name, tag->kindName, tag->lineNumber, tag->sourceFileName); length += writeCompactSourceLine (TagFile.fp, line); putc (NEWLINE, TagFile.fp); ++length; return length; } /* Truncates the text line containing the tag at the character following the * tag, providing a character which designates the end of the tag. */ static void truncateTagLine (char *const line, const char *const token, const boolean discardNewline) { char *p = strstr (line, token); if (p != NULL) { p += strlen (token); if (*p != '\0' && ! (*p == '\n' && discardNewline)) ++p; /* skip past character terminating character */ *p = '\0'; } } static int writeEtagsEntry (const tagEntryInfo *const tag) { int length; if (tag->isFileEntry) length = fprintf (TagFile.etags.fp, "\177%s\001%lu,0\n", tag->name, tag->lineNumber); else { long seekValue; char *const line = readSourceLine (TagFile.vLine, tag->filePosition, &seekValue); if (tag->truncateLine) truncateTagLine (line, tag->name, TRUE); else line [strlen (line) - 1] = '\0'; length = fprintf (TagFile.etags.fp, "%s\177%s\001%lu,%ld\n", line, tag->name, tag->lineNumber, seekValue); } TagFile.etags.byteCount += length; return length; } static int addExtensionFields (const tagEntryInfo *const tag) { const char* const kindKey = Option.extensionFields.kindKey ? "kind:" : ""; int length = fprintf (TagFile.fp, ";\""); if (tag->kindName != NULL && ( Option.extensionFields.kindLong || tag->kind == '\0')) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\t%s%s", kindKey, tag->kindName); else if (tag->kind != '\0' && ( ! Option.extensionFields.kindLong || tag->kindName == NULL)) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\t%s%c", kindKey, tag->kind); if (Option.extensionFields.lineNumber) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\tline:%ld", tag->lineNumber); if (Option.extensionFields.language && tag->language != NULL) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\tlanguage:%s", tag->language); if (Option.extensionFields.scope && tag->extensionFields.scope [0] != NULL && tag->extensionFields.scope [1] != NULL) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\t%s:%s", tag->extensionFields.scope [0], tag->extensionFields.scope [1]); if (Option.extensionFields.fileScope && tag->isFileScope) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\tfile:"); if (Option.extensionFields.inheritance && tag->extensionFields.inheritance != NULL) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\tinherits:%s", tag->extensionFields.inheritance); if (Option.extensionFields.access && tag->extensionFields.access != NULL) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\taccess:%s", tag->extensionFields.access); if (Option.extensionFields.implementation && tag->extensionFields.implementation != NULL) length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\timplementation:%s", tag->extensionFields.implementation); if ((Option.extensionFields.argList) && (tag->extensionFields.arglist != NULL)) length += fprintf(TagFile.fp, "\targlist:%s", tag->extensionFields.arglist); return length; } static int writePatternEntry (const tagEntryInfo *const tag) { char *const line = readSourceLine (TagFile.vLine, tag->filePosition, NULL); const int searchChar = Option.backward ? '?' : '/'; boolean newlineTerminated; int length = 0; if (tag->truncateLine) truncateTagLine (line, tag->name, FALSE); newlineTerminated = (boolean) (line [strlen (line) - 1] == '\n'); length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "%c^", searchChar); length += writeSourceLine (TagFile.fp, line); length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "%s%c", newlineTerminated ? "$":"", searchChar); return length; } static int writeLineNumberEntry (const tagEntryInfo *const tag) { return fprintf (TagFile.fp, "%lu", tag->lineNumber); } static int writeCtagsEntry (const tagEntryInfo *const tag) { int length = fprintf (TagFile.fp, "%s\t%s\t", tag->name, tag->sourceFileName); if (tag->lineNumberEntry) length += writeLineNumberEntry (tag); else length += writePatternEntry (tag); if (includeExtensionFlags ()) length += addExtensionFields (tag); length += fprintf (TagFile.fp, "\n"); return length; } extern void makeTagEntry (const tagEntryInfo *const tag) { Assert (tag->name != NULL); if (tag->name [0] == '\0') error (WARNING, "ignoring null tag in %s", vStringValue (File.name)); else { int length = 0; DebugStatement ( debugEntry (tag); ) if (NULL != TagEntryFunction) length = TagEntryFunction(tag); else if (Option.xref) { if (! tag->isFileEntry) length = writeXrefEntry (tag); } else if (Option.etags) length = writeEtagsEntry (tag); else length = writeCtagsEntry (tag); ++TagFile.numTags.added; rememberMaxLengths (strlen (tag->name), (size_t) length); } } extern void initTagEntry (tagEntryInfo *const e, const char *const name) { Assert (File.source.name != NULL); memset (e, 0, sizeof (tagEntryInfo)); e->lineNumberEntry = (boolean) (Option.locate == EX_LINENUM); e->lineNumber = getSourceLineNumber (); e->language = getSourceLanguageName (); e->filePosition = getInputFilePosition (); e->sourceFileName = getSourceFileTagPath (); e->name = name; } /* vi:set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4: */