package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "io" "log" "" ) const ( AoCmdSetProps = iota AoCmdUpdatePos AoCmdSetTextureMod AoCmdSetSprite AoCmdPunched AoCmdUpdateArmorGroups AoCmdSetAnimation AoCmdSetBonePos AoCmdAttachTo AoCmdSetPhysicsOverride AoCmdObsolete1 AoCmdSpawnInfant AoCmdSetAnimSpeed ) func processAoRmAdd(c *Conn, r *bytes.Reader) []byte { w := &bytes.Buffer{} countRm := ReadUint16(r) WriteUint16(w, countRm) var aoRm []uint16 for i := uint16(0); i < countRm; i++ { id := ReadUint16(r) if id == c.localPlayerCao { id = c.currentPlayerCao } WriteUint16(w, id) aoRm = append(aoRm, id) } countAdd := ReadUint16(r) WriteUint16(w, countAdd) var aoAdd []uint16 for i := uint16(0); i < countAdd; i++ { id := ReadUint16(r) objType := ReadUint8(r) initData := ReadBytes32(r) dr := bytes.NewReader(initData) dr.Seek(1, io.SeekStart) name := string(ReadBytes16(dr)) if name == c.Username() { if c.initAoReceived { // Read the messages from the packet // They need to be forwarded dr.Seek(30, io.SeekCurrent) msgcountByte, _ := dr.ReadByte() msgcount := uint8(msgcountByte) var msgs [][]byte for j := uint8(0); j < msgcount; j++ { dr.Seek(2, io.SeekCurrent) msglenBytes := make([]byte, 2) dr.Read(msglenBytes) msglen := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(msglenBytes) msg := make([]byte, msglen) dr.Read(msg) msgs = append(msgs, msg) } // Generate message packet msgpkt := []byte{0x00, ToClientActiveObjectMessages} for _, msg := range msgs { msgdata := make([]byte, 4+len(msg)) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msgdata[0:2], c.localPlayerCao) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(msgdata[2:4], uint16(len(msg))) copy(msgdata[4:], aoMsgReplaceIDs(c, msg)) msgpkt = append(msgpkt, msgdata...) } ack, err := c.Send(rudp.Pkt{Reader: bytes.NewReader(msgpkt)}) if err != nil { log.Print(err) } <-ack data := w.Bytes() binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data[4+countRm*2:6+countRm*2], countAdd-1) w = bytes.NewBuffer(data) c.currentPlayerCao = id continue } else { c.initAoReceived = true c.localPlayerCao = id c.currentPlayerCao = id } } else if id == c.localPlayerCao { id = c.currentPlayerCao } if name != c.Username() { aoAdd = append(aoAdd, id) } WriteUint16(w, id) WriteUint8(w, objType) WriteBytes32(w, initData) } c.redirectMu.Lock() for i := range aoAdd { if aoAdd[i] != 0 { c.aoIDs[aoAdd[i]] = true } } for i := range aoRm { c.aoIDs[aoRm[i]] = false } c.redirectMu.Unlock() return w.Bytes() } func processAoMsgs(c *Conn, r *bytes.Reader) []byte { w := &bytes.Buffer{} for r.Len() >= 4 { id := ReadUint16(r) msg := aoMsgReplaceIDs(c, ReadBytes16(r)) if id == c.currentPlayerCao { id = c.localPlayerCao } else if id == c.localPlayerCao { id = c.currentPlayerCao } WriteUint16(w, id) WriteBytes16(w, msg) } return w.Bytes() } func aoMsgReplaceIDs(c *Conn, data []byte) []byte { switch cmd := data[0]; cmd { case AoCmdAttachTo: id := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[1:3]) if id == c.currentPlayerCao { id = c.localPlayerCao binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data[1:3], id) } else if id == c.localPlayerCao { id = c.currentPlayerCao binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data[1:3], id) } case AoCmdSpawnInfant: id := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[1:3]) if id == c.currentPlayerCao { id = c.localPlayerCao binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data[1:3], id) } else if id == c.localPlayerCao { id = c.currentPlayerCao binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data[1:3], id) } } return data }