# Plugins mt-multiserver-proxy loads all plugin files in the `plugins` directory on startup. Any errors will be logged and do not prevent other plugins from being loaded. Plugins **cannot** be (re)loaded at runtime, you need to restart the proxy. ## Installing plugins To install a plugin, clone the repository, cd into it and run: ``` go build -buildmode=plugin ``` A .so file will be created. Copy or move this file into the `plugins` directory. Restart the proxy to load the plugin. ## Developing plugins A plugin is simply a main package without a main function. Use the init functions instead. Plugins can import `github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy` and use the exported symbols to control the behavior of the proxy. The API is documented [here](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy). __The plugin API may change at any time without warning.__ ## Common issues If mt-multiserver-proxy prints an error like this: ``` plugin.Open: plugin was built with a different version of package github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy ``` it usually means that either the plugin or the proxy is out of date. Upgrade the proxy, then run `go get -u github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy` in the plugin repository and rebuild it. You should compile the plugin and the proxy on the same machine since the build environment needs to be identical. My build environment can be found in [build_env.md](https://github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy/blob/main/doc/build_env.md). If the above steps didn't fix the error, or if you are making changes to the proxy itself and want to use plugins, you have to temporarily edit the go.mod file of your plugin. Find the line that says `require github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy SOMEVERSION` and copy everything excluding the `require `. Then append a new line: `replace github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy SOMEVERSION => ../path/to/proxy/repo/`. Now rebuild and install the plugin and it should be loaded.