package proxy import ( "fmt" "io" "strings" "time" "" ) // ChatCmdTimeout is the time needed until a user is warned // about a chat command that's taking long to execute. var ChatCmdTimeout = 10 * time.Second // DoChatMsg handles a chat message string // as if it was sent by the ClientConn. func (cc *ClientConn) DoChatMsg(msg string) { cmd := &mt.ToSrvChatMsg{Msg: msg} result, isCmd := onChatMsg(cc, cmd) if result != "" { cc.SendChatMsg(result) } if !isCmd { cc.server().SendCmd(cmd) } } // SendChatMsg sends a chat message to the ClientConn. func (cc *ClientConn) SendChatMsg(msg ...string) { cc.SendCmd(&mt.ToCltChatMsg{ Type: mt.SysMsg, Text: strings.Join(msg, " "), Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(), }) } // Colorize returns the minetest-colorized version of the input. func Colorize(text, color string) string { return string([]rune{0x1b}) + "(c@" + color + ")" + text + string([]rune{0x1b}) + "(c@#FFF)" } func onChatMsg(cc *ClientConn, cmd *mt.ToSrvChatMsg) (string, bool) { initChatCmds() if strings.HasPrefix(cmd.Msg, Conf().CmdPrefix) { substrs := strings.Split(cmd.Msg, " ") cmdName := strings.Replace(substrs[0], Conf().CmdPrefix, "", 1) var args []string if len(substrs) > 1 { args = substrs[1:] } v := make([]interface{}, 2+len(args)) v[0] = "command" v[1] = cmdName for i, arg := range args { v[i+2] = arg } cc.Log("->", v...) if !ChatCmdExists(cmdName) { cc.Log("<-", "unknown command", cmdName) return "Command not found.", true } chatCmdsMu.RLock() defer chatCmdsMu.RUnlock() cmd := chatCmds[cmdName] if !cc.HasPerms(cmd.Perm) { cc.Log("<-", "deny command", cmdName) return fmt.Sprintf("Missing permission %s.", cmd.Perm), true } return cmd.Handler(cc, nil, args...), true } return "", false } func onTelnetMsg(tlog func(dir string, v ...interface{}), w io.Writer, msg string) string { initChatCmds() substrs := strings.Split(msg, " ") cmdName := substrs[0] var args []string if len(substrs) > 1 { args = substrs[1:] } if !ChatCmdExists(cmdName) { tlog("<-", "unknown command", cmdName) return "Command not found.\n" } chatCmdsMu.RLock() defer chatCmdsMu.RUnlock() cmd := chatCmds[cmdName] return cmd.Handler(nil, w, args...) + "\n" }