--- --- GreenXenith | My pocket dimension in the vast sea that is the internet.

Tetris written in High Level Assembly for fun. It mostly works.

Rickety Ranch

My submission for the 49th Ludum Dare game jam. Help an unhinged horse destroy everything. Ranked 5th for humor.


A blocky game (renderer) implemented in Pygame. Because why not?


An infinite dungeon-crawler roguelike written in Pygame. Collect coins, slash slimes, and dive deeper.


An isometric block game chunk renderer written with the Python turtle. Just for fun.


A Discord utility bot for Minetest-related things.

Minetest Tools

An extension for Visual Studio Code with various Minetest development utilities (autocompletion, boilerplates, etc).


A battlefield-style first-person shooter written in Rust with Bevy. This was made as an experiment, it barely works.

Minetest Mods

Over 40 mods I've written for the Minetest game engine.

Blender Rigs

Various models I've created and rigged in Blender.

Robot Render

One of my first serious Blender projects.

Desk Render

One of my first forays into photorealistic rendering.


This website!

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