/* * CodePrint.c * * Routines for displaying compiled scripts */ #include "lib/framework/frame.h" #include "interp.h" #include "parse.h" #include "codeprint.h" #include "script.h" /* Display a value type */ void cpPrintType(INTERP_TYPE type) { UDWORD i; BOOL ref = FALSE; if (type & VAL_REF) { ref = TRUE; type = type & ~VAL_REF; } switch(type) { case VAL_BOOL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "BOOL" ); break; case VAL_INT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "INT" ); break; /* case VAL_FLOAT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "FLOAT" ); break;*/ case VAL_STRING: debug( LOG_NEVER, "STRING" ); break; case VAL_TRIGGER: debug( LOG_NEVER, "TRIGGER" ); break; case VAL_EVENT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "EVENT" ); break; case VAL_VOID: debug( LOG_NEVER, "VOID" ); break; default: // See if it is a user defined type if (asScrTypeTab) { for(i=0; asScrTypeTab[i].typeID != 0; i++) { if (asScrTypeTab[i].typeID == type) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s", asScrTypeTab[i].pIdent ); return; } } } ASSERT((FALSE, "cpPrintType: Unknown type")); break; } if (ref) { debug( LOG_NEVER, " REF" ); } } /* Display a value */ void cpPrintVal(INTERP_VAL *psVal) { UDWORD i; if (psVal->type & VAL_REF) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: " ); cpPrintType(psVal->type); debug( LOG_NEVER, " value: %x", psVal->v.ival ); return; } switch(psVal->type) { case VAL_BOOL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: BOOL value: %s", psVal->v.bval ? "true" : "false" ); break; case VAL_INT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: INT value: %d", psVal->v.ival ); break; /* case VAL_FLOAT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: FLOAT value: %f", psVal->v.fval ); break;*/ case VAL_STRING: debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: STRING value: %s", psVal->v.sval ); break; case VAL_TRIGGER: debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: TRIGGER value: %d", psVal->v.ival ); break; case VAL_EVENT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: EVENT value: %d", psVal->v.ival ); break; default: // See if it is a user defined type if (asScrTypeTab) { for(i=0; asScrTypeTab[i].typeID != 0; i++) { if (asScrTypeTab[i].typeID == psVal->type) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: %s value: %x", asScrTypeTab[i].pIdent, psVal->v.ival ); return; } } } ASSERT((FALSE, "cpPrintVal: Unknown value type")); break; } } /* Display a value from a program that has been packed with an opcode */ void cpPrintPackedVal(UDWORD *ip) { INTERP_TYPE type = (*ip) & OPCODE_DATAMASK; UDWORD i; UDWORD data = *(ip + 1); if (type & VAL_REF) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: " ); cpPrintType(type); debug( LOG_NEVER, " value: %x", data ); return; } switch(type) { case VAL_BOOL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "BOOL : %s", ((BOOL)data) ? "true" : "false" ); break; case VAL_INT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "INT : %d", (SDWORD)data ); break; /* case VAL_FLOAT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "FLOAT : %f", (float)data ); break;*/ case VAL_STRING: debug( LOG_NEVER, "STRING : %s", (STRING *)data ); break; case VAL_TRIGGER: debug( LOG_NEVER, "TRIGGER : %d", (SDWORD)data ); break; case VAL_EVENT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "EVENT : %d", (SDWORD)data ); break; default: // See if it is a user defined type if (asScrTypeTab) { for(i=0; asScrTypeTab[i].typeID != 0; i++) { if (asScrTypeTab[i].typeID == type) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "type: %s value: %x", asScrTypeTab[i].pIdent, data ); return; } } } ASSERT((FALSE, "cpPrintVal: Unknown value type")); break; } } /* Display a maths operator */ void cpPrintMathsOp(UDWORD opcode) { switch (opcode) { case OP_ADD: debug( LOG_NEVER, "ADD" ); break; case OP_SUB: debug( LOG_NEVER, "SUB" ); break; case OP_MUL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "MUL" ); break; case OP_DIV: debug( LOG_NEVER, "DIV" ); break; case OP_NEG: debug( LOG_NEVER, "NEG" ); break; case OP_AND: debug( LOG_NEVER, "AND" ); break; case OP_OR: debug( LOG_NEVER, "OR" ); break; case OP_NOT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "NOT" ); break; case OP_EQUAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "EQUAL" ); break; case OP_NOTEQUAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "NOT_EQUAL" ); break; case OP_GREATEREQUAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "GRT_EQUAL" ); break; case OP_LESSEQUAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "LESS_EQUAL" ); break; case OP_GREATER: debug( LOG_NEVER, "GREATER" ); break; case OP_LESS: debug( LOG_NEVER, "LESS" ); break; default: ASSERT((FALSE, "cpPrintMathsOp: unknown operator")); break; } } /* Print a function name */ void cpPrintFunc(SCRIPT_FUNC pFunc) { SDWORD i; // Search the instinct functions if (asScrInstinctTab) { for(i = 0; asScrInstinctTab[i].pFunc != NULL; i++) { if (asScrInstinctTab[i].pFunc == pFunc) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s", asScrInstinctTab[i].pIdent ); return; } } } // Search the callback functions if (asScrCallbackTab) { for(i = 0; asScrCallbackTab[i].type != 0; i++) { if (asScrCallbackTab[i].pFunc == pFunc) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s", asScrCallbackTab[i].pIdent ); return; } } } } /* Print a variable access function name */ void cpPrintVarFunc(SCRIPT_VARFUNC pFunc, UDWORD index) { SDWORD i; // Search the external variable functions if (asScrExternalTab) { for(i = 0; asScrExternalTab[i].pIdent != NULL; i++) { if (asScrExternalTab[i].set == pFunc && asScrExternalTab[i].index == index) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s (set)", asScrExternalTab[i].pIdent ); return; } else if (asScrExternalTab[i].get == pFunc && asScrExternalTab[i].index == index) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s (get)", asScrExternalTab[i].pIdent ); return; } } } // Search the object functions if (asScrObjectVarTab) { for(i = 0; asScrObjectVarTab[i].pIdent != NULL; i++) { if (asScrObjectVarTab[i].set == pFunc && asScrObjectVarTab[i].index == index) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s (set)", asScrObjectVarTab[i].pIdent ); return; } else if (asScrObjectVarTab[i].get == pFunc && asScrObjectVarTab[i].index == index) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s (get)", asScrObjectVarTab[i].pIdent ); return; } } } } /* Print the array information */ void cpPrintArrayInfo(UDWORD **pip, SCRIPT_CODE *psProg) { SDWORD i, dimensions;//, elements[VAR_MAX_DIMENSIONS]; // SDWORD elementDWords; // UBYTE *pElem; UDWORD *ip = *pip; UDWORD base; // get the base index of the array base = (*ip) & ARRAY_BASE_MASK; // get the number of dimensions dimensions = ((*ip) & ARRAY_DIMENSION_MASK) >> ARRAY_DIMENSION_SHIFT; // get the number of elements for each dimension /* pElem = (UBYTE *) (ip + 1); for(i=0; i", base ); for(i=0; ipsArrayInfo[base].dimensions; i+= 1) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "[%d]", psProg->psArrayInfo[base].elements[i] ); } // calculate the number of DWORDs needed to store the number of elements for each dimension of the array // elementDWords = (dimensions - 1)/4 + 1; // update the insrtuction pointer *pip += 1;// + elementDWords; } /* Display the contents of a program in readable form */ void cpPrintProgram(SCRIPT_CODE *psProg) { UDWORD *ip, *end; OPCODE opcode; UDWORD data, i, dim; SCRIPT_DEBUG *psCurrDebug=NULL; BOOL debugInfo, triggerCode; UDWORD jumpOffset; VAR_DEBUG *psCurrVar; ARRAY_DATA *psCurrArray; ARRAY_DEBUG *psCurrArrayDebug; ASSERT((PTRVALID(psProg, sizeof(SCRIPT_CODE)), "cpPrintProgram: Invalid program pointer")); debugInfo = psProg->psDebug != NULL; if (debugInfo) { // Print out the global variables if (psProg->numGlobals > 0) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "index storage type variable name\n" ); psCurrVar = psProg->psVarDebug; for(i=0; inumGlobals; i++) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%-6d %s %-4d %s\n", psCurrVar - psProg->psVarDebug, psCurrVar->storage == ST_PUBLIC ? "Public " : "Private", psProg->pGlobals[i], psCurrVar->pIdent ); psCurrVar++; } } if (psProg->numArrays > 0) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "\narrays\n" ); psCurrArray = psProg->psArrayInfo; psCurrArrayDebug = psProg->psArrayDebug; for(i=0; inumArrays; i++) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%-6d %s %-4d %s", i, psCurrArrayDebug->storage == ST_PUBLIC ? "Public " : "Private", psCurrArray->type, psCurrArrayDebug->pIdent ); for(dim=0; dim < psCurrArray->dimensions; dim += 1) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "[%d]", psCurrArray->elements[dim] ); } debug( LOG_NEVER, "\n" ); psCurrArray++; psCurrArrayDebug++; } } debug( LOG_NEVER, "\nindex line offset\n" ); psCurrDebug = psProg->psDebug; } else { debug( LOG_NEVER, "index offset\n" ); } // Find the first trigger with code for(jumpOffset = 0; jumpOffset < psProg->numTriggers; jumpOffset++) { if (psProg->psTriggerData[jumpOffset].type == TR_CODE) { break; } } ip = psProg->pCode; triggerCode = psProg->numTriggers > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; end = (UDWORD *)(((UBYTE *)ip) + psProg->size); opcode = (*ip) >> OPCODE_SHIFT; data = (*ip) & OPCODE_DATAMASK; while (ip < end) { // display a label if there is one if (debugInfo) { if ((UDWORD)(ip - psProg->pCode) == psCurrDebug->offset && psCurrDebug->pLabel != NULL) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%s\n", psCurrDebug->pLabel ); } } // Display the trigger/event index if (triggerCode) { if (ip - psProg->pCode == psProg->pTriggerTab[jumpOffset]) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%-6d", jumpOffset ); jumpOffset+= 1; // Find the next trigger with code while(jumpOffset < psProg->numTriggers) { if (psProg->psTriggerData[jumpOffset].type == TR_CODE) { break; } jumpOffset++; } if (jumpOffset >= psProg->numTriggers) { // Got to the end of the triggers triggerCode = FALSE; jumpOffset = 0; } } else { debug( LOG_NEVER, "" ); } } else { if (ip - psProg->pCode == psProg->pEventTab[jumpOffset]) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%-6d", jumpOffset ); jumpOffset+= 1; } else { debug( LOG_NEVER, "" ); } } // Display the line number if (debugInfo) { if ((UDWORD)(ip - psProg->pCode) == psCurrDebug->offset) { debug( LOG_NEVER, "%-6d", psCurrDebug->line ); psCurrDebug++; } else { debug( LOG_NEVER, "" ); } } // Display the code offset debug( LOG_NEVER, "%-6d", ip - psProg->pCode ); switch (opcode) { case OP_PUSH: debug( LOG_NEVER, "PUSH" ); cpPrintPackedVal(ip); debug( LOG_NEVER, "\n" ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_PUSHREF: debug( LOG_NEVER, "PUSHREF" ); cpPrintPackedVal(ip); debug( LOG_NEVER, "\n" ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_POP: debug( LOG_NEVER, "POP\n" ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_PUSHGLOBAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "PUSHGLOBAL %d\n", data ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_POPGLOBAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "POPGLOBAL %d\n", data ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_PUSHARRAYGLOBAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "PUSHARRAYGLOBAL" ); cpPrintArrayInfo(&ip, psProg); debug( LOG_NEVER, "\n" ); break; case OP_POPARRAYGLOBAL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "POPARRAYGLOBAL" ); cpPrintArrayInfo(&ip, psProg); debug( LOG_NEVER, "\n" ); break; case OP_CALL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "CALL" ); cpPrintFunc( (SCRIPT_FUNC)(*(ip+1)) ); debug( LOG_NEVER, "\n" ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_VARCALL: debug( LOG_NEVER, "VARCALL" ); cpPrintVarFunc( (SCRIPT_VARFUNC)(*(ip+1)), data); debug( LOG_NEVER, "(%d)\n", data ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_JUMP: debug( LOG_NEVER, "JUMP %d (%d)\n", (SWORD)data, ip - psProg->pCode + (SWORD)data ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_JUMPTRUE: debug( LOG_NEVER, "JUMPTRUE %d (%d)\n", (SWORD)data, ip - psProg->pCode + (SWORD)data ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_JUMPFALSE: debug( LOG_NEVER, "JUMPFALSE %d (%d)\n", (SWORD)data, ip - psProg->pCode + (SWORD)data ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_BINARYOP: case OP_UNARYOP: cpPrintMathsOp(data); debug( LOG_NEVER, "\n" ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_EXIT: debug( LOG_NEVER, "EXIT\n" ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; case OP_PAUSE: debug( LOG_NEVER, "PAUSE %d\n", data ); ip += aOpSize[opcode]; break; default: ASSERT((FALSE,"cpPrintProgram: Unknown opcode: %x", *ip)); break; } ASSERT(((ip <= end) || PTRVALID(ip, sizeof(UDWORD)), "cpPrintProgram: instruction pointer no longer valid")); opcode = (*ip) >> OPCODE_SHIFT; data = (*ip) & OPCODE_DATAMASK; } }