/* This file is part of Warzone 2100. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Eidos Interactive Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Warzone Resurrection Project Warzone 2100 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Warzone 2100 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Warzone 2100; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _TRACK_H_ #define _TRACK_H_ /***************************************************************************/ /* defines */ #include "lib/framework/frame.h" #ifdef WZ_OPENAL_MAC_H #include #else #include #endif #ifndef MAX_STR #define MAX_STR 255 #endif #define MAX_PITCH 127 #define SAMPLE_NOT_ALLOCATED -1 #define SAMPLE_NOT_FOUND -3 #define SAMPLE_COORD_INVALID -5 #define AUDIO_VOL_MIN 0L #define AUDIO_VOL_MAX 100L #define AUDIO_VOL_RANGE (AUDIO_VOL_MAX-AUDIO_VOL_MIN) /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /* enums */ /***************************************************************************/ /* forward definitions */ struct AUDIO_SAMPLE; /***************************************************************************/ /* typedefs */ typedef BOOL (* AUDIO_CALLBACK) ( void *psObj ); /***************************************************************************/ /* structs */ typedef struct AUDIO_SAMPLE { SDWORD iTrack; ALuint iSample; // OpenAL name of the sound source SDWORD x, y, z; BOOL bFinishedPlaying; AUDIO_CALLBACK pCallback; void *psObj; struct AUDIO_SAMPLE *psPrev; struct AUDIO_SAMPLE *psNext; } AUDIO_SAMPLE; typedef struct TRACK { BOOL bLoop; SDWORD iVol; SDWORD iAudibleRadius; SDWORD iTime; // duration in milliseconds UDWORD iTimeLastFinished; // time last finished in ms UDWORD iNumPlaying; ALuint iBufferName; // OpenAL name of the buffer char *pName; // resource name of the track } TRACK; /***************************************************************************/ /* functions */ BOOL sound_Init( SDWORD iMaxSameSamples ); BOOL sound_Shutdown(void); TRACK * sound_LoadTrackFromFile(const char *fileName); BOOL sound_SetTrackVals( TRACK *psTrack, BOOL bLoop, SDWORD iTrack, SDWORD iVol, SDWORD iAudibleRadius); void sound_ReleaseTrack( TRACK * psTrack ); void sound_StopTrack( AUDIO_SAMPLE *psSample ); void sound_PauseTrack( AUDIO_SAMPLE *psSample ); void sound_UpdateSample( AUDIO_SAMPLE *psSample ); void sound_CheckAllUnloaded( void ); BOOL sound_CheckTrack( SDWORD iTrack ); SDWORD sound_GetTrackTime( SDWORD iTrack ); SDWORD sound_GetTrackAudibleRadius( SDWORD iTrack ); SDWORD sound_GetTrackVolume( SDWORD iTrack ); const char * sound_GetTrackName( SDWORD iTrack ); BOOL sound_TrackLooped( SDWORD iTrack ); SDWORD sound_TrackAudibleRadius( SDWORD iTrack ); void sound_SetCallbackFunction( void * fn ); BOOL sound_Play2DTrack( AUDIO_SAMPLE *psSample, BOOL bQueued ); BOOL sound_Play3DTrack( AUDIO_SAMPLE *psSample ); void sound_PlayWithCallback( AUDIO_SAMPLE *psSample, SDWORD iCurTime, AUDIO_CALLBACK pDoneFunc ); void sound_FinishedCallback( AUDIO_SAMPLE *psSample ); BOOL sound_GetSystemActive( void ); SDWORD sound_GetTrackID( TRACK *psTrack ); SDWORD sound_GetAvailableID( void ); SDWORD sound_GetNumPlaying( SDWORD iTrack ); SDWORD sound_GetGlobalVolume( void ); void sound_SetGlobalVolume( SDWORD iVol ); void sound_SetStoppedCallback( AUDIO_CALLBACK pStopTrackCallback ); UDWORD sound_GetTrackTimeLastFinished( SDWORD iTrack ); void sound_SetTrackTimeLastFinished( SDWORD iTrack, UDWORD iTime ); /***************************************************************************/ #endif // _TRACK_H_ /***************************************************************************/