/***************************************************************************/ /* * piedraw.c * * updated render routines for 3D coloured shaded transparency rendering * */ /***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "lib/framework/frame.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/ivisdef.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/imd.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/rendmode.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/piefunc.h" #include "piematrix.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/tex.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/piedef.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/piestate.h" #include "pietexture.h" #include "lib/ivis_common/pieclip.h" #define MIST extern BOOL drawing_interface; /***************************************************************************/ /* * OpenGL extensions for shadows */ /***************************************************************************/ BOOL check_extension(const char* extension_name) { char* extension_list = (char*)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); unsigned int extension_name_length = strlen(extension_name); char* tmp = extension_list; unsigned int first_extension_length; if (!extension_name || !extension_list) return FALSE; while (tmp[0]) { first_extension_length = strcspn(tmp, " "); if ( extension_name_length == first_extension_length && strncmp(extension_name, tmp, first_extension_length) == 0) { printf("%s is supported.\n", extension_name); return TRUE; } tmp += first_extension_length + 1; } printf("%s is not supported.\n", extension_name); return FALSE; } // EXT_stencil_two_side #ifndef GL_EXT_stencil_two_side #define GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT 0x8910 #define GL_ACTIVE_STENCIL_FACE_EXT 0x8911 #endif #ifndef GL_EXT_stencil_two_side #define GL_EXT_stencil_two_side 1 typedef void (APIENTRY * PFNGLACTIVESTENCILFACEEXTPROC) (GLenum face); #endif PFNGLACTIVESTENCILFACEEXTPROC glActiveStencilFaceEXT; BOOL stencil_one_pass() { static BOOL initialised = FALSE; static BOOL return_value; if (!initialised) { return_value = check_extension("GL_EXT_stencil_two_side") && check_extension("GL_EXT_stencil_wrap"); #ifndef __APPLE__ glActiveStencilFaceEXT = (PFNGLACTIVESTENCILFACEEXTPROC) SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glActiveStencilFaceEXT"); #endif initialised = TRUE; } return return_value; } /***************************************************************************/ /* * Local Definitions */ /***************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************/ /* * Local Variables */ /***************************************************************************/ static PIEPIXEL scrPoints[pie_MAX_POINTS]; static PIEVERTEX pieVrts[pie_MAX_POLY_VERTS]; static iVertex imdVrts[pie_MAX_POLY_VERTS]; static SDWORD pieCount = 0; static SDWORD tileCount = 0; static SDWORD polyCount = 0; /***************************************************************************/ /* * Local ProtoTypes */ /***************************************************************************/ //old ivis style draw poly (low level) software mode only static void pie_IvisPoly(SDWORD texPage, iIMDPoly *poly, BOOL bClip); static void pie_IvisPolyFrame(SDWORD texPage, iIMDPoly *poly, SDWORD frame, BOOL bClip); //d3d draw poly (low level) D3D mode only void pie_D3DPoly(PIED3DPOLY *poly); //static void pie_D3DPolyFrame(PIED3DPOLY *poly, SDWORD frame); //pievertex draw poly (low level) //all modes from PIEVERTEX data static void pie_PiePoly(PIEPOLY *poly, BOOL bClip); static void pie_PiePolyFrame(PIEPOLY *poly, SDWORD frame, BOOL bClip); void DrawTriangleList(BSPPOLYID PolygonNumber); /***************************************************************************/ /* * Source */ /***************************************************************************/ static BOOL lighting = FALSE; static BOOL shadows = FALSE; void pie_BeginLighting(float x, float y, float z) { float pos[4]; float zero[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; float ambient[4] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0}; float diffuse[4] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0}; float specular[4] = {1, 1, 1, 0}; pos[0] = x; pos[1] = y; pos[2] = z; pos[3] = 0; glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, zero); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER, GL_FALSE); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambient); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, specular); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); //lighting = TRUE; shadows = TRUE; } void pie_EndLighting() { shadows = FALSE; lighting = FALSE; } #ifdef BSPIMD extern iIMDShape *BSPimd; // global defined here for speed extern iIMDPoly *BSPScrVertices; UDWORD ShapeTexPage; UDWORD ShapeFrame; // This is a BSP routine that draws a linked list of polygon // .. Its in here becuase it uses in inline function "DrawPoly" #define IMD_POLYGON(poly) ( &BSPimd->polys[(poly)]) void DrawTriangleList(BSPPOLYID PolygonNumber) { iIMDPoly *pPolys; UDWORD n; VERTEXID *index; iIMDPoly imdPoly; return; // DBPRINTF(("poly %d\n",PolygonNumber)); while (PolygonNumber!=BSPPOLYID_TERMINATE) { pPolys= IMD_POLYGON(PolygonNumber); index = pPolys->pindex; imdPoly.flags = pPolys->flags; for (n=0; n<(SDWORD)(pPolys->npnts); n++, index++) { imdVrts[n].x = MAKEINT(scrPoints[*index].d3dx); imdVrts[n].y = MAKEINT(scrPoints[*index].d3dy); imdVrts[n].z = 0; //cull triangles with off screen points if (scrPoints[*index].d3dy > (float)LONG_TEST) imdPoly.flags = 0; imdVrts[n].u = pPolys->vrt[n].u; imdVrts[n].v = pPolys->vrt[n].v; imdVrts[n].g = 128;//(red + green + blue + alpha)>>2; } imdPoly.npnts = pPolys->npnts; imdPoly.vrt = &imdVrts[0]; imdPoly.pTexAnim = pPolys->pTexAnim; if (imdPoly.flags > 0) { pie_IvisPolyFrame(ShapeTexPage, &imdPoly,ShapeFrame,TRUE); // draw the polygon ... this is an inline function } PolygonNumber=pPolys->BSP_NextPoly; } } // BSP object position static iVector BSPObject; static iVector BSPCamera; static SDWORD BSPObject_Yaw=0,BSPObject_Pitch=0; void SetBSPObjectPos(SDWORD x,SDWORD y,SDWORD z) { BSPObject.x=x; BSPObject.y=y; BSPObject.z=z; // Reset the yaw & pitch // these values must be set every time they are used ... BSPObject_Yaw=0; BSPObject_Pitch=0; } // This MUST be called after SetBSPObjectPos ... void SetBSPObjectRot(SDWORD Yaw, SDWORD Pitch) { BSPObject_Yaw=Yaw; BSPObject_Pitch=Pitch; } // This must be called once per frame after the terrainMidX & player.p values have been updated void SetBSPCameraPos(SDWORD x,SDWORD y,SDWORD z) { BSPCamera.x=x; BSPCamera.y=y; BSPCamera.z=z; } /* static void AddIMDPrimativesBSP2(iIMDShape *IMDdef,iIMDPoly *ScrVertices, UDWORD frame) { iVector pPos; SDWORD xDif,zDif; // Camera ---- X is map colums +ve is going left, Z is map rows +ve is going down the map, Y is map height +ve is up in the air ShapeTexPage=IMDdef->texpage; ShapeFrame=frame; xDif= (BSPCamera.x - BSPObject.x); zDif= (BSPCamera.z - BSPObject.z); pPos.x = (((COS(BSPObject_Yaw)*xDif)/4096)-((SIN(BSPObject_Yaw)*zDif)/4096)); pPos.z = (-(((SIN(BSPObject_Yaw)*xDif)/4096)+((COS(BSPObject_Yaw)*zDif)/4096))); pPos.y = (BSPCamera.y - BSPObject.y); // map height (up in the air) DrawBSPIMD(IMDdef, &pPos ,ScrVertices); // in bspimd.c } */ #endif typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } fVector; void fVector_Set(fVector* v, float x, float y, float z) { v->x = x; v->y = y; v->z = z; } void fVector_Sub(fVector* dest, fVector* op1, fVector* op2) { dest->x = op1->x - op2->x; dest->y = op1->y - op2->y; dest->z = op1->z - op2->z; } float fVector_SP(fVector* op1, fVector* op2) { return op1->x * op2->x + op1->y * op2->y + op1->z * op2->z; } void fVector_CP(fVector* dest, fVector* op1, fVector* op2) { dest->x = op1->y * op2->z - op1->z * op2->y; dest->y = op1->z * op2->x - op1->x * op2->z; dest->z = op1->x * op2->y - op1->y * op2->x; } float fVector_Length2(fVector* v) { return v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y + v->z*v->z; } void pie_Polygon(SDWORD numVerts, PIEVERTEX* pVrts, FRACT texture_offset, BOOL light) { SDWORD i; if (numVerts < 1) { return; } else if (numVerts == 1) { glBegin(GL_POINTS); } else if (numVerts == 2) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); } else { if (light) { float ambient[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; float diffuse[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; float specular[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; float shininess = 10; glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, ambient); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, specular); glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shininess); } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); if (light) { fVector p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, n; float l; fVector_Set(&p1, pVrts[0].sx, pVrts[0].sy, pVrts[0].sz); fVector_Set(&p2, pVrts[1].sx, pVrts[1].sy, pVrts[1].sz); fVector_Set(&p3, pVrts[2].sx, pVrts[2].sy, pVrts[2].sz); fVector_Sub(&v1, &p3, &p1); fVector_Sub(&v2, &p2, &p1); fVector_CP(&n, &v1, &v2); l = 1.0; glNormal3f(n.x*l, n.y*l, n.z*l); //printf("%f %f %f\n", n.x*l, n.y*l, n.z*l); } } for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { //glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 255); glColor4ub(pVrts[i].light.byte.r, pVrts[i].light.byte.g, pVrts[i].light.byte.b, pVrts[i].light.byte.a); glTexCoord2f(pVrts[i].tu, pVrts[i].tv+texture_offset); //d3dVrts[i].specular = pVrts[i].specular.argb; glVertex3f(pVrts[i].sx, pVrts[i].sy, pVrts[i].sz); } glEnd(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); } /*************************************************************************** * pie_Draw3dShape * * Project and render a pumpkin image to render surface * Will support zbuffering, texturing, coloured lighting and alpha effects * Avoids recalculating vertex projections for every poly ***************************************************************************/ typedef struct { float matrix[16]; iIMDShape* shape; int flag; int flag_data; } shadowcasting_shape_t; typedef struct { float matrix[16]; iIMDShape* shape; int frame; PIELIGHT colour; PIELIGHT specular; int flag; int flag_data; } transluscent_shape_t; #define MAX_SCSHAPES 500 #define MAX_TSHAPES 500 static shadowcasting_shape_t* scshapes = NULL; static unsigned int scshapes_size = 0; static unsigned int nb_scshapes = 0; static transluscent_shape_t* tshapes = NULL; static unsigned int tshapes_size = 0; static unsigned int nb_tshapes = 0; void pie_Draw3DShape2(iIMDShape *shape, int frame, PIELIGHT colour, PIELIGHT specular, int pieFlag, int pieFlagData) { int32 tempY; int i, n; iVector *pVertices; PIEPIXEL *pPixels; iIMDPoly *pPolys; PIEPOLY piePoly; VERTEXID *index; BOOL light = lighting; /* Set tranlucency */ if (pieFlag & pie_ADDITIVE) { //Assume also translucent pie_SetFogStatus(FALSE); pie_SetRendMode(REND_ADDITIVE_TEX); colour.byte.a = (UBYTE)pieFlagData; pie_SetBilinear(TRUE); light = FALSE; } else if (pieFlag & pie_TRANSLUCENT) { pie_SetFogStatus(FALSE); pie_SetRendMode(REND_ALPHA_TEX); colour.byte.a = (UBYTE)pieFlagData; pie_SetBilinear(FALSE);//never bilinear with constant alpha, gives black edges light = FALSE; } else { if (pieFlag & pie_BUTTON) { pie_SetFogStatus(FALSE); pie_SetDepthBufferStatus(DEPTH_CMP_LEQ_WRT_ON); } else { pie_SetFogStatus(TRUE); } pie_SetRendMode(REND_GOURAUD_TEX); //if hardware fog then alpha is set else unused in decal mode //colour.byte.a = MAX_UB_LIGHT; if (pieFlag & pie_NO_BILINEAR) { pie_SetBilinear(FALSE); } else { pie_SetBilinear(TRUE); } } if (pieFlag & pie_RAISE) { pieFlagData = (shape->ymax * (pie_RAISE_SCALE - pieFlagData))/pie_RAISE_SCALE; } pie_SetTexturePage(shape->texpage); //now draw the shape //rotate and project points from shape->points to scrPoints pVertices = shape->points; pPixels = &scrPoints[0]; //-- for (i=0; inpoints; i++, pVertices++, pPixels++) { tempY = pVertices->y; if (pieFlag & pie_RAISE) { tempY = pVertices->y - pieFlagData; if (tempY < 0) tempY = 0; } else if (pieFlag & pie_HEIGHT_SCALED) { if(pVertices->y>0) { tempY = (pVertices->y * pieFlagData)/pie_RAISE_SCALE; } //if (tempY < 0) tempY = 0; } pPixels->d3dx = pVertices->x; pPixels->d3dy = tempY; pPixels->d3dz = pVertices->z; } pPolys = shape->polys; for (i=0; inpolys; i++, pPolys++) { index = pPolys->pindex; piePoly.flags = pPolys->flags; if (pieFlag & pie_TRANSLUCENT) { piePoly.flags |= PIE_ALPHA; } else if (pieFlag & pie_ADDITIVE) { piePoly.flags &= (0xffffffff-PIE_COLOURKEYED);//dont treat additive images as colour keyed } for (n=0; nnpnts; n++, index++) { pieVrts[n].sx = MAKEINT(scrPoints[*index].d3dx); pieVrts[n].sy = MAKEINT(scrPoints[*index].d3dy); pieVrts[n].sz = MAKEINT(scrPoints[*index].d3dz); pieVrts[n].tu = pPolys->vrt[n].u; pieVrts[n].tv = pPolys->vrt[n].v; pieVrts[n].light.argb = colour.argb; pieVrts[n].specular.argb = specular.argb; } piePoly.nVrts = pPolys->npnts; piePoly.pVrts = &pieVrts[0]; piePoly.pTexAnim = pPolys->pTexAnim; if (piePoly.flags > 0) { pie_PiePolyFrame(&piePoly,frame,light); // draw the polygon ... this is an inline function } } if (pieFlag & pie_BUTTON) { pie_SetDepthBufferStatus(DEPTH_CMP_ALWAYS_WRT_ON); } } void pie_DrawShadow(iIMDShape *shape, int flag, int flag_data, fVector* light) { int32 tempY; int i, n; iVector *pVertices; PIEPIXEL *pPixels; iIMDPoly *pPolys; VERTEXID *index; pVertices = shape->points; pPixels = scrPoints; for (i = 0; i < shape->npoints; i++, pVertices++, pPixels++) { tempY = pVertices->y; if (flag & pie_RAISE) { tempY = pVertices->y - flag_data; if (tempY < 0) tempY = 0; } else if (flag & pie_HEIGHT_SCALED) { if(pVertices->y>0) { tempY = (pVertices->y * flag_data)/pie_RAISE_SCALE; } } pPixels->d3dx = pVertices->x; pPixels->d3dy = tempY; pPixels->d3dz = pVertices->z; } pPolys = shape->polys; for (i = 0; i < shape->npolys; ++i, ++pPolys) { fVector p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, normal; index = pPolys->pindex; fVector_Set(&p1, scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); ++index; fVector_Set(&p2, scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); ++index; fVector_Set(&p3, scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); fVector_Sub(&v1, &p3, &p1); fVector_Sub(&v2, &p2, &p1); fVector_CP(&normal, &v1, &v2); if (fVector_SP(&normal, light) > 0) { if ( pPolys->flags & PIE_COLOURKEYED && pPolys->flags & PIE_NO_CULL) { VERTEXID i; glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); index = pPolys->pindex; glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); for (n = pPolys->npnts-1; n > 0; --n) { i = pPolys->pindex[n]; glVertex3f(scrPoints[i].d3dx, scrPoints[i].d3dy, scrPoints[i].d3dz); } glEnd(); } index = pPolys->pindex; glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (n = 0; n < pPolys->npnts; ++n, ++index) { glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx+light->x, scrPoints[*index].d3dy+light->y, scrPoints[*index].d3dz+light->z); glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); } index = pPolys->pindex; glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx+light->x, scrPoints[*index].d3dy+light->y, scrPoints[*index].d3dz+light->z); glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); } else { if ( pPolys->flags & PIE_COLOURKEYED && pPolys->flags & PIE_NO_CULL) { glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); index = pPolys->pindex; for (n = 0; n < pPolys->npnts; ++n, ++index) { glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); } glEnd(); } index = pPolys->pindex; glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); for (n = 0; n < pPolys->npnts; ++n, ++index) { glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx+light->x, scrPoints[*index].d3dy+light->y, scrPoints[*index].d3dz+light->z); } index = pPolys->pindex; glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx, scrPoints[*index].d3dy, scrPoints[*index].d3dz); glVertex3f(scrPoints[*index].d3dx+light->x, scrPoints[*index].d3dy+light->y, scrPoints[*index].d3dz+light->z); } glEnd(); } } void pie_CleanUp( void ) { free( tshapes ); free( scshapes ); } void pie_Draw3DShape(iIMDShape *shape, int frame, int team, UDWORD col, UDWORD spec, int pieFlag, int pieFlagData) { PIELIGHT colour, specular; float distance; pieCount++; // Fix for transparent buildings and features!! */ if( (pieFlag & pie_TRANSLUCENT) AND (pieFlagData>220) ) { pieFlag = pieFlagData = 0; // force to bilinear and non-transparent } // Fix for transparent buildings and features!! */ // WARZONE light as byte passed in colour so expand if (col <= MAX_UB_LIGHT) { colour.byte.a = 255;//no fog colour.byte.r = (UBYTE)col; colour.byte.g = (UBYTE)col; colour.byte.b = (UBYTE)col; } else { colour.argb = col; } specular.argb = spec; if (frame == 0) { frame = team; } if (drawing_interface || !shadows) { pie_Draw3DShape2(shape, frame, colour, specular, pieFlag, pieFlagData); } else { if (pieFlag & (pie_ADDITIVE | pie_TRANSLUCENT)) { if (tshapes_size <= nb_tshapes) { if (tshapes_size == 0) { tshapes_size = 64; tshapes = (transluscent_shape_t*)malloc(tshapes_size*sizeof(transluscent_shape_t)); memset( tshapes, 0, tshapes_size*sizeof(transluscent_shape_t) ); } else { unsigned int old_size = tshapes_size; tshapes_size <<= 1; tshapes = (transluscent_shape_t*)realloc(tshapes, tshapes_size*sizeof(transluscent_shape_t)); memset( &tshapes[old_size], 0, (tshapes_size-old_size)*sizeof(transluscent_shape_t) ); } } glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, tshapes[nb_tshapes].matrix); tshapes[nb_tshapes].shape = shape; tshapes[nb_tshapes].frame = frame; tshapes[nb_tshapes].colour = colour; tshapes[nb_tshapes].specular = specular; tshapes[nb_tshapes].flag = pieFlag; tshapes[nb_tshapes].flag_data = pieFlagData; nb_tshapes++; } else { if (scshapes_size <= nb_scshapes) { if (scshapes_size == 0) { scshapes_size = 64; scshapes = (shadowcasting_shape_t*)malloc(scshapes_size*sizeof(shadowcasting_shape_t)); memset( scshapes, 0, scshapes_size*sizeof(shadowcasting_shape_t) ); } else { unsigned int old_size = scshapes_size; scshapes_size <<= 1; scshapes = (shadowcasting_shape_t*)realloc(scshapes, scshapes_size*sizeof(shadowcasting_shape_t)); memset( &scshapes[old_size], 0, (scshapes_size-old_size)*sizeof(shadowcasting_shape_t) ); } } glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, scshapes[nb_scshapes].matrix); distance = scshapes[nb_scshapes].matrix[12]*scshapes[nb_scshapes].matrix[12]; distance += scshapes[nb_scshapes].matrix[13]*scshapes[nb_scshapes].matrix[13]; distance += scshapes[nb_scshapes].matrix[14]*scshapes[nb_scshapes].matrix[14]; // if object is too far in the fog don't generate a shadow. if (distance < 6000*6000) { scshapes[nb_scshapes].shape = shape; scshapes[nb_scshapes].flag = pieFlag; scshapes[nb_scshapes].flag_data = pieFlagData; nb_scshapes++; } pie_Draw3DShape2(shape, frame, colour, specular, pieFlag, pieFlagData); } } } void inverse_matrix(float* src, float * dst) { float det = src[0]*src[5]*src[10]+src[4]*src[9]*src[2]+src[8]*src[1]*src[6] -src[2]*src[5]*src[8]-src[6]*src[9]*src[0]-src[10]*src[1]*src[4]; float invdet = 1.0/det; dst[0] = invdet*(src[5]*src[10]-src[9]*src[6]); dst[1] = invdet*(src[9]*src[2]-src[1]*src[10]); dst[2] = invdet*(src[1]*src[6]-src[5]*src[2]); dst[3] = invdet*(src[8]*src[6]-src[4]*src[10]); dst[4] = invdet*(src[0]*src[10]-src[8]*src[2]); dst[5] = invdet*(src[4]*src[2]-src[0]*src[6]); dst[6] = invdet*(src[4]*src[9]-src[8]*src[5]); dst[7] = invdet*(src[8]*src[1]-src[0]*src[9]); dst[8] = invdet*(src[0]*src[5]-src[4]*src[1]); } void pie_DrawShadows() { static BOOL dlist_defined = FALSE; static GLuint dlist; unsigned int i; float l[4]; fVector light; float invmat[9]; float width = pie_GetVideoBufferWidth(); float height = pie_GetVideoBufferHeight(); glGetLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, l); pie_SetTexturePage(-1); glPushMatrix(); pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(FALSE); glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); if (stencil_one_pass()) { glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glStencilMask(~0); glActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_BACK); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR_WRAP_EXT); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 0, ~0); glActiveStencilFaceEXT(GL_FRONT); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR_WRAP_EXT); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 0, ~0); } else { if (!dlist_defined) { dlist = glGenLists(1); dlist_defined = TRUE; } // Setup stencil for back faces. glStencilMask(~0); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 0, ~0); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR); // Start display list. glNewList(dlist, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE); } for (i = 0; i < nb_scshapes; ++i) { glLoadIdentity(); glMultMatrixf(scshapes[i].matrix); inverse_matrix(scshapes[i].matrix, invmat); light.x = invmat[0]*l[0] + invmat[3]*l[1] + invmat[6]*l[2]; light.y = invmat[1]*l[0] + invmat[4]*l[1] + invmat[7]*l[2]; light.z = invmat[2]*l[0] + invmat[5]*l[1] + invmat[8]*l[2]; pie_DrawShadow(scshapes[i].shape, scshapes[i].flag, scshapes[i].flag_data, &light); } glEndList(); if (stencil_one_pass()) { glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT); } else { // End display list. glEndList(); // Setup stencil for front faces. glCullFace(GL_FRONT); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_DECR); // Draw display list glCallList(dlist); } glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP); glStencilMask(~0); glStencilFunc(GL_LESS, 0, ~0); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.5); pie_PerspectiveEnd(); glLoadIdentity(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); glVertex2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(width, 0); glVertex2f(0, height); glVertex2f(width, height); glEnd(); pie_PerspectiveBegin(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glPopMatrix(); nb_scshapes = 0; } void pie_DrawRemainingTransShapes() { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nb_tshapes; ++i) { glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glMultMatrixf(tshapes[i].matrix); pie_Draw3DShape2(tshapes[i].shape, tshapes[i].frame, tshapes[i].colour, tshapes[i].specular, tshapes[i].flag, tshapes[i].flag_data); glPopMatrix(); } nb_tshapes = 0; } void pie_RemainingPasses() { pie_DrawShadows(); pie_DrawRemainingTransShapes(); } /*************************************************************************** * pie_Drawimage * * General purpose blit function * Will support zbuffering, non_textured, coloured lighting and alpha effects * * replaces all ivis blit functions * ***************************************************************************/ //d3d loses edge pixels in triangle draw //this is a temporary correction that may become an option # define EDGE_CORRECTION 0 void pie_DrawImage(PIEIMAGE *image, PIERECT *dest, PIESTYLE *style) { /* Set transparent color to be 0 red, 0 green, 0 blue, 0 alpha */ polyCount++; pie_SetTexturePage(image->texPage); style->colour.argb = pie_GetColour(); style->specular.argb = 0x00000000; glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); glColor4ub(style->colour.byte.r, style->colour.byte.g, style->colour.byte.b, style->colour.byte.a); //set up 4 pie verts glTexCoord2f(image->tu, image->tv); glVertex2f(dest->x, dest->y); //pieVrts[0].sz = (SDWORD)INTERFACE_DEPTH; //pieVrts[0].specular.argb = style->specular.argb; glTexCoord2f(image->tu + image->tw + EDGE_CORRECTION, image->tv); glVertex2f(dest->x + dest->w + EDGE_CORRECTION, dest->y); //pieVrts[1].sz = (SDWORD)INTERFACE_DEPTH; //pieVrts[1].specular.argb = style->specular.argb; glTexCoord2f(image->tu, image->tv + image->th + EDGE_CORRECTION); glVertex2f(dest->x, dest->y + dest->h + EDGE_CORRECTION); //pieVrts[3].sz = (SDWORD)INTERFACE_DEPTH; //pieVrts[3].specular.argb = style->specular.argb; glTexCoord2f(image->tu + image->tw + EDGE_CORRECTION, image->tv + image->th + EDGE_CORRECTION); glVertex2f(dest->x + dest->w + EDGE_CORRECTION, dest->y + dest->h + EDGE_CORRECTION); //pieVrts[2].sz = (SDWORD)INTERFACE_DEPTH; //pieVrts[2].specular.argb = style->specular.argb; glEnd(); } /*************************************************************************** * pie_Drawimage270 * * General purpose blit function * Will support zbuffering, non_textured, coloured lighting and alpha effects * * replaces all ivis blit functions * ***************************************************************************/ void pie_DrawImage270(PIEIMAGE *image, PIERECT *dest, PIESTYLE *style) { PIELIGHT colour; polyCount++; pie_SetTexturePage(image->texPage); colour.argb = pie_GetColour(); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glColor4ub(colour.byte.r, colour.byte.g, colour.byte.b, colour.byte.a); glTexCoord2f(image->tu+image->tw+EDGE_CORRECTION, image->tv); glVertex2f(dest->x, dest->y); glTexCoord2f(image->tu+image->tw+EDGE_CORRECTION, image->tv+image->th+EDGE_CORRECTION); glVertex2f(dest->x+dest->h+EDGE_CORRECTION, dest->y); glTexCoord2f(image->tu, image->tv+image->th+EDGE_CORRECTION); glVertex2f(dest->x+dest->h+EDGE_CORRECTION, dest->y+dest->w+EDGE_CORRECTION); glTexCoord2f(image->tu, image->tv); glVertex2f(dest->x, dest->y+dest->w+EDGE_CORRECTION); glEnd(); } /*************************************************************************** * pie_DrawLine * * universal line function for hardware * * Assumes render mode set up externally * ***************************************************************************/ void pie_DrawLine(SDWORD x0, SDWORD y0, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1, UDWORD colour, BOOL bClip) { polyCount++; pie_SetTexturePage(-1); pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(FALSE); pie_SetColour(colour); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex3f(x0, y0, INTERFACE_DEPTH); glVertex3f(x1, y1, INTERFACE_DEPTH); glEnd(); } /*************************************************************************** * pie_DrawRect * * universal rectangle function for hardware * * Assumes render mode set up externally, draws filled rectangle * ***************************************************************************/ void pie_DrawRect(SDWORD x0, SDWORD y0, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1, UDWORD colour, BOOL bClip) { // SDWORD swap; PIELIGHT c; polyCount++; c.argb = colour; pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(FALSE); glColor4ub(c.byte.r, c.byte.g, c.byte.b, c.byte.a); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); glVertex2i(x0, y0); glVertex2i(x1, y0); glVertex2i(x0, y1); glVertex2i(x1, y1); glEnd(); } /*************************************************************************** * pie_PiePoly * * universal poly draw function for hardware * * Assumes render mode set up externally * ***************************************************************************/ static void pie_PiePoly(PIEPOLY *poly, BOOL light) { polyCount++; if (poly->nVrts >= 3) { if (poly->flags & PIE_COLOURKEYED) { pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(TRUE); } else { pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(FALSE); } pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(TRUE); if (poly->flags & PIE_NO_CULL) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); } pie_Polygon(poly->nVrts, poly->pVrts, 0.0, light); if (poly->flags & PIE_NO_CULL) { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); } } } static void pie_PiePolyFrame(PIEPOLY *poly, SDWORD frame, BOOL light) { int uFrame, vFrame, j, framesPerLine; if ((poly->flags & iV_IMD_TEXANIM) && (frame != 0)) { if (poly->pTexAnim != NULL) { if (poly->pTexAnim->nFrames >=0) { frame %= poly->pTexAnim->nFrames; } else { frame %= (-poly->pTexAnim->nFrames); } if (frame > 0) { // HACK - fix this!!!! framesPerLine = 256 / poly->pTexAnim->textureWidth; //should be framesPerLine = iV_TEXTEX(texPage)->width / poly->pTexAnim->textureWidth; vFrame = 0; while (frame >= framesPerLine) { frame -= framesPerLine; vFrame += poly->pTexAnim->textureHeight; } uFrame = frame * poly->pTexAnim->textureWidth; for (j=0; jnVrts; j++) { poly->pVrts[j].tu += uFrame; poly->pVrts[j].tv += vFrame; } } } } #ifndef NO_RENDER //draw with new texture data pie_PiePoly(poly, light); #endif } //old ivis style draw poly /*************************************************************************** * pie_IvisPoly * * optimised poly draw function for software * * Assumes render mode NOT set up externally * --- ***************************************************************************/ static void pie_IvisPoly(SDWORD texPage, iIMDPoly *poly, BOOL bClip) { polyCount++; if (poly->npnts >= 3) { SDWORD i; if (poly->flags & PIE_COLOURKEYED) { pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(TRUE); } else { pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(FALSE); } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); for (i = 0; i < poly->npnts; ++i) { glColor3ub(poly->vrt[i].g*16, poly->vrt[i].g*16, poly->vrt[i].g*16); glTexCoord2f(poly->vrt[i].u, poly->vrt[i].v); glVertex3f(poly->vrt[i].x, poly->vrt[i].y, poly->vrt[i].z); } glEnd(); } } static void pie_IvisPolyFrame(SDWORD texPage, iIMDPoly *poly, SDWORD frame, BOOL bClip) { int uFrame, vFrame, j, framesPerLine; polyCount++; if ((poly->flags & iV_IMD_TEXANIM) && (frame != 0)) { if (poly->pTexAnim != NULL) { if (poly->pTexAnim->nFrames >=0) { frame %= poly->pTexAnim->nFrames; } else //frame is colour key { frame %= (-poly->pTexAnim->nFrames); } if (frame > 0) { framesPerLine = iV_TEXTEX(texPage)->width / poly->pTexAnim->textureWidth; vFrame = 0; while (frame >= framesPerLine) { frame -= framesPerLine; vFrame += poly->pTexAnim->textureHeight; } uFrame = frame * poly->pTexAnim->textureWidth; // shift the textures for animation if (poly->flags & iV_IMD_TEXANIM) { for (j=0; jnpnts; j++) { poly->vrt[j].u += uFrame; poly->vrt[j].v += vFrame; } } } } } #ifndef NO_RENDER pie_IvisPoly(texPage, poly, bClip); #endif } /*************************************************************************** * * * ***************************************************************************/ //ivis style draw function void pie_DrawTriangle(iVertex *pv, iTexture* texPage, UDWORD renderFlags, iPoint *offset) { UDWORD i; glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { glColor4ub(pv[i].g*16, pv[i].g*16, pv[i].g*16, 255); glTexCoord2f(pv[i].u, pv[i].v); glVertex3f(pv[i].x, pv[i].y, pv[i].z); } glEnd(); } void pie_DrawFastTriangle(PIEVERTEX *v1, PIEVERTEX *v2, PIEVERTEX *v3, iTexture* texPage, int pieFlag, int pieFlagData ) { } void pie_DrawPoly(SDWORD numVrts, PIEVERTEX *aVrts, SDWORD texPage, void* psEffects) { FRACT offset = 0; /* Since this is only used from within source for the terrain draw - we can backface cull the polygons. */ tileCount++; pie_SetTexturePage(texPage); pie_SetFogStatus(TRUE); if (psEffects == NULL)//jps 15apr99 translucent water code { pie_SetRendMode(REND_GOURAUD_TEX);//jps 15apr99 old solid water code pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(TRUE); } else//jps 15apr99 translucent water code { pie_SetRendMode(REND_ALPHA_TEX);//jps 15apr99 old solid water code pie_SetColourKeyedBlack(FALSE); offset = *((float*)psEffects); } pie_SetBilinear(TRUE); if (numVrts >= 3) { pie_Polygon(numVrts, aVrts, offset, FALSE); } } //#ifdef NECROMANCER void pie_DrawTile(PIEVERTEX *pv0, PIEVERTEX *pv1, PIEVERTEX *pv2, PIEVERTEX *pv3, SDWORD texPage) { tileCount++; pie_SetRendMode(REND_GOURAUD_TEX); pie_SetTexturePage(texPage); pie_SetBilinear(TRUE); memcpy(&pieVrts[0],pv0,sizeof(PIEVERTEX)); memcpy(&pieVrts[1],pv1,sizeof(PIEVERTEX)); memcpy(&pieVrts[2],pv2,sizeof(PIEVERTEX)); memcpy(&pieVrts[3],pv3,sizeof(PIEVERTEX)); pie_Polygon(4, pieVrts, 0.0, TRUE); } //#endif void pie_GetResetCounts(SDWORD* pPieCount, SDWORD* pTileCount, SDWORD* pPolyCount, SDWORD* pStateCount) { *pPieCount = pieCount; *pTileCount = tileCount; *pPolyCount = polyCount; *pStateCount = pieStateCount; pieCount = 0; tileCount = 0; polyCount = 0; pieStateCount = 0; return; }