## this file must have the same pre-extension name as the script, plus .conf ## so if the script is 'texpage-convert.py', this file will not get read unless ## it is named 'texpage-convert.conf' ## for any directive expecting a file path or name as its value: whitespace ## (excluding end-of-lines) does matter, so leading or trailing spaces will ## be taken literally. any line beginning with a '#' character will be ignored. ## for everything else, the format is as follows: 'directive-name=value', with ## absolutely no spaces where not needed (if you use whitespace liberally, you ## might get lucky, but you won't be shown any mercy). any directive omitted or ## left commented will cause this script to use sensible defaults. in very few ## cases, leaving a directive's value blank will cause coded defaults to be ## used ## the path that the imagemagick commandline utilities reside in. leave it ## blank or commented for autodetection via the PATH variable. set this only ## if you are having problems. #imagemagick-path= ## a set of resolution-specific directories will be created here for each valid ## input file. if your mod's files are in "c:\mymod" or "/home/me/mymod/" it ## would be sensible to set this to "c:\mymod\texpages" or ## "/home/me/mymod/texpages/", respectively, which would allow for quick ## packaging of a wz archive. ending the pathname with a / or \ is optional but ## not required. both relative and absolute pathnames are supported. defaults ## to '.' (same directory as this script). #export-path= ## input texpages as well as radar texpages will be searched for in this ## directory. if left blank, it will default to the current working directory, ## which will usually be the directory this script resides in. this conf file ## will always be searched for in the same directory as the script itself. #import-path= ## a file in the current directory with one of these endings will be processed ## defualts to '.png .pcx .tga' if not specified. order is not important. #extensions=.tga ## these are the tile-resolutions to output. an input file will be ignored if ## the tile-resolution is not listed here. warzone only supports power-of-two ## resolutions. defaults to '16 32 64 128'. make sure that *only* numerical ## digits and spaces exist after the equal-sign, or the script will abort. #resolutions=16 32 64 128 ## these choose the imagemagick scaling filter to use whenever the tile ## resolution is increased or decreased. a value of 'default' will cause the ## imagemagick default to be used. filter-increase uses the 'Point' filter by ## default, and filter-decrease uses the imagemagick default unless otherwise ## specified. available filters can be found at: ## http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#filter filter-increase=Point #filter-decrease= ## if specified, all script output to stdout after this file has been parsed ## will be redirected to the specified filename. notably useful for windows ## users encountering problems log=log.txt ## not to be used lightly, if changed from its default of 9, correct warzone ## texpages will either not load or will load incorrectly. if you are creating ## new tertile pages, then stick with the standard, and make the image exactly ## wide enough to hold 9 tiles. must be an integer or the script will abort. #columns=9