/* * autorevision - a tool to incorporate Subversion revisions into binary builds * Copyright (C) 2005 Thomas Denk * Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Wise * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Giel van Schijndel * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Warzone Resurrection Project * * This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Nicely taken from: * Revision: 3543 * Id: autorevision.cpp 3543 2007-01-27 00:25:43Z daniel2000 * HeadURL: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/codeblocks/trunk/src/build_tools/autorevision/autorevision.cpp * * $Revision$ * $Id$ * $HeadURL$ */ #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #if !defined(SAG_COM) && (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #define NOGDI #include inline void set_env(const char* k, const char* v) { SetEnvironmentVariableA(k, v); }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #define popen _popen #define pclose _pclose #endif #else #include #include #include inline void set_env(const char* k, const char* v) { setenv(k, v, 1); }; #endif template class assign_once : public T { public: assign_once() : _assigned(false) {} assign_once(const T& data) : T(data), _assigned(false) {} const assign_once& operator=(const T& data) { if (!_assigned) { T::operator=(data); _assigned = true; } return *this; } const assign_once set_default(const T& data) { if (!_assigned) T::operator=(data); return *this; } private: bool _assigned; }; struct RevisionInformation { RevisionInformation() : wc_modified(false), wc_switched(false) {} assign_once low_revision; assign_once revision; assign_once date; /// working copy root, e.g. trunk, branches/2.0, etc. assign_once wc_uri; bool wc_modified; bool wc_switched; }; /** Abstract base class for classes that extract revision information. * Most of these will extract this revision information from a Subversion * working copy. * * This class utilizes the "Chain of Responsibility" pattern to delegate tasks * that the current concrete class cannot perform to another, succesive, * subclass. */ class RevisionExtractor { public: /** Constructor * \param s successor of this instantation. If this instantation fails * retrieving the revision, the successor pointed to by \c s, * will attempt to do it instead. */ RevisionExtractor(RevisionExtractor* s = NULL) : _successor(s) {} virtual ~RevisionExtractor() {} /** This function will perform the actual work of extracting the * revision information. * * RevisionExtractor::extractRevision can be used by subclasses to * delegate the task to its successor if it cannot succeed itself. * * For that purpose simply use a line like: * "return extractRevision(revision, date, wc_uri);" */ virtual bool extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info) = 0; private: // Declare the pointer itself const; not whatever it points to RevisionExtractor* const _successor; }; bool RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info) { if (_successor) return _successor->extractRevision(rev_info); return false; } class RevSVNVersionQuery : public RevisionExtractor { public: RevSVNVersionQuery(const std::string& workingDir, RevisionExtractor* s = NULL) : RevisionExtractor(s), _workingDir(workingDir) {} virtual bool extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info); private: const std::string _workingDir; }; class RevSVNQuery : public RevisionExtractor { public: RevSVNQuery(const std::string& workingDir, RevisionExtractor* s = NULL) : RevisionExtractor(s), _workingDir(workingDir) {} virtual bool extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info); private: const std::string _workingDir; }; class RevFileParse : public RevisionExtractor { public: RevFileParse(const std::string& docFile, RevisionExtractor* s = NULL) : RevisionExtractor(s), _docFile(docFile) {} virtual bool extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info); private: const std::string _docFile; }; class RevGitSVNQuery : public RevisionExtractor { public: RevGitSVNQuery(const std::string& workingDir, RevisionExtractor* s = NULL) : RevisionExtractor(s), _workingDir(workingDir) {} virtual bool extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info); private: bool FindRev(const char* cmd, std::string& str) const; private: const std::string _workingDir; }; class RevConfigFile : public RevisionExtractor { public: RevConfigFile(const std::string& configFile, RevisionExtractor* s = NULL) : RevisionExtractor(s), _configFile(configFile) {} virtual bool extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info); private: const std::string _configFile; }; bool WriteOutput(const string& outputFile, const RevisionInformation& rev_info); int main(int argc, char** argv); static bool do_int = false; static bool do_std = false; static bool do_cstr = false; static bool do_wx = false; static bool do_translate = false; static bool be_verbose = false; int main(int argc, char** argv) { string outputFile; string workingDir; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if(strcmp("+int", argv[i]) == 0) do_int = true; else if(strcmp("+std", argv[i]) == 0) do_std = true; else if(strcmp("+cstr", argv[i]) == 0) do_cstr = true; else if(strcmp("+wx", argv[i]) == 0) do_wx = true; else if(strcmp("+t", argv[i]) == 0) do_translate = true; else if(strcmp("-v", argv[i]) == 0) be_verbose = true; else if(workingDir.empty()) workingDir.assign(argv[i]); else if(outputFile.empty()) outputFile.assign(argv[i]); else break; } if (workingDir.empty()) { cout << "Usage: autorevision [options] directory [autorevision.h]\n" << "Options:\n" << " +int assign const unsigned int\n" << " +std assign const std::string\n" << " +cstr assign const char[]\n" << " +wx assing const wxString\n" << " +t add Unicode translation macros to strings\n" << " -v be verbose\n"; return 1; } if(outputFile.empty()) outputFile = "autorevision.h"; RevConfigFile revRetr4(workingDir + "/autorevision.conf"); RevFileParse revRetr3(workingDir + "/_svn/entries", &revRetr4); RevFileParse revRetr2(workingDir + "/.svn/entries", &revRetr3); RevGitSVNQuery revRetr2_1(workingDir, &revRetr2); RevSVNQuery revRetr1(workingDir, &revRetr2_1); RevSVNVersionQuery revRetr(workingDir, &revRetr1); // Strings to extract Subversion information we want into RevisionInformation rev_info; if (!revRetr.extractRevision(rev_info) || rev_info.revision == "") { cerr << "Error: failed retrieving version information.\n" << "Warning: using 0 as revision.\n"; rev_info.revision = "0"; } if (rev_info.date == "") rev_info.date = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; WriteOutput(outputFile, rev_info); return 0; } bool removeAfterNewLine(string& str) { // Find a newline and erase everything that comes after it string::size_type lbreak_pos = str.find_first_of("\r\n"); if (lbreak_pos != string::npos) str.erase(lbreak_pos); return !str.empty(); } bool RevSVNVersionQuery::extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info) { string svncmd("svnversion " + _workingDir); set_env("LANG", "C"); set_env("LC_ALL", "C"); FILE* svn_version = popen(svncmd.c_str(), "r"); if (!svn_version) return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); char buf[1024]; string line; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), svn_version)) { line.assign(buf); removeAfterNewLine(line); std::string::size_type char_pos = line.find(':'); if (char_pos != string::npos) // If a colon is present svnversion's output is as follows: // "XXXX:YYYYMS". X represents the low revision, Y the high revision, // M the working copy's modification state, and S the switch state. { rev_info.low_revision = line.substr(0, char_pos); line.erase(0, char_pos + 1); } if (line.find("exported") != string::npos) { pclose(svn_version); return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); } char_pos = line.find('M'); if (char_pos != string::npos) { rev_info.wc_modified = true; line.erase(char_pos, 1); } char_pos = line.find('S'); if (char_pos != string::npos) { rev_info.wc_switched = true; line.erase(char_pos, 1); } rev_info.revision = line; } pclose(svn_version); // The working copy URI still needs to be extracted. "svnversion" cannot // help us with that task, so delegate that task to another link in the // chain of responsibility. return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); } bool RevSVNQuery::extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info) { string svncmd("svn info " + _workingDir); set_env("LANG", "C"); set_env("LC_ALL", "C"); FILE *svn = popen(svncmd.c_str(), "r"); if(!svn) return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); char buf[1024]; string line, wc_repo_root; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), svn)) { line.assign(buf); if(line.find("Revision: ") != string::npos) { rev_info.revision = line.substr(strlen("Revision: ")); removeAfterNewLine(rev_info.revision); } if(line.find("Last Changed Date: ") != string::npos) { rev_info.date = line.substr(strlen("Last Changed Date: "), strlen("2006-01-01 12:34:56")); } if (line.find("Repository Root: ") != string::npos) { wc_repo_root = line.substr(strlen("Repository Root: ")); removeAfterNewLine(wc_repo_root); } if (line.find("URL: ") != string::npos) { rev_info.wc_uri = line.substr(strlen("URL: ")); removeAfterNewLine(rev_info.wc_uri); } } pclose(svn); if (rev_info.wc_uri.find(wc_repo_root) != string::npos) { rev_info.wc_uri.erase(0, wc_repo_root.length() + 1); // + 1 to remove the prefixed slash also } if (rev_info.revision == "") return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); return true; } bool RevFileParse::extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info) { string token[6]; ifstream inFile(_docFile.c_str()); if (!inFile || !inFile.is_open()) { cerr << "Warning: could not open input file.\n" << " This does not seem to be a revision controlled project.\n"; return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); } unsigned int c = 0; // Read in the first entry's data (represents the current directory's entry) while(!inFile.eof() && c < 6) inFile >> token[c++]; // The third non-empty line (zero-index) from the start contains the revision number rev_info.revision = token[2]; // The fourth non-empty line from the start contains the working copy URL. The fifth // non-empty line contains the repository root, which is the part of the working // copy URL we're not interested in. rev_info.wc_uri = token[3].substr(token[4].length() + 1); // + 1 to remove the prefixed slash also // The sixth non-empty line from the start contains the revision date rev_info.date = token[5].substr(0, strlen("2006-01-01T12:34:56")); // Set the 11th character from a 'T' to a space (' ') rev_info.date[10] = ' '; return true; } static string GetWorkingDir() { #if !defined(SAG_COM) && (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)) // Determine the required buffer size to contain the current directory const DWORD curDirSize = GetCurrentDirectoryA(0, NULL); // GetCurrentDirectoryA returns zero only on an error if (curDirSize == 0) return string(); // Create a buffer of the required size // @note: We're using a dynamically allocated array here, instead of a // variably sized array, because MSVC doesn't support variably sized // arrays. char* curDir = new char[curDirSize]; // Retrieve the current directory GetCurrentDirectoryA(curDirSize, curDir); // Return the current directory as a STL string string cwd(curDir); delete [] curDir; return cwd; #else size_t curDirSize = PATH_MAX; char* curDir = new char[curDirSize]; // Retrieve the current working directory if (!getcwd(curDir, curDirSize)) if (errno == ERANGE) { delete [] curDir; curDirSize *= 2; curDir = new char[curDirSize]; if (!getcwd(curDir, curDirSize)) { curDir[0] = '\0'; } } else { curDir[0] = '\0'; } string cwd(curDir); delete [] curDir; return cwd; #endif } static bool ChangeDir(const string& dir) { #if !defined(SAG_COM) && (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)) return (SetCurrentDirectoryA(dir.c_str()) != 0); #else return (chdir(dir.c_str()) == 0); #endif } bool RevGitSVNQuery::FindRev(const char* cmd, std::string& str) const { const string cwd(GetWorkingDir()); if (!ChangeDir(_workingDir)) return false; set_env("LANG", "C"); set_env("LC_ALL", "C"); FILE *gitsvn = popen(cmd, "r"); // Change directories back ChangeDir(cwd); if (!gitsvn) return false; char buf[1024]; const char* retval = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), gitsvn); pclose(gitsvn); if (!retval) return false; str.assign(buf); return true; } bool RevGitSVNQuery::extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info) { string revision; if (!FindRev("git-svn find-rev HEAD", revision) || !removeAfterNewLine(revision)) { // If we got here it means that the current HEAD of git is no SVN // revision, which means that there are changes compared to whatever // SVN revision we originate from. std::string gitrevision; // Retrieve the most recently used git revision that's still from SVN if (!FindRev("git-rev-list --max-count=1 --grep='git-svn-id: ' HEAD", gitrevision) // Match it up with a subversion revision number || !FindRev(("git-svn find-rev " + gitrevision).c_str(), revision)) return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); removeAfterNewLine(revision); rev_info.revision = revision; rev_info.wc_modified = true; } else { rev_info.revision = revision; if (system(NULL)) { // This command will return without success if the working copy is // changed, wether checked into index or not. rev_info.wc_modified = system("git-diff --quiet HEAD"); } } return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); } bool RevConfigFile::extractRevision(RevisionInformation& rev_info) { ifstream inFile(_configFile.c_str()); if (!inFile || !inFile.is_open()) return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); bool done_stuff = false; while (!inFile.eof()) { // Read a line from the file std::string line; inFile >> line; removeAfterNewLine(line); if (line.compare(0, strlen("low_revision="), "low_revision=") == 0) { rev_info.low_revision = line.substr(strlen("low_revision=")); done_stuff = true; } else if (line.compare(0, strlen("revision="), "revision=") == 0) { rev_info.revision = line.substr(strlen("revision=")); done_stuff = true; } else if (line.compare(0, strlen("date="), "date=") == 0) { rev_info.date = line.substr(strlen("date=")); done_stuff = true; } else if (line.compare(0, strlen("wc_uri="), "wc_uri=") == 0) { rev_info.wc_uri = line.substr(strlen("wc_uri=")); done_stuff = true; } else if (line.compare(0, strlen("wc_modified="), "wc_modified=") == 0) { std::string bool_val = line.substr(strlen("wc_modified=")); if (bool_val.find("true") != std::string::npos || bool_val.find('1') != std::string::npos) rev_info.wc_modified = true; else rev_info.wc_modified = false; done_stuff = true; } else if (line.compare(0, strlen("wc_switched="), "wc_switched=") == 0) { std::string bool_val = line.substr(strlen("wc_switched=")); if (bool_val.find("true") != std::string::npos || bool_val.find('1') != std::string::npos) rev_info.wc_switched = true; else rev_info.wc_switched = false; done_stuff = true; } } if (done_stuff) return true; else return RevisionExtractor::extractRevision(rev_info); } bool WriteOutput(const string& outputFile, const RevisionInformation& rev_info) { std::stringstream comment_str; comment_str << "/*"; if (!rev_info.low_revision.empty() && rev_info.low_revision != rev_info.revision) comment_str << rev_info.low_revision << ":"; comment_str << rev_info.revision; if (rev_info.wc_modified) comment_str << "M"; if (rev_info.wc_switched) comment_str << "S"; comment_str << "*/"; string comment(comment_str.str()); // Check whether this file already contains the correct revision date. Don't // modify it if it does, we don't want to go messing with it's timestamp for // no gain. { ifstream in(outputFile.c_str()); if (!in.bad() && !in.eof() && in.is_open()) { string old; in >> old; if(old == comment) { if(be_verbose) cout << "Revision unchanged (" << rev_info.revision << "). Skipping.\n" << "old = \"" << old.substr(2, old.length() - 4) << "\"; new = \"" << comment.substr(2, comment.length() - 4) << "\"\n"; return false; } } } ofstream header(outputFile.c_str()); if(!header.is_open()) { cerr << "Error: Could not open output file."; return false; } header << comment << "\n" "#ifndef AUTOREVISION_H\n" "#define AUTOREVISION_H\n" "\n" "\n" "#ifndef SVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC\n" "#define SVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "\n"; if(do_std) header << "#include \n"; if(do_wx) header << "#include \n"; header << "\n#define SVN_LOW_REV " << (rev_info.low_revision.empty() ? rev_info.revision : rev_info.low_revision) << "\n#define SVN_LOW_REV_STR \"" << (rev_info.low_revision.empty() ? rev_info.revision : rev_info.low_revision) << "\"" << "\n#define SVN_REV " << rev_info.revision << "\n#define SVN_REV_STR \"" << rev_info.revision << "\"" << "\n#define SVN_DATE \"" << rev_info.date << "\"" << "\n#define SVN_URI \"" << rev_info.wc_uri << "\"\n"; header << "\n#define SVN_WC_MODIFIED " << rev_info.wc_modified << "\n#define SVN_WC_SWITCHED " << rev_info.wc_switched << "\n\n"; // Open namespace if(do_int || do_std || do_wx) header << "namespace autorevision\n{\n"; if(do_int) header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const unsigned int svn_low_revision = " << rev_info.low_revision << ";\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const unsigned int svn_revision = " << rev_info.revision << ";\n"; if(do_std) header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const std::string svn_low_revision_s(\"" << rev_info.low_revision << "\");\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const std::string svn_revision_s(\"" << rev_info.revision << "\");\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const std::string svn_date_s(\"" << rev_info.date << "\");\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const std::string svn_uri_s(\"" << rev_info.wc_uri << "\");\n"; if(do_cstr) header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const char svn_low_revision_cstr[] = \"" << rev_info.low_revision << "\";\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const char svn_revision_cstr[] = \"" << rev_info.revision << "\";\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const char svn_date_cstr[] = \"" << rev_info.date << "\";\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const char svn_uri_cstr[] = \"" << rev_info.wc_uri << "\";\n"; if(do_wx) { header << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const wxString svnLowRevision("; if(do_translate) header << "wxT"; header << "(\"" << rev_info.low_revision << "\"));\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const wxString svnRevision("; if(do_translate) header << "wxT"; header << "(\"" << rev_info.revision << "\"));\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const wxString svnDate("; if(do_translate) header << "wxT"; header << "(\"" << rev_info.date << "\"));\n" << "\tSVN_AUTOREVISION_STATIC const wxString svnUri("; if(do_translate) header << "wxT"; header << "(\"" << rev_info.wc_uri << "\"));\n"; } // Terminate/close namespace if(do_int || do_std || do_wx) header << "}\n\n"; header << "\n\n#endif\n"; return true; }