WARZONE2100(6) ============== :doctype: manpage NAME ---- warzone2100 - 3D real time strategy game SYNOPSIS -------- *warzone2100* ['OPTIONS'] DESCIPTION ---------- This manual page documents briefly the warzone2100 command. Warzone 2100 is a 3D science fiction real time strategy game. OPTIONS ------- Note: In contrast to older versions option parameters need a '=', space doesn't work anymore. *--cheat*:: Run in cheat mode. *--datadir*='DIR':: Set default datadir to 'DIR'. *--debug*='FLAG':: Show debug for 'FLAG', use this several times for several flags. Useful flags include 'wz', '3d', 'sound', 'video'. 'all' gives all of that and much more. *--debugfile*='FILE':: Log debug output in 'FILE'. *--fullscreen*:: Play in fullscreen mode. *--help*:: Show help and exit. *--mod*='MOD':: Enable global mod 'MOD'. *--mod_ca*='MOD':: Enable campaign only mod 'MOD'. *--mod_mp*='MOD':: Enable multiplay only mod 'MOD'. *--savegame*='NAME':: Load a saved game 'NAME' (needs to include the .gam extension). *--window*:: Play in windowed mode. *--version*:: Output version info and exit. *--resolution*='WIDTHxHEIGHT':: Run at 'WIDTH' times 'HEIGHT' screen resolution. This needs to be a resolution supported by your X server. *--(no)shadows*:: Toggle the shadows. *--(no)sound*:: Toggle the sound. The fullscreen/window, resolution, sound, and shadows settings are stored, so they only need to be specified once, or when you want to change them. EXAMPLES -------- 'warzone2100 --fullscreen --resolution=800x600':: Run in full screen at 800x600 screen resolution. 'warzone2100 --window --resolution=800x600':: Run in a window at 800x600 screen resolution. 'warzone2100':: Run the game, with the last used resolution, fullscreen/window, sound and shadow settings. AUTHORS ------- See the copyright file included in the package. This manual page was originally written by Linas Zvirblis <0x0007@gmail.com> for the Debian project, and modified by the Warzone project.