include $(MAKERULES)/ # Check for unset config ifeq ($(strip $(VERSION)),) $(error You must set VERSION in $(MAKERULES)/ else $(info VERSION set to $(VERSION)) endif ifeq ($(strip $(PLATFORM)),) $(error You must set PLATFORM in $(MAKERULES)/ else $(info PLATFORM set to $(PLATFORM)) endif ifeq ($(strip $(MODE)),) $(error You must set MODE in $(MAKERULES)/ else $(info MODE set to $(MODE)) endif ifeq ($(strip $(DEVDIR)),) $(error You must set DEVDIR in $(MAKERULES)/ else $(info DEVDIR set to $(DEVDIR)) endif ifeq ($(strip $(BISON)),) $(error You must set BISON in $(MAKERULES)/ else $(info BISON is set to $(BISON)) endif ifeq ($(strip $(FLEX)),) $(error You must set FLEX in $(MAKERULES)/ else $(info FLEX is set to $(FLEX)) endif ifneq ($(strip $(INSTALLER)),) ifeq ($(strip $(MAKENSIS)),) $(error You must set MAKENSIS in $(MAKERULES)/ else $(info MAKENSIS is set to $(MAKENSIS)) endif endif # Setup paths and static values CFLAGS+=-std=c99 -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" -DYY_STATIC -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(LOCALEDIR)\" -DPACKAGE=\"$(PACKAGE)\" -I.. -I../.. -I$(DEVDIR)/include/SDL -I$(DEVDIR)/include/libpng12 -I$(DEVDIR)/include CXXFLAGS+=$(CFLAGS) LDFLAGS+=-L$(DEVDIR)/lib # Setup build environment with config values ifeq ($(strip $(MODE)),debug) CFLAGS+=-g -O0 -DDEBUG -Wall -Werror-implicit-function-declaration CXXFLAGS+=-g -O0 -DDEBUG -Wall else CFLAGS+=-DNDEBUG CXXFLAGS+=-DNDEBUG endif ifeq ($(strip $(USE_GETTEXT)),yes) CFLAGS+=-DENABLE_NLS=1 endif ifeq ($(strip $(PLATFORM)),windows) DIRSEP=\\ RMF=del /F EXEEXT=.exe AR=ar CC=gcc WINDRES=windres CFLAGS+=-mwindows -DWIN32 CXXFLAGS+=-mwindows -DWIN32 LDFLAGS+=-lmingw32 -lSDLmain else ifeq ($(strip $(PLATFORM)),mingw32) DIRSEP=/ RMF=rm -f EXEEXT=.exe AR=mingw32-ar CC=mingw32-gcc WINDRES=mingw32-windres CFLAGS+=-mwindows -DWIN32 CXXFLAGS+=-mwindows -DWIN32 LDFLAGS+=-lmingw32 -lSDLmain else DIRSEP=/ RMF=rm -f EXEEXT= AR=ar CC=gcc WINDRES= endif endif # Generic libs LDFLAGS+=-lSDL -lSDL_net -lpng -lphysfs -lz -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg -lpopt -lintl # Additional platform-dependend libs ifeq ($(strip $(PLATFORM)),windows) LDFLAGS+=-lGLC -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lopenal32 -ldbghelp -lshfolder -lwinmm -lwsock32 else ifeq ($(strip $(PLATFORM)),mingw32) LDFLAGS+=-lglc32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lopenal32 -ldbghelp -lshfolder -lwinmm -lwsock32 else LDFLAGS+=-lGLC -lGLU -lGL -lopenal endif endif # Additionaly link against the deps of our deps LDFLAGS+=-liconv -lz -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lexpat include $(MAKERULES)/